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Implementieren Sie die MySQL-Klasse mit Lese-/Schreib-Trennfunktion basierend auf PHP

2018-06-01 16:08:521266Durchsuche




1. 根据sql语句判断是连接读库还是写库
2. 链式调用$this->where()->get()
3. 不同的主机对应不同的实例, 不再多次new


class DBRWmysql
  private static $Instance = null;
  private $links = array();//链接数组
  private $link = null; //当前连接
  public $dbType = &#39;read&#39;;
  public $_host=&#39;&#39;; //数据库所在主机名
  public $_database = &#39;&#39;;//当前数据库名
  public $_tablename = &#39;&#39;;//当前表的表名
  public $_dt =&#39;&#39;;//database.tablename
  public $isRelease = 0; //查询完成后是否释放
  public $fields = &#39;*&#39;;
  public $arrWhere = [];
  public $order = &#39;&#39;;
  public $arrOrder = [];
  public $limit = &#39;&#39;;
  public $sql = &#39;&#39;;
  public $rs;//结果集
  private function __construct($database=&#39;&#39;, $tablename=&#39;&#39;, $isRelease=0)
    $this->_database = $database;//database name
    $this->_tablename = $tablename;//table name
    $this->_dt = "`{$this->_database}`.`{$this->_tablename}`";
    $this->isRelease = $isRelease;
  public static function getInstance($database=&#39;&#39;, $tablename=&#39;&#39;, $isRelease=0)
    if (self::$Instance == null) {
      self::$Instance = new DBRWmysql($database, $tablename, $isRelease);
    self::$Instance->_database = $database;
    self::$Instance->_tablename = $tablename;
    self::$Instance->_dt    = "`{$database}`.`{$tablename}`";
    self::$Instance->isRelease = $isRelease;
    return self::$Instance;
  //type == &#39;write&#39;或&#39;read&#39;
  public function getLink($type)
    $this->dbType = $$type;
    $dbConfig = DBConfig::$$type;
    $randKey = array_rand($dbConfig);
    $config = $dbConfig[$randKey];
    $host = $config[&#39;host&#39;];
    $username = $config[&#39;username&#39;];
    $password = $config[&#39;password&#39;];
    if (empty($this->links[$host])) {
      $this->_host = $host;
      $this->links[$host] = new mysqli($host, $username, $password);
      if($this->links[$host]->connect_error) {
    $this->link = $this->links[$host];
    $this->link->query("set names utf8mb4;"); //支持emoji表情
    $this->link->query("use {$this->_database};");
  public function getCurrentLinks()
    return $this->links;
  public function __destruct()
    foreach ($this->links as $v) {
  public function query($sql)
    $this->sql = $sql;
    if (strpos($sql, &#39;select&#39;) !== false) {
    } else {
    $this->rs = $this->link->query($sql);
    ($this->rs === false) && $this->error(&#39;sql error: &#39;.$sql.PHP_EOL.$this->link->error);
    //查询完成后释放链接, 并删除链接对象
    if ($this->isRelease) {
    return $this->rs;
  public function insert($arrData)
    foreach ($arrData as $key=>$value) {
      $fields[] = $key;
      $values[] = "&#39;".$value."&#39;";
      // $fields[] = &#39;`&#39;.$key.&#39;`&#39;;
      // $values[] = "&#39;".$value."&#39;";
    $strFields = implode(&#39;,&#39;, $fields);
    $strValues = implode(&#39;,&#39;, $values);
    $sql = "insert into {$this->_dt} ($strFields) values ($strValues)";
    $insert_id = $this->link->insert_id;
    return $insert_id;
  public function replace($arrData)
    foreach ($arrData as $key=>$value) {
      $fields[] = $key;
      $values[] = "&#39;{$value}&#39;";
    $strFields = implode(&#39;,&#39;, $fields);
    $strValues = implode(&#39;,&#39;, $values);
    $sql = "replace into {$this->_dt} ($strFields) values ($strValues)";
    return $this->link->insert_id;
  public function insertm($arrFields, $arrData)
    foreach ($arrFields as $v) {
      // $fields[] = "`{$v}`";
      $fields[] = $v;
    foreach ($arrData as $v) {
      $data[] = &#39;(&#39;.implode(&#39;,&#39;, $v).&#39;)&#39;;
    $strFields = implode(&#39;,&#39;, $fields);
    $strData = implode(&#39;,&#39;, $data);
    $sql = "insert into {$this->_dt} ($strFields) values {$strData}";
    return $this->link->insert_id;
  public function delete()
    $where = $this->getWhere();
    $limit = $this->getLimit();
    $sql = " delete from {$this->_dt} {$where} {$limit}";
    return $this->link->affected_rows;
  public function update($data)
    $where = $this->getWhere();
    $arrSql = array();
    foreach ($data as $key=>$value) {
      $arrSql[] = "{$key}=&#39;{$value}&#39;";
    $strSql = implode(&#39;,&#39;, $arrSql);
    $sql = "update {$this->_dt} set {$strSql} {$where} {$this->limit}";
    return $this->link->affected_rows;
  public function getCount()
    $where = $this->getWhere();
    $sql = " select count(1) as n from {$this->_dt} {$where} ";
    $resault = $this->query($sql);
    ($resault===false) && $this->error(&#39;getCount error: &#39;.$sql);
    $arrRs = $this->rsToArray($resault);
    $num = array_shift($arrRs);
    return $num[&#39;n&#39;];
  public function rsToArray($field = &#39;&#39;)
    $arrRs = $this->rs->fetch_all(MYSQLI_ASSOC); //该函数只能用于php的mysqlnd驱动
    if ($field) {
      $arrResult = [];
      foreach ($arrRs as $v) {
        $arrResult[$v[$field]] = $v;
      return $arrResult;
    return $arrRs;
  public function qw($strFields)
    $strFields = preg_replace(&#39;#\s+#&#39;, &#39; &#39;, $strFields);
    $arrNewFields = explode(&#39; &#39;, $strFields );
    $arrNewFields = array_filter($arrNewFields);
    foreach ($arrNewFields as $k => $v) {

      $arrNewFields[$k]= &#39;`&#39;.$v.&#39;`&#39;;
    return implode(&#39;,&#39;, $arrNewFields);
  public function getInsertData($strData)
    // $bmap = "jingdu,$jingdu weidu,$weidu content,$content";
  //select in
  //arrData 整数数组,最好是整数
  public function select_in($key, $arrData, $fields=&#39;&#39;)
    $fields = $fields ? $fields : &#39;*&#39;;
    $len = count($arrData);
    $cur = 0;
    $pre = $arrData[0];
    $new = array(&#39;0&#39; => array($arrData[0]));
    for ($i = 1; $i < $len; $i++) {
      if (($arrData[$i] - $pre) == 1 ) {
        $new[$cur][] = $arrData[$i];
      } else {
        $cur = $i;
        $new[$cur][] = $arrData[$i];
      $pre = $arrData[$i];
    $arrSql = array();
    foreach ($new as $v) {
      $len = count($v) - 1;
      if ($len) {
        $s = $v[0];
        $e = end($v);
        $sql = "(select $fields from {$this->_dt} where $key between $s and $e)";
      } else {
        $s = $v[0];
        $sql = "(select $fields from {$this->_dt} where $key = $s)";
      $arrSql[] = $sql;
    $strUnion = implode(&#39; UNION ALL &#39;, $arrSql);
    $res = $this->query($strUnion);
    return $this->rstoarray($res);
  //where in
  public function setWhereIn($key, $arrData)
    if (empty($arrData)) {
      $str = "(`{$key}` in (&#39;0&#39;))";
      return $str;
    foreach ($arrData as &$v) {
      $v = "&#39;{$v}&#39;";
    $str = implode(&#39;,&#39;, $arrData);
    $str = "(`{$key}` in ( {$str} ))";
    return $this;
  //where in
  public function setWhere($arrData)
    if (empty($arrData)) {
      return &#39;&#39;;
    foreach ($arrData as $k => $v) {
      $str = "(`{$k}` = &#39;{$v}&#39;)";
    return $this;
  //between and
  public function setWhereBetween($key, $min, $max)
    $str = "(`{$key}` between &#39;{$min}&#39; and &#39;{$max}&#39;)";
    return $this;
  //where a>b
  public function setWhereBT($key, $value)
    $str = "(`{$key}` > &#39;{$value}&#39;)";
    return $this;
  //where a<b
  public function setWhereLT($key, $value)
    $str = "(`{$key}` < &#39;{$value}&#39;)";
    return $this;
  public function addWhere($where)
    $this->arrWhere[] = $where;
  public function getWhere()
    if (empty($this->arrWhere)) {
      return &#39;where 1&#39;;
    } else {
      return &#39;where &#39;.implode(&#39; and &#39;, $this->arrWhere);
  public function setFields($fields)
    $this->fields = $fields;
    return $this;
  // order by a desc
  public function setOrder($order)
    $this->arrOrder[] = $order;
    return $this;
  public function getOrder()
    if (empty($this->arrOrder)) {
      return &#39;&#39;;
    } else {
      $str = implode(&#39;,&#39;, $this->arrOrder);
      $this->order = "order by {$str}";
    return $this->order;
  //e.g. &#39;0, 10&#39;
  //用limit的时候可以加where条件优化:select ... where id > 1234 limit 0, 10
  public function setLimit($limit)
    $this->limit = &#39;limit &#39;.$limit;
    return $this;
  //直接查询sql语句, 返回数组格式
  public function arrQuery($sql, $field=&#39;&#39;)
    ($this->rs===false) && $this->error(&#39;select error: &#39;.$sql);
    return $this->rsToArray($field);
  //如果 $field 不为空, 则返回的结果以该字段的值为索引
  public function get($field=&#39;&#39;)
    $where = $this->getWhere();
    $order = $this->getOrder();
    $sql = " select {$this->fields} from {$this->_dt} {$where} {$order} {$this->limit} ";
    return $this->arrQuery($sql, $field);
  public function getOne()
    $rs = $this->get();
    return !empty($rs) ? $rs[0] : [];
  public function getOneField($field)
    $rs = $this->getOne();
    return !empty($rs[$field]) ? $rs[$field] : &#39;&#39;;
  public function getFields($field)
    $rs = $this->get();
    $result = [];
    foreach ($rs as $v) {
      $result[] = $v[$field];
    return $result;
  public function clearQuery()
    $this->fields = &#39;*&#39;;
    $this->arrWhere = [];
    $this->order = &#39;&#39;;
    $this->arrOrder = [];
    $this->limit = &#39;&#39;;
  public function close()
  public function autocommit($bool)
  public function commit()
  public function rollback()
  public function error($sql)
    //if (IS_TEST) {}





PHP 根据key 给二维数组分组详解

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