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Beispiel-Tutorial zum Entwickeln von Emoji-Ausdrücken auf WeChat

2017-05-13 14:36:163398Durchsuche

Was ist Emoji?

Emoji ist ein Emoticon; die Wortbedeutung kommt aus dem Japanischen (えもじ, E-Moji, Moji bedeutet Zeichen auf Japanisch).
Emojis werden heute häufig in Textnachrichten auf Mobiltelefonen verwendet und Online-Chat-Software.
Emoji-Emoticons sind bereits ein sehr beliebter Ausdruck, der in ausländischen Handy-Textnachrichten verwendet wird.

wird auch im inländischen WeChat und WeChat verwendet.

Emoji-vollständige Codierungstabelle:

code.iamcal.com/php/ Emoji/

<?php    include(&#39;emoji.php&#39;);    # browser sniffing tells us that a docomo phone
    # submitted this text

    $clean_text = emoji_docomo_to_unified($_POST[message]);    ...    # now we want to show it in a desktop browser

    $html = emoji_unified_to_html($clean_text);?>

Der Antwortcode lautet wie folgt:

    方倍工作室 http://www.fangbei.org/
    CopyRight 2015 All Rights Reserved*/define("TOKEN", "weixin");$wechatObj = new wechatCallbackapiTest();if (!isset($_GET[&#39;echostr&#39;])) {    $wechatObj->responseMsg();
}else{    $wechatObj->valid();
}class wechatCallbackapiTest
{    //验证签名
    public function valid()
    {        $echoStr = $_GET["echostr"];        $signature = $_GET["signature"];        $timestamp = $_GET["timestamp"];        $nonce = $_GET["nonce"];        $token = TOKEN;        $tmpArr = array($token, $timestamp, $nonce);        sort($tmpArr, SORT_STRING);        $tmpStr = implode($tmpArr);        $tmpStr = sha1($tmpStr);        if($tmpStr == $signature){            header(&#39;content-type:text&#39;);            echo $echoStr;            exit;
    }    //响应消息
    public function responseMsg()
    {        $postStr = $GLOBALS["HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA"];        if (!empty($postStr)){            $this->logger("R \r\n".$postStr);            $postObj = simplexml_load_string($postStr, &#39;SimpleXMLElement&#39;, LIBXML_NOCDATA);            $RX_TYPE = trim($postObj->MsgType);         
            switch ($RX_TYPE)
            {                case "event":                    $result = $this->receiveEvent($postObj);                    break;                case "text":                    $result = $this->receiveText($postObj);                    break;               
                default:                    $result = "unknown msg type: ".$RX_TYPE;                    break;
            }            $this->logger("T \r\n".$result);            echo $result;
        }else {            echo "";            exit;
    }    //接收事件消息
    private function receiveEvent($object)
    {        $content = "";        switch ($object->Event)
        {            case "subscribe":                $content = "欢迎关注方倍工作室 ";                break;            case "unsubscribe":                $content = "取消关注";                break;            case "CLICK":                switch ($object->EventKey)
                {                    case "COMPANY":                        $content = array();                        $content[] = array("Title"=>"方倍工作室", "Description"=>"", "PicUrl"=>"http://discuz.comli.com/weixin/weather/icon/cartoon.jpg", "Url" =>"http://m.cnblogs.com/?u=txw1958");                        break;                    default:                        $content = "点击菜单:".$object->EventKey;                        break;
                }                break;            default:                $content = "receive a new event: ".$object->Event;                break;
        }        if(is_array($content)){            if (isset($content[0][&#39;PicUrl&#39;])){                $result = $this->transmitNews($object, $content);
            }else if (isset($content[&#39;MusicUrl&#39;])){                $result = $this->transmitMusic($object, $content);
        }else{            $result = $this->transmitText($object, $content);
        }        return $result;
    }    //接收文本消息
    private function receiveText($object)
    {        $keyword = trim($object->Content);        //多客服人工回复模式
        if (strstr($keyword, "请问在吗") || strstr($keyword, "在线客服")){            $result = $this->transmitService($object);            return $result;
        }        //自动回复模式
        if (strstr($keyword, "文本")){            $content = "这是个文本消息";
        }else if (strstr($keyword, "表情")){            $content = "中国:".$this->bytes_to_emoji(0x1F1E8).$this->bytes_to_emoji(0x1F1F3)."\n仙人掌:".$this->bytes_to_emoji(0x1F335);
        }else if (strstr($keyword, "单图文")){            $content = array();            $content[] = array("Title"=>"单图文标题",  "Description"=>"单图文内容", "PicUrl"=>"http://discuz.comli.com/weixin/weather/icon/cartoon.jpg", "Url" =>"http://m.cnblogs.com/?u=txw1958");
        }else if (strstr($keyword, "图文") || strstr($keyword, "多图文")){            $content = array();            $content[] = array("Title"=>"多图文1标题", "Description"=>"", "PicUrl"=>"http://discuz.comli.com/weixin/weather/icon/cartoon.jpg", "Url" =>"http://m.cnblogs.com/?u=txw1958");            $content[] = array("Title"=>"多图文2标题", "Description"=>"", "PicUrl"=>"http://d.hiphotos.bdimg.com/wisegame/pic/item/f3529822720e0cf3ac9f1ada0846f21fbe09aaa3.jpg", "Url" =>"http://m.cnblogs.com/?u=txw1958");            $content[] = array("Title"=>"多图文3标题", "Description"=>"", "PicUrl"=>"http://g.hiphotos.bdimg.com/wisegame/pic/item/18cb0a46f21fbe090d338acc6a600c338644adfd.jpg", "Url" =>"http://m.cnblogs.com/?u=txw1958");
        }else if (strstr($keyword, "音乐")){            $content = array();            $content = array("Title"=>"最炫民族风", "Description"=>"歌手:凤凰传奇", "MusicUrl"=>"", "HQMusicUrl"=>""); 
        }else{            $content = date("Y-m-d H:i:s",time())."\nOpenID:".$object->FromUserName."\n技术支持 方倍工作室";            // $content = "";        }        if(is_array($content)){            if (isset($content[0])){                $result = $this->transmitNews($object, $content);
            }else if (isset($content[&#39;MusicUrl&#39;])){                $result = $this->transmitMusic($object, $content);
        }else{            $result = $this->transmitText($object, $content);
        }        return $result;
    }    //回复文本消息
    private function transmitText($object, $content)
    {        if (!isset($content) || empty($content)){            return "";
        }        $xmlTpl = "<xml>
</xml>";        $result = sprintf($xmlTpl, $object->FromUserName, $object->ToUserName, time(), $content);        return $result;
    }    //回复图文消息
    private function transmitNews($object, $newsArray)
    {        if(!is_array($newsArray)){            return "";
        }        $itemTpl = "        <item>
        </item>";        $item_str = "";        foreach ($newsArray as $item){            $item_str .= sprintf($itemTpl, $item[&#39;Title&#39;], $item[&#39;Description&#39;], $item[&#39;PicUrl&#39;], $item[&#39;Url&#39;]);
        }        $xmlTpl = "<xml>
    <Articles>$item_str    </Articles>
</xml>";        $result = sprintf($xmlTpl, $object->FromUserName, $object->ToUserName, time(), count($newsArray));        return $result;
    }    //回复音乐消息
    private function transmitMusic($object, $musicArray)
    {        if(!is_array($musicArray)){            return "";
        }        $itemTpl = "<Music>
    </Music>";        $item_str = sprintf($itemTpl, $musicArray[&#39;Title&#39;], $musicArray[&#39;Description&#39;], $musicArray[&#39;MusicUrl&#39;], $musicArray[&#39;HQMusicUrl&#39;]);        $xmlTpl = "<xml>
    <MsgType><![CDATA[music]]></MsgType>    $item_str</xml>";        $result = sprintf($xmlTpl, $object->FromUserName, $object->ToUserName, time());        return $result;
    }    //字节转Emoji表情
    function bytes_to_emoji($cp)
    {        if ($cp > 0x10000){       # 4 bytes
            return chr(0xF0 | (($cp & 0x1C0000) >> 18)).chr(0x80 | (($cp & 0x3F000) >> 12)).chr(0x80 | (($cp & 0xFC0) >> 6)).chr(0x80 | ($cp & 0x3F));
        }else if ($cp > 0x800){   # 3 bytes
            return chr(0xE0 | (($cp & 0xF000) >> 12)).chr(0x80 | (($cp & 0xFC0) >> 6)).chr(0x80 | ($cp & 0x3F));
        }else if ($cp > 0x80){    # 2 bytes
            return chr(0xC0 | (($cp & 0x7C0) >> 6)).chr(0x80 | ($cp & 0x3F));
        }else{                    # 1 byte
            return chr($cp);
    }    //日志记录
    private function logger($log_content)
    {        if(isset($_SERVER[&#39;HTTP_APPNAME&#39;])){   //SAE
        }else if($_SERVER[&#39;REMOTE_ADDR&#39;] != ""){ //LOCAL
            $max_size = 1000000;            $log_filename = "log.xml";            if(file_exists($log_filename) and (abs(filesize($log_filename)) > $max_size)){unlink($log_filename);}            file_put_contents($log_filename, date(&#39;Y-m-d H:i:s&#39;)." ".$log_content."\r\n", FILE_APPEND);

[Verwandte Empfehlungen]

1. Besondere Empfehlung : Version „php Programmer Toolbox“ V0.1 herunterladen

2. Quellcode der WeChat-Plattform herunterladen

3. Quellcode des Alizi-Bestellsystems herunterladen

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