Heim >Backend-Entwicklung >C#.Net-Tutorial >Artikelserie zur C#-Netzwerkprogrammierung (7) UdpClient implementiert einen asynchronen UDP-Server
Die UdpClient-Klasse bietet einfache Methoden zum Senden und Empfangen verbindungsloser UDP-Pakete im synchronen Blockierungsmodus. Da UDP ein verbindungsloses Transportprotokoll ist, müssen Sie vor dem Senden und Empfangen von Daten keine Remote-Host-Verbindung herstellen. Sie müssen lediglich die Standardoptionen für den Remote-Host wie folgt einrichten:
Erstellen Sie eine Instanz der UdpClient-Klasse mit dem Namen des Remote-Hosts und der Portnummer als Parameter.
Erstellen Sie eine Instanz der UdpClient-Klasse und rufen Sie die Connect-Methode auf.
Sie können jede von UdpClient bereitgestellte Sendemethode verwenden, um Daten an das Remote-Gerät zu senden. Verwenden Sie dann die Methode „Receive“, um Daten vom Remote-Host zu empfangen.
Tipp: Wenn Sie einen Standard-Remote-Host angegeben haben, verwenden Sie nicht den Hostnamen oder IPEndPoint, um die Send-Methode aufzurufen. Wenn Sie dies tun, löst UdpClient eine Ausnahme aus.
Mit der UdpClient-Methode können Sie auch Multicast-Pakete senden und empfangen. UdpClient kann mithilfe der JoinMulticastGroup-Methode bei einer Multicast-Gruppe abonniert werden. Sie können auch die DropMulticastGroup-Methode verwenden, um einen UdpClient von einer Multicast-Gruppe abzumelden.
In diesem Abschnitt wird die Verwendung von UdpClient zur Implementierung eines asynchronen, leistungsstarken UDP-Servers vorgestellt
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Net.Sockets; using System.Net; namespace NetFrame.Net.UDP.Listener.Asynchronous { /// <summary> /// UdpClient 实现异步UDP服务器 /// </summary> public class AsyncUDPServer { #region Fields /// <summary> /// 服务器程序允许的最大客户端连接数 /// </summary> private int _maxClient; /// <summary> /// 当前的连接的客户端数 /// </summary> //private int _clientCount; /// <summary> /// 服务器使用的异步UdpClient /// </summary> private UdpClient _server; /// <summary> /// 客户端会话列表 /// </summary> //private List<AsyncUDPState> _clients; private bool disposed = false; /// <summary> /// 数据接受缓冲区 /// </summary> private byte[] _recvBuffer; #endregion #region Properties /// <summary> /// 服务器是否正在运行 /// </summary> public bool IsRunning { get; private set; } /// <summary> /// 监听的IP地址 /// </summary> public IPAddress Address { get; private set; } /// <summary> /// 监听的端口 /// </summary> public int Port { get; private set; } /// <summary> /// 通信使用的编码 /// </summary> public Encoding Encoding { get; set; } #endregion #region 构造函数 /// <summary> /// 异步UdpClient UDP服务器 /// </summary> /// <param name="listenPort">监听的端口</param> public AsyncUDPServer(int listenPort) : this(IPAddress.Any, listenPort,1024) { } /// <summary> /// 异步UdpClient UDP服务器 /// </summary> /// <param name="localEP">监听的终结点</param> public AsyncUDPServer(IPEndPoint localEP) : this(localEP.Address, localEP.Port,1024) { } /// <summary> /// 异步UdpClient UDP服务器 /// </summary> /// <param name="localIPAddress">监听的IP地址</param> /// <param name="listenPort">监听的端口</param> /// <param name="maxClient">最大客户端数量</param> public AsyncUDPServer(IPAddress localIPAddress, int listenPort, int maxClient) { this.Address = localIPAddress; this.Port = listenPort; this.Encoding = Encoding.Default; _maxClient = maxClient; //_clients = new List<AsyncUDPSocketState>(); _server = new UdpClient(new IPEndPoint(this.Address, this.Port)); _recvBuffer=new byte[_server.Client.ReceiveBufferSize]; } #endregion #region Method /// <summary> /// 启动服务器 /// </summary> /// <returns>异步TCP服务器</returns> public void Start() { if (!IsRunning) { IsRunning = true; _server.EnableBroadcast = true; _server.BeginReceive(ReceiveDataAsync, null); } } /// <summary> /// 停止服务器 /// </summary> public void Stop() { if (IsRunning) { IsRunning = false; _server.Close(); //TODO 关闭对所有客户端的连接 } } /// <summary> /// 接收数据的方法 /// </summary> /// <param name="ar"></param> private void ReceiveDataAsync(IAsyncResult ar) { IPEndPoint remote=null; byte[] buffer = null; try { buffer = _server.EndReceive(ar, ref remote); //触发数据收到事件 RaiseDataReceived(null); } catch (Exception) { //TODO 处理异常 RaiseOtherException(null); } finally { if (IsRunning && _server != null) _server.BeginReceive(ReceiveDataAsync, null); } } /// <summary> /// 发送数据 /// </summary> /// <param name="msg"></param> /// <param name="remote"></param> public void Send(string msg, IPEndPoint remote) { byte[] data = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(msg); try { RaisePrepareSend(null); _server.BeginSend(data, data.Length, new AsyncCallback(SendCallback), null); } catch (Exception) { //TODO 异常处理 RaiseOtherException(null); } } private void SendCallback(IAsyncResult ar) { if (ar.IsCompleted) { try { _server.EndSend(ar); //消息发送完毕事件 RaiseCompletedSend(null); } catch (Exception) { //TODO 数据发送失败事件 RaiseOtherException(null); } } } #endregion #region 事件 /// <summary> /// 接收到数据事件 /// </summary> public event EventHandler<AsyncUDPEventArgs> DataReceived; private void RaiseDataReceived(AsyncUDPState state) { if (DataReceived != null) { DataReceived(this, new AsyncUDPEventArgs(state)); } } /// <summary> /// 发送数据前的事件 /// </summary> public event EventHandler<AsyncUDPEventArgs> PrepareSend; /// <summary> /// 触发发送数据前的事件 /// </summary> /// <param name="state"></param> private void RaisePrepareSend(AsyncUDPState state) { if (PrepareSend != null) { PrepareSend(this, new AsyncUDPEventArgs(state)); } } /// <summary> /// 数据发送完毕事件 /// </summary> public event EventHandler<AsyncUDPEventArgs> CompletedSend; /// <summary> /// 触发数据发送完毕的事件 /// </summary> /// <param name="state"></param> private void RaiseCompletedSend(AsyncUDPState state) { if (CompletedSend != null) { CompletedSend(this, new AsyncUDPEventArgs(state)); } } /// <summary> /// 网络错误事件 /// </summary> public event EventHandler<AsyncUDPEventArgs> NetError; /// <summary> /// 触发网络错误事件 /// </summary> /// <param name="state"></param> private void RaiseNetError(AsyncUDPState state) { if (NetError != null) { NetError(this, new AsyncUDPEventArgs(state)); } } /// <summary> /// 异常事件 /// </summary> public event EventHandler<AsyncUDPEventArgs> OtherException; /// <summary> /// 触发异常事件 /// </summary> /// <param name="state"></param> private void RaiseOtherException(AsyncUDPState state, string descrip) { if (OtherException != null) { OtherException(this, new AsyncUDPEventArgs(descrip, state)); } } private void RaiseOtherException(AsyncUDPState state) { RaiseOtherException(state, ""); } #endregion #region Close /// <summary> /// 关闭一个与客户端之间的会话 /// </summary> /// <param name="state">需要关闭的客户端会话对象</param> public void Close(AsyncUDPState state) { if (state != null) { //_clients.Remove(state); //_clientCount--; //TODO 触发关闭事件 } } /// <summary> /// 关闭所有的客户端会话,与所有的客户端连接会断开 /// </summary> public void CloseAllClient() { //foreach (AsyncUDPSocketState client in _clients) //{ // Close(client); //} //_clientCount = 0; //_clients.Clear(); } #endregion #region 释放 /// <summary> /// Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, /// releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources. /// </summary> public void Dispose() { Dispose(true); GC.SuppressFinalize(this); } /// <summary> /// Releases unmanaged and - optionally - managed resources /// </summary> /// <param name="disposing"><c>true</c> to release /// both managed and unmanaged resources; <c>false</c> /// to release only unmanaged resources.</param> protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (!this.disposed) { if (disposing) { try { Stop(); if (_server != null) { _server = null; } } catch (SocketException) { //TODO RaiseOtherException(null); } } disposed = true; } } #endregion } }
Client-Informationen kapseln die Klasse
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Net.Sockets; using System.Net; namespace NetFrame.Net.UDP.Listener.Asynchronous { public class AsyncUDPState { // Client socket. public UdpClient udpClient = null; // Size of receive buffer. public const int BufferSize = 1024; // Receive buffer. public byte[] buffer = new byte[BufferSize]; // Received data string. public StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); public IPEndPoint remote = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0); } }
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; namespace NetFrame.Net.UDP.Listener.Asynchronous { /// <summary> /// UdpClient 异步UDP服务器事件参数类 /// </summary> public class AsyncUDPEventArgs : EventArgs { /// <summary> /// 提示信息 /// </summary> public string _msg; /// <summary> /// 客户端状态封装类 /// </summary> public AsyncUDPState _state; /// <summary> /// 是否已经处理过了 /// </summary> public bool IsHandled { get; set; } public AsyncUDPEventArgs(string msg) { this._msg = msg; IsHandled = false; } public AsyncUDPEventArgs(AsyncUDPState state) { this._state = state; IsHandled = false; } public AsyncUDPEventArgs(string msg, AsyncUDPState state) { this._msg = msg; this._state = state; IsHandled = false; } } }
Das Obige ist der Inhalt von UdpClient zur Implementierung eines asynchronen UDP-Servers in der C#-Netzwerkprogrammierung Serienartikel (7). Weitere verwandte Inhalte finden Sie auf der chinesischen PHP-Website (www.php.cn)!