NotORM ist eine PHP-Bibliothek zur Vereinfachung der Interaktion mit Datenbanken. Das hervorstechendste Merkmal ist, dass Tabellenbeziehungen sehr einfach zu handhaben sind. Darüber hinaus ist die Leistung von NotORM sehr hoch und die Einstellungen sind höher als beim integrierten Treiber.
Mit Datenbank verbinden
include "NotORM.php"; $pdo = new PDO("mysql:dbname=software"); $db = new NotORM($pdo);
Daten lesen
foreach ($db->application() as $application) { // get all applications echo "$application[title]\n"; // print application title }
Bedingte Abfrage
$applications = $db->application() ->select("id, title") ->where("web LIKE ?", "http://%") ->order("title") ->limit(10) ; foreach ($applications as $id => $application) { echo "$application[title]\n"; }
Ergebnisse lesen
$application = $db->application[1]; // get by primary key $application = $db->application("title = ?", "Adminer")->fetch();
Tabellenzuordnung verarbeiten
echo $application->author["name"] . "\n"; // get name of the application author foreach ($application->application_tag() as $application_tag) { // get all tags of $application echo $application_tag->tag["name"] . "\n"; // print the tag name }
Gemeinsame Abfrage JOIN
// get all applications ordered by author's name foreach ($db->application()->order("") as $application) { echo $application->author["name"] . ": $application[title]\n"; }
echo $db->application()->max("id"); // get maximum ID foreach ($db->application() as $application) { // get count of each application's tags echo $application->application_tag()->count("*") . "\n"; }
Vollständiges Beispiel
<?php include "NotORM.php"; $connection = new PDO("mysql:dbname=software"); $software = new NotORM($connection); foreach ($software->application()->order("title") as $application) { // get all applications ordered by title echo "$application[title]\n"; // print application title echo $application->author["name"] . "\n"; // print name of the application author foreach ($application->application_tag() as $application_tag) { // get all tags of $application echo $application_tag->tag["name"] . "\n"; // print the tag name } } ?>