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Konvertieren Sie zwischen Java- und JSON-Objekten

2017-01-19 15:00:211025Durchsuche

1. json-lib ist eine Java-Klassenbibliothek, die die Funktion zum Konvertieren von Java-Objekten, einschließlich Beans, Maps, Sammlungen, Java-Arrays und XML usw., in JSON oder zur umgekehrten Konvertierung bereitstellt.

2. json-lib-Homepage: http://json-lib.sourceforge.net/


Erfordert die folgenden Klassenbibliotheken zur Unterstützung von

commons-lang 2.5

commons-beanutils 1.8.0
commons-collections 3.2.1
commons-logging 1.1.1
ezmorph 1.0 .6
4. Funktionsbeispiele

Hier sind Codebeispiele durch JUnit-Case-Beispiele

package com.mai.json;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import net.sf.ezmorph.Morpher;
import net.sf.ezmorph.MorpherRegistry;
import net.sf.ezmorph.bean.BeanMorpher;
import net.sf.json.JSONArray;
import net.sf.json.JSONObject;
import net.sf.json.util.JSONUtils;
import org.apache.commons.beanutils.PropertyUtils;
import org.junit.Test;
public class JsonLibTest {
     *  普通类型、List、Collection等都是用JSONArray解析
     *  Map、自定义类型是用JSONObject解析
     *  可以将Map理解成一个对象,里面的key/value对可以理解成对象的属性/属性值
     *  即{key1:value1,key2,value2......}
     * 1.JSONObject是一个name:values集合,通过它的get(key)方法取得的是key后对应的value部分(字符串)
     *         通过它的getJSONObject(key)可以取到一个JSONObject,--> 转换成map,
     *         通过它的getJSONArray(key) 可以取到一个JSONArray ,

    public void testArrayToJSON(){
        boolean[] boolArray = new boolean[]{true,false,true};  
        JSONArray jsonArray = JSONArray.fromObject( boolArray );  
        System.out.println( jsonArray );  
        // prints [true,false,true]  

    public void testListToJSON(){
        List list = new ArrayList();  
        list.add( "first" );  
        list.add( "second" );  
        JSONArray jsonArray = JSONArray.fromObject( list );  
        System.out.println( jsonArray );  
        // prints ["first","second"]  

    //字符串json转换成json, 根据情况是用JSONArray或JSONObject
    public void testJsonStrToJSON(){
        JSONArray jsonArray = JSONArray.fromObject( "['json','is','easy']" );  
        System.out.println( jsonArray );  
        // prints ["json","is","easy"]  

    //Map转换成json, 是用jsonObject
    public void testMapToJSON(){
        Map map = new HashMap();  
        map.put( "name", "json" );  
        map.put( "bool", Boolean.TRUE );  
        map.put( "int", new Integer(1) );  
        map.put( "arr", new String[]{"a","b"} );  
        map.put( "func", "function(i){ return this.arr[i]; }" );  

        JSONObject jsonObject = JSONObject.fromObject( map );  
        System.out.println( jsonObject );  

    public void testBeadToJSON(){
        MyBean bean = new MyBean();
        bean.setDate(new Date());

        List cardNum = new ArrayList();
        cardNum.add(new Person("test"));


        JSONObject jsonObject = JSONObject.fromObject(bean);


    public void testJSONToObject() throws Exception{
        String json = "{name=\"json\",bool:true,int:1,double:2.2,func:function(a){ return a; },array:[1,2]}";  
        JSONObject jsonObject = JSONObject.fromObject( json ); 
        Object bean = JSONObject.toBean( jsonObject ); 
        assertEquals( jsonObject.get( "name" ), PropertyUtils.getProperty( bean, "name" ) );  
        assertEquals( jsonObject.get( "bool" ), PropertyUtils.getProperty( bean, "bool" ) );  
        assertEquals( jsonObject.get( "int" ), PropertyUtils.getProperty( bean, "int" ) );  
        assertEquals( jsonObject.get( "double" ), PropertyUtils.getProperty( bean, "double" ) );  
        assertEquals( jsonObject.get( "func" ), PropertyUtils.getProperty( bean, "func" ) );  
        System.out.println(PropertyUtils.getProperty(bean, "name"));
        System.out.println(PropertyUtils.getProperty(bean, "bool"));
        System.out.println(PropertyUtils.getProperty(bean, "int"));
        System.out.println(PropertyUtils.getProperty(bean, "double"));
        System.out.println(PropertyUtils.getProperty(bean, "func"));
        System.out.println(PropertyUtils.getProperty(bean, "array"));

        List arrayList = (List)JSONArray.toCollection(jsonObject.getJSONArray("array"));
        for(Object object : arrayList){


    //将json解析成复合类型对象, 包含List
    public void testJSONToBeanHavaList(){
        String json = "{list:[{name:'test1'},{name:'test2'}],map:{test1:{name:'test1'},test2:{name:'test2'}}}";
//        String json = "{list:[{name:'test1'},{name:'test2'}]}";
        Map classMap = new HashMap();
        classMap.put("list", Person.class);
        MyBeanWithPerson diyBean = (MyBeanWithPerson)JSONObject.toBean(JSONObject.fromObject(json),MyBeanWithPerson.class , classMap);

        List list = diyBean.getList();
        for(Object o : list){
            if(o instanceof Person){
                Person p = (Person)o;

    //将json解析成复合类型对象, 包含Map
    public void testJSONToBeanHavaMap(){
        String json = "{list:[{name:'test1'},{name:'test2'}],map:{testOne:{name:'test1'},testTwo:{name:'test2'}}}";
        Map classMap = new HashMap();
        classMap.put("list", Person.class);
        classMap.put("map", Map.class);
        MyBeanWithPerson diyBean = (MyBeanWithPerson)JSONObject.toBean(JSONObject.fromObject(json),MyBeanWithPerson.class , classMap);

        System.out.println("do the list release");
        List<Person> list = diyBean.getList();
        for(Person o : list){
            Person p = (Person)o;

        System.out.println("do the map release");

        MorpherRegistry morpherRegistry = JSONUtils.getMorpherRegistry();
        Morpher dynaMorpher = new BeanMorpher( Person.class,  morpherRegistry);  
        morpherRegistry.registerMorpher( dynaMorpher );  

        Map map = diyBean.getMap();
        ], testTwo=net.sf.ezmorph.bean.MorphDynaBean@186c6b2[
        List<Person> output = new ArrayList();  
        for( Iterator i = map.values().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ){  
           output.add( (Person)morpherRegistry.morph( Person.class, i.next() ) );  

        for(Person p : output){

5. Die für die oben genannten Beispiele erforderlichen Ressourcen werden unten bereitgestellt Pakete und Codes.

/Files/mailingfeng/json-lib/json-lib Anwendungsfall erforderliche JAR-Pakete und Java-Klassen.rar

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