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Grundlegende Python-Lerncodesequenz

2016-12-29 17:17:101481Durchsuche

str1 = 'abced'
for i in range(-1, -len(str1), -1) + [None]:
    print str1[:i]

s, t = 'abc', 'def'
print zip(s, t)

for i, t in enumerate(str1):
    print i, t

print isinstance('foo', str)
import string

def checkid():
    alphas = string.letters + '_'
    nums = string.digits
    check = raw_input('input id for check:')
    if len(check) > 1:
        if check[0] not in alphas:
            print "invaid id"
            for o in check[1:]:
                if o not in alphas + nums:
                    print "invaid id"
                    print("valid id")

def func1():
    alist = ["xx3", "1tc"]
    for i, s in enumerate(alist):
        print i, s

def func2():
    alist = ["hello", "come", "12"]
    blist = ["welcome", "what", 15]
    for i, s in zip(alist,blist):
        print i, s

def func3():
    alist = []
    anum = raw_input('input>>').strip()
    for i in anum:
    return alist

def func4():
    alist = []
    while True:

        num = int(raw_input('input >>').strip())
        if num == 0:
    return alist

import keyword

def func5():
    alphas = string.letters
    nums = string.digits
    print 'the id check!'
    str1 = raw_input('input id:')
    if str1 in keyword.kwlist:
        print 'invalid,it is a keyword!'
        if str1[0] not in alphas + '_':
            print 'invalid,first symbol must be alpha or underline!'
            for c in str1[1:]:
                if c not in alphas + nums:
                    print 'invalid,symbol must be alpha or numbers!'

            print 'valid id!'

def showstr():
    strs = raw_input('input strings::')
    if len(strs) == 0:
        return False
    elif len(strs) == 1:
        print strs
        return True
    for i, j in enumerate(strs):
        if i == 0 and len(strs) != 1:
            print j, strs[i+1]
        elif i != 0 and i == (len(strs) - 1):
            print strs[i-1]
            print strs[i-1], j, strs[i+1]
    return True

def cmpstr():
    str1 = raw_input('input string1>')
    str2 = raw_input('input string2>')
    if len(str1) != len(str2):
        return False
    for i, j in enumerate(str1):
        if ord(j) - ord(str2[i]) != 0:
            return False
    return True

def func6():
    str1 = raw_input('input your strings:>>')
    i = 0
    j = len(str1) - 1
    while str1[i] == ' ':
        i = i + 1
    while str1[j] == ' ':
        j = j - 1
    str1 = str1[i:j+1]
    print str1

def func7():
    alist = ["zero", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine"]
    nlist = ''
    while True:
        number = raw_input('input a number(0~1000):')
        if len(number) == 0:
            number = str(number)
            for i in number:
                nlist += alist[int(i)] + '-'
            return nlist[0:-1]

def func8():
    minutes = int(raw_input('input minutes:'))
    minu = minutes % 60
    hour = minutes / 60
    print "%d:%d" % (hour, minu)

def func9():
    str1 = raw_input('input string:>>')
    return str1.swapcase()

def func10():
    mystr = raw_input('enter a number:')
    number = int(mystr)
    alist = range(1, number+1)
    print 'before:','alist'
    i = 0
    while i < len(alist):
        if number % alist[i] == 0:
            del alist[i]
        i = i + 1
    print &#39;after&#39;,alist

def findchr(str1, char):
    lchar = len(char)
    if char not in str1:
        return -1
    for i, j in enumerate(str1):
        if j in char:
            if str1[i:i+lchar] == char:
                return i
    return -1

def rfindchr(str1, char):
    lchar = len(char)
    lstring = len(str1)
    if char not in str1:
        return -1
    for i, j in enumerate(str1):
        if j in char:
            if str1[lstring-1-i:lstring-1-i+lchar] == char:
                return i
    return -1

def subchr(string1, origchar, newchar):
    import string
    return string.replace(string1, origchar, newchar)

def atoc(strparm):
    cindex = strparm.rfind(&#39;-&#39;)
    if cindex <= 0:
        cindex = strparm.rfind(&#39;+&#39;)
    if cindex > 0:
        real = float(strparm[0:cindex])
        compl = float(strparm[cindex:-1])
    return complex(real, compl)

import random

def func11():
    alist = ["paper", "shears", "stone"]
    g = int(raw_input(&#39;input 1:paper,2:shears,3:stone:>&#39;)) - 1
    print "your come %s" % alist[g]
    r = random.choice([0, 1, 2])
    print "him come %s" % alist[r]
    if g == r:
        print &#39;nobody win!&#39;
    # r win
    if (r > g and g - r != -2) or r - g == -2:
        print &#39;him win!&#39;
    # g win
        print &#39;i win!&#39;

import datetime

def isleapyear(year):
    if (year % 4 == 0) and (year % 100 != 0) or (year % 4 == 0) and (year % 100 == 0):
        return True
        return False

def func12():
    month = {1:31,2:28,3:31,4:30,5:31,6:30,7:31,8:31,9:30,10:31,11:30,12:31}
    while True:
        sdate = raw_input(&#39;input start date[dd/mm/yyyy]:&#39;).split(&#39;/&#39;)
        dd, mm, yyyy = 0, 1, 2
        sdate[dd],sdate[mm],sdate[yyyy] =int(sdate[0]),int(sdate[1]),int(sdate[2])
        if sdate[mm] > 12 or sdate[mm] < 1:
        if isleapyear(sdate[yyyy]):
            month[2] = 29
        if sdate[dd] < 1 or sdate[dd] > month[sdate[mm]]:
    while True:
        edate = raw_input(&#39;input end date[dd/mm/yyyy]:&#39;).split(&#39;/&#39;)
        edate[dd],edate[mm],edate[yyyy] =int(edate[0]),int(edate[1]),int(edate[2])
        if edate[mm] > 12 or edate[mm] < 1:
        if isleapyear(sdate[yyyy]):
            month[2] = 29
        if edate[dd] < 1 or edate[dd] > month[edate[mm]]:

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