Heim >Web-Frontend >H5-Tutorial >Detaillierte Einführung in die Codebeispieldetails der HTML5-simulierten Zahnradanimation
Dies ist ein auf HTML5 basierender Zahnradanimations-Spezialeffekt. Wir konvertieren die physikalischen Prinzipien der Zahnraddrehung in HTML5-Code und implementieren den Animationseffekt der simulierten Zahnraddrehung auf der Webseite. Das größte Merkmal dieser Zahnradanimation besteht darin, dass sie aus mehreren Zahnrädern besteht, was die Algorithmusanforderungen für die Zahnradübertragung erheblich erhöht. Darüber hinaus haben wir zur Implementierung kein JavaScript, sondern reines CSS3 verwendet.
<p id="level"> <p id="content"> <p id="gears"> <p id="gears-static"></p> <p id="gear-system-1"> <p class="shadow" id="shadow15"></p> <p id="gear15"></p> <p class="shadow" id="shadow14"></p> <p id="gear14"></p> <p class="shadow" id="shadow13"></p> <p id="gear13"></p> </p> <p id="gear-system-2"> <p class="shadow" id="shadow10"></p> <p id="gear10"></p> <p class="shadow" id="shadow3"></p> <p id="gear3"></p> </p> <p id="gear-system-3"> <p class="shadow" id="shadow9"></p> <p id="gear9"></p> <p class="shadow" id="shadow7"></p> <p id="gear7"></p> </p> <p id="gear-system-4"> <p class="shadow" id="shadow6"></p> <p id="gear6"></p> <p id="gear4"></p> </p> <p id="gear-system-5"> <p class="shadow" id="shadow12"></p> <p id="gear12"></p> <p class="shadow" id="shadow11"></p> <p id="gear11"></p> <p class="shadow" id="shadow8"></p> <p id="gear8"></p> </p> <p class="shadow" id="shadow1"></p> <p id="gear1"></p> <p id="gear-system-6"> <p class="shadow" id="shadow5"></p> <p id="gear5"></p> <p id="gear2"></p> </p> <p class="shadow" id="shadowweight"></p> <p id="chain-circle"></p> <p id="chain"></p> <p id="weight"></p> </p> </p> </p>
#level{ width:100%; height:1px; position:absolute; top:50%; } #content{ text-align:center; margin-top:-327px; } #gears{ width:478px; height:655px; position:relative; display:inline-block; vertical-align:middle; } #gears-static{ background:url(FgFnjks.png) no-repeat -363px -903px; width:329px; height:602px; position:absolute; bottom:5px; right:0px; opacity:0.4; } #title{ vertical-align:middle; color:#9EB7B5; width:43%; display:inline-block; } #title h1{ font-family: 'PTSansNarrowBold', sans-serif; font-size:3.6em; text-shadow:rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.36) 7px 7px 10px; } #title p{ font-family: sans-serif; font-size:1.2em; line-height:148%; text-shadow:rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.36) 1px 1px 0px; } .shadow{ -webkit-box-shadow: 4px 7px 25px 10px rgba(43, 36, 0, 0.36); -moz-box-shadow: 4px 7px 25px 10px rgba(43, 36, 0, 0.36); box-shadow: 4px 7px 25px 10px rgba(43, 36, 0, 0.36); } /*gear-system-1*/ #gear15{ background: url(FgFnjks.png) no-repeat 0 -993px; width: 321px; height: 321px; position:absolute; left:45px; top:179px; -webkit-animation: rotate-back 24000ms linear infinite; -moz-animation: rotate-back 24000ms linear infinite; -ms-animation: rotate-back 24000ms linear infinite; animation: rotate-back 24000ms linear infinite; } #shadow15{ width:306px; height:306px; -webkit-border-radius:153px; -moz-border-radius:153px; border-radius:153px; position:absolute; left:52px; top:186px; } #gear14{ background: url(FgFnjks.png) no-repeat 0 -856px; width: 87px; height: 87px; position:absolute; left:162px; top:296px; } #shadow14{ width:70px; height:70px; -webkit-border-radius:35px; -moz-border-radius:35px; border-radius:35px; position:absolute; left:171px; top:304px; } #gear13{ background: url(FgFnjks.png) no-repeat 0 -744px; width: 62px; height: 62px; position:absolute; left:174px; top:309px; -webkit-animation: rotate 8000ms linear infinite; -moz-animation: rotate 8000ms linear infinite; -ms-animation: rotate 8000ms linear infinite; animation: rotate 8000ms linear infinite; } #shadow13{ width:36px; height:36px; -webkit-border-radius:18px; -moz-border-radius:18px; border-radius:18px; position:absolute; left:187px; top:322px; } /*gear-system-2*/ #gear10{ background: url(FgFnjks.png) no-repeat 0 -184px; width: 122px; height: 122px; position:absolute; left:175px; top:0; -webkit-animation: rotate-back 8000ms linear infinite; -moz-animation: rotate-back 8000ms linear infinite; -ms-animation: rotate-back 8000ms linear infinite; animation: rotate-back 8000ms linear infinite; } #shadow10{ width:86px; height:86px; -webkit-border-radius:43px; -moz-border-radius:43px; border-radius:43px; position:absolute; left:193px; top:18px; } #gear3{ background: url(FgFnjks.png) no-repeat 0 -1493px; width: 85px; height: 84px; position:absolute; left:194px; top:19px; -webkit-animation: rotate 10000ms linear infinite; -moz-animation: rotate 10000ms linear infinite; -ms-animation: rotate 10000ms linear infinite; animation: rotate 10000ms linear infinite; } #shadow3{ width:60px; height:60px; -webkit-border-radius:30px; -moz-border-radius:30px; border-radius:30px; position:absolute; left:206px; top:31px; } /*gear-system-3*/ #gear9{ background: url(FgFnjks.png) no-repeat -371px -280px; width: 234px; height: 234px; position:absolute; left:197px; top:96px; -webkit-animation: rotate 12000ms linear infinite; -moz-animation: rotate 12000ms linear infinite; -ms-animation: rotate 12000ms linear infinite; animation: rotate 12000ms linear infinite; } #shadow9{ width:200px; height:200px; -webkit-border-radius:100px; -moz-border-radius:100px; border-radius:100px; position:absolute; left:214px; top:113px; } #gear7{ background: url(FgFnjks.png) no-repeat -371px 0; width: 108px; height: 108px; position:absolute; left:260px; top:159px; -webkit-animation: rotate-back 10000ms linear infinite; -moz-animation: rotate-back 10000ms linear infinite; -ms-animation: rotate-back 10000ms linear infinite; animation: rotate-back 10000ms linear infinite; } #shadow7{ width:76px; height:76px; -webkit-border-radius:38px; -moz-border-radius: 38px; border-radius: 38px; position:absolute; left:276px; top:175px; } /*gear-system-4*/ #gear6{ background: url(FgFnjks.png) no-repeat 0 -1931px; width: 134px; height: 134px; position:absolute; left:305px; bottom:212px; -webkit-animation: rotate-back 10000ms linear infinite; -moz-animation: rotate-back 10000ms linear infinite; -ms-animation: rotate-back 10000ms linear infinite; animation: rotate-back 10000ms linear infinite; } #shadow6{ width:98px; height:98px; -webkit-border-radius:49px; -moz-border-radius: 49px; border-radius: 49px; position:absolute; left:323px; bottom:230px; } #gear4{ background: url(FgFnjks.png) no-repeat 0 -1627px; width: 69px; height: 69px; position:absolute; left:337px; bottom:245px; -webkit-animation: rotate-back 10000ms linear infinite; -moz-animation: rotate-back 10000ms linear infinite; -ms-animation: rotate-back 10000ms linear infinite; animation: rotate-back 10000ms linear infinite; } /*gear-system-5*/ #gear12{ background: url(FgFnjks.png) no-repeat 0 -530px; width: 164px; height: 164px; position:absolute; left:208px; bottom:85px; -webkit-animation: rotate 8000ms linear infinite; -moz-animation: rotate 8000ms linear infinite; -ms-animation: rotate 8000ms linear infinite; animation: rotate 8000ms linear infinite; } #shadow12{ width:124px; height:124px; -webkit-border-radius:62px; -moz-border-radius:62px; border-radius:62px; position:absolute; left:225px; bottom:107px; } #gear11{ background: url(FgFnjks.png) no-repeat 0 -356px; width: 125px; height: 124px; position:absolute; left:228px; bottom:105px; -webkit-animation: rotate-back 10000ms linear infinite; -moz-animation: rotate-back 10000ms linear infinite; -ms-animation: rotate-back 10000ms linear infinite; animation: rotate-back 10000ms linear infinite; } #shadow11{ width:88px; height:88px; -webkit-border-radius:44px; -moz-border-radius:44px; border-radius:44px; position:absolute; left:247px; bottom:123px; } #gear8{ background: url(FgFnjks.png) no-repeat -371px -158px; width: 72px; height: 72px; position:absolute; left:254px; bottom:131px; -webkit-animation: rotate 6000ms linear infinite; -moz-animation: rotate 6000ms linear infinite; -ms-animation: rotate 6000ms linear infinite; animation: rotate 6000ms linear infinite; } #shadow8{ width:42px; height:42px; -webkit-border-radius:21px; -moz-border-radius: 21px; border-radius: 21px; position:absolute; left:269px; bottom:146px; } /*gear1*/ #gear1{ background: url(FgFnjks.png) no-repeat 0 0; width: 135px; height: 134px; position:absolute; left:83px; bottom:111px; -webkit-animation: rotate-back 10000ms linear infinite; -moz-animation: rotate-back 10000ms linear infinite; -ms-animation: rotate-back 10000ms linear infinite; animation: rotate-back 10000ms linear infinite; } #shadow1{ width:96px; height:96px; -webkit-border-radius:48px; -moz-border-radius:48px; border-radius:48px; position:absolute; left:103px; bottom:130px; } /*gear-system-6*/ #gear5{ background: url(FgFnjks.png) no-repeat 0 -1746px; width: 134px; height: 135px; position:absolute; left:22px; top:108px; -webkit-animation: rotate 10000ms linear infinite alternate; -moz-animation: rotate 10000ms linear infinite alternate; -ms-animation: rotate 10000ms linear infinite alternate; animation: rotate 10000ms linear infinite alternate; } #shadow5{ width:96px; height:96px; -webkit-border-radius:48px; -moz-border-radius:48px; border-radius:48px; position:absolute; left:41px; top:127px; } #gear2{ background: url(FgFnjks.png) no-repeat 0 -1364px; width: 80px; height: 79px; position:absolute; left:49px; top:136px; -webkit-animation: rotate-back 10000ms linear infinite alternate; -moz-animation: rotate-back 10000ms linear infinite alternate; -ms-animation: rotate-back 10000ms linear infinite alternate; animation: rotate-back 10000ms linear infinite alternate; } /*weight*/ #weight{ background: url(FgFnjks.png) no-repeat -371px -564px; width: 34px; height: 92px; position:absolute; left:1px; bottom:0; -webkit-animation: up 10000ms linear infinite alternate; -moz-animation: up 10000ms linear infinite alternate; -ms-animation: up 10000ms linear infinite alternate; animation: up 10000ms linear infinite alternate; } #shadowweight{ width:10px; height:80px; position:absolute; left:12px; bottom:0px; -webkit-animation: up 10000ms linear infinite alternate; -moz-animation: up 10000ms linear infinite alternate; -ms-animation: up 10000ms linear infinite alternate; animation: up 10000ms linear infinite alternate; } /*chain*/ #chain-circle{ background: url(FgFnjks.png) no-repeat -371px -706px; width:146px; height:147px; position:absolute; left:17px; top:102px; -webkit-animation: rotate 10000ms linear infinite alternate; -moz-animation: rotate 10000ms linear infinite alternate; -ms-animation: rotate 10000ms linear infinite alternate; animation: rotate 10000ms linear infinite alternate; } #chain{ width:1px; height:380px; border-left:2px dotted #C8D94A; position:absolute; left:17px; top:175px; opacity:0.7; -webkit-animation: collapse 10000ms linear infinite alternate; -moz-animation: collapse 10000ms linear infinite alternate; -ms-animation: collapse 10000ms linear infinite alternate; animation: collapse 10000ms linear infinite alternate; } /*ANIMATIONS*/ /*rotate*/ @keyframes "rotate" { from { -webkit-transform: rotate(0deg); -moz-transform: rotate(0deg); -o-transform: rotate(0deg); -ms-transform: rotate(0deg); transform: rotate(0deg); } to { -webkit-transform: rotate(360deg); -moz-transform: rotate(360deg); -o-transform: rotate(360deg); -ms-transform: rotate(360deg); transform: rotate(360deg); } } @-moz-keyframes rotate { from { -moz-transform: rotate(0deg); transform: rotate(0deg); } to { -moz-transform: rotate(360deg); transform: rotate(360deg); } } @-webkit-keyframes "rotate" { from { -webkit-transform: rotate(0deg); transform: rotate(0deg); } to { -webkit-transform: rotate(360deg); transform: rotate(360deg); } } @-ms-keyframes "rotate" { from { -ms-transform: rotate(0deg); transform: rotate(0deg); } to { -ms-transform: rotate(360deg); transform: rotate(360deg); } } @-o-keyframes "rotate" { from { -o-transform: rotate(0deg); transform: rotate(0deg); } to { -o-transform: rotate(360deg); transform: rotate(360deg); } } /*rotate-back*/ @keyframes "rotate-back" { from { -webkit-transform: rotate(0deg); -moz-transform: rotate(0deg); -o-transform: rotate(0deg); -ms-transform: rotate(0deg); transform: rotate(0deg); } to { -webkit-transform: rotate(-360deg); -moz-transform: rotate(-360deg); -o-transform: rotate(-360deg); -ms-transform: rotate(-360deg); transform: rotate(-360deg); } } @-moz-keyframes rotate-back { from { -moz-transform: rotate(0deg); transform: rotate(0deg); } to { -moz-transform: rotate(-360deg); transform: rotate(-360deg); } } @-webkit-keyframes "rotate-back" { from { -webkit-transform: rotate(0deg); transform: rotate(0deg); } to { -webkit-transform: rotate(-360deg); transform: rotate(-360deg); } } @-ms-keyframes "rotate-back" { from { -ms-transform: rotate(0deg); transform: rotate(0deg); } to { -ms-transform: rotate(-360deg); transform: rotate(-360deg); } } @-o-keyframes "rotate-back" { from { -o-transform: rotate(0deg); transform: rotate(0deg); } to { -o-transform: rotate(-360deg); transform: rotate(-360deg); } } /*weight up*/ @keyframes "up" { from { bottom: 0px; } to { bottom: 340px; } } @-moz-keyframes up { from { bottom: 0px; } to { bottom: 340px; } } @-webkit-keyframes "up" { from { bottom: 0px; } to { bottom: 340px; } } @-ms-keyframes "up" { from { bottom: 0px; } to { bottom: 340px; } } @-o-keyframes "up" { from { bottom: 0px; } to { bottom: 340px; } } /*chain up and down*/ @keyframes "collapse" { from { height: 387px; } to { height: 48px; } } @-moz-keyframes collapse { from { height: 387px; } to { height: 48px; } } @-webkit-keyframes "collapse" { from { height: 387px; } to { height: 48px; } } @-ms-keyframes "collapse" { from { height: 387px; } to { height: 48px; } } @-o-keyframes "collapse" { from { height: 387px; } to { height: 48px; } }
Das Obige ist eine detaillierte Einführung in die Codebeispieldetails der HTML5-Simulationszahnradanimation. Weitere verwandte Inhalte finden Sie auf der chinesischen PHP-Website (www.php.cn)!