Ich habe dieses Programm von der Website eines anderen analysiert! Da die Website der anderen Partei einen Frame verwendet und die Rechtsklickfunktion der Maus deaktiviert ist, hat es lange gedauert!
Wenn Sie diese Seite durchsuchen, schwebt die Symbolleiste immer in der oberen linken Ecke. Wenn sie Ihnen nicht gefällt, können Sie ihre Position selbst anpassen! Wenn Sie diesen Code auf mehreren Seiten verwenden möchten, können Sie den JSP-Programmteil in eine JS-Datei schreiben und ihn dann durch Aufrufe implementieren. Wenn Sie etwas nicht verstehen, können Sie gerne mit mir kommunizieren!
Demoadresse: http://www.85time.com/softuse/bar.htm
var dragobject = null; var ty;
document.onmouseout = doOut;
document.onmousedown = doUp;
function stat(){
var a = pageYOffset;
setTimeout('stat ()',2);
function fix(){
if(nome=='Netscape') stat(
var a=document.body.scrollTop;
var b=document.body.scrollLeft;
bar.style.left = b; >}
function getReal(el) {
temp = el;
while ((temp != null) && (temp.tagName != "BODY")) {
if ((temp. className == "moveme") ||. (temp.className == "handle")){
el = temp
temp = temp.parentElement; }
return el;
function moveme_onmousedown() {
el = getReal(window.event.srcElement)
if (el.className == "moveme") {
Dragobject = el;
ty = (window.event.clientY - Dragobject.style.pixelTop); = false;
window.event.cancelBubble = true;
}else if (el.className == "handle") {
tmp = el.getAttribute("for"); tmp != null) {
el = eval(tmp);
dragobject = el;
ty = (window.event.clientY - dragobject.style.pixelTop); event.clientX - dragobject.style.pixelLeft);
window.event.returnValue = false;
window.event.cancelBubble = true;
}else {
dragobject = null;
function moveme_onmouseup() {
if(dragobject) {
dragobject = null;
function moveme_onmousemove() {
if (dragobject) {
if(window.event.clientX >= 0) {
dragobject.style.left = window.event.clientX - tx ;
dragobject.style.top = window.event.clientY - ty;
window.event.returnValue = false;
window.event.cancelBubble = true;
if (document.all) {
document.onmousedown = moveme_onmousedown;
document.onmouseup = moveme_onmouseup;
document.onmousemove = moveme_onmousemove;
function doOver() {
var toEl = getReal(window.event.toElement, "className", "coolButton");
var fromEl = getReal(window.event.fromElement, "className", "coolButton");
if (toEl == fromEl) return;
var el = toEl;
var cDisabled = el.cDisabled;
cDisabled = (cDisabled != null);
if (el.className == "coolButton")
el.onselectstart = new Function("return false");
if ((el.className == "coolButton") && !cDisabled) {
function doOut() {
var toEl = getReal(window.event.toElement, "className", "coolButton");
var fromEl = getReal(window.event.fromElement, "className", "coolButton");
if (toEl == fromEl) return;
var el = fromEl;
var cDisabled = el.cDisabled;
cDisabled = (cDisabled != null);
var cToggle = el.cToggle;
toggle_disabled = (cToggle != null);
if (cToggle && el.value) {
else if ((el.className == "coolButton") && !cDisabled) {
function doDown() {
el = getReal(window.event.srcElement, "className", "coolButton");
var cDisabled = el.cDisabled;
cDisabled = (cDisabled != null);
if ((el.className == "coolButton") && !cDisabled) {
function doUp() {
el = getReal( window.event.srcElement, „className“, „coolButton“);
var cDisabled = el.cDisabled;
cDisabled = (cDisabled != null);
if ((el.className == "coolButton") && !cDisabled) {
function getReal(el, type, value) {
temp = el;
while ((temp != null) && (temp.tagName != "BODY")) {
if (eval("temp." + type) == value) {
el = temp;
return el;
temp = temp.parentElement;
return el;
function findChildren(el, type, value) {
var children = el.children;
var tmp = new Array();
var j=0;
for (var i=0; i
if (eval("children[i]." + type + "=="" + value + """)) {
tmp[tmp.length] = children[i];
tmp = tmp.concat(findChildren(children[i], type, value));
return tmp;
Funktionssperre(el) {
if (document.readyState != "complete") {
window.setTimeout("disable(" + el.id + ")", 100) ;
var cDisabled = el.cDisabled;
cDisabled = (cDisabled != null);
if (!cDisabled) {
el.cDisabled = true;
el.innerHTML = '
' +
'' +
el.innerHTML +
'' +
if (el.onclick != null) {
el.cDisabled_onclick = el.onclick;
el.onclick = null;
function enable(el) {
var cDisabled = el.cDisabled;
cDisabled = (cDisabled != null);
if (cDisabled) {
el.cDisabled = null;
el.innerHTML = el.children[0].children[0].innerHTML;
if (el.cDisabled_onclick != null) {
el.onclick = el.cDisabled_onclick;
el.cDisabled_onclick = null;
function addToggle(el) {
var cDisabled = el.cDisabled;
cDisabled = (cDisabled != null);
var cToggle = el.cToggle;
cToggle = (cToggle != null);
if (!cToggle && !cDisabled) {
el.cToggle = true;
if (el.value == null)
el.value = 0;
if (el.onclick != null)
el.cToggle_onclick = el.onclick;
el.cToggle_onclick = "";
el.onclick = new Function("toggle(" + el.id +"); " + el.id + ".cToggle_onclick();");
function removeToggle(el) {
var cDisabled = el.cDisabled;
cDisabled = (cDisabled != null);
var cToggle = el.cToggle;
cToggle = (cToggle != null);
if (cToggle && !cDisabled) {
el.cToggle = null;
if (el.value) {
if (el.cToggle_onclick != null) {
el.onclick = el.cToggle_onclick;
el.cToggle_onclick = null;
function toggle(el) {
el.value = !el.value;
if (el.value)
el.style.background = "URL()";
el.style.backgroundImage = "";
function makeFlat(el) {
with (el.style) {
background = "";
border = "1px solide Tastenfläche";
padding = "1px";
function makeRaised(el) {
with (el.style) {
borderLeft = "1px solid #2F8BDF";
borderRight = "1px solid #2F8BDF";
borderTop = "1px solid #2F8BDF";
borderBottom = "1px solid #2F8BDF";
padding = "1px";
function makePressed(el) {
with (el.style) {
borderLeft = "1px solid buttonhighlight";
borderRight = "1px solid buttonshadow";
borderTop = "1px solides Buttonhighlight";
borderBottom = "1px solid buttonshadow";
paddingTop = "2px";
paddingLeft = "2px";
paddingBottom = "0px";
paddingRight = "0px";
function makeGray(el,b) {
var filtval;
if (b)
filtval = "gray()";
filtval = "";
var imgs = findChildren(el, "tagName", "IMG");
for (var i=0; i
imgs[i].style.filter = filtval;
function load(ws) {
function initDown() {
function initUp() {
function initMove() {