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2016-11-11 09:50:341962Durchsuche


function syntax_highlight($code){
    // this matches --> "foobar" <--
    $code = preg_replace(
        &#39;"<span style="color: #007F00">$1</span>"&#39;, $code
    // hightlight functions and other structures like --> function foobar() <---
    $code = preg_replace(
        &#39;$1<span style="color: #0000ff">$2</span>$3&#39;,
    // Match comments (like /* */):
    $code = preg_replace(
        &#39;<span style="color: #660066; background-color: #FFFCB1;"><i>$0</i></span>&#39;,
    $code = preg_replace(
        &#39;<span style="color: #660066; background-color: #FFFCB1;"><i>$0</i></span>&#39;,
    // hightlight braces:
    $code = preg_replace(&#39;/(\(|\[|\{|\}|\]|\)|\->)/&#39;, &#39;<strong>$1</strong>&#39;, $code);
    // hightlight variables $foobar
    $code = preg_replace(
        &#39;/(\$[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/&#39;, &#39;<span style="color: #0000B3">$1</span>&#39;, $code
    /* The \b in the pattern indicates a word boundary, so only the distinct
    ** word "web" is matched, and not a word partial like "webbing" or "cobweb"
    // special words and functions
    $code = preg_replace(
        &#39;<span style="color: #7F007F">$1</span>&#39;, $code
    return $code;
** Create some example PHP code:
$example_php_code = &#39;
// some code comment:
$example = "foobar";
$array = array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
function example_function($str) {
    // reverse string
    echo strrev($obj);
print example_function("foo");
** A multiple line comment
print "Something: " . $example;&#39;;
// output the formatted code:
print &#39;<pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false">&#39;;
print syntax_highlight($example_php_code);
print &#39;
';     /*example-end*/

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