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机器学习之nltk download安装测试包

2016-10-18 10:13:261471Durchsuche

接着上一篇文章 机器学习之nltk download出错:Error connecting to server: [Errno -2] ,下面说一下 nltk测试包的安装及要注意的事项

>>> import nltk

>>> nltk.download()

NLTK Downloader


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Downloader> d

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Downloader> l


 [ ] brown_tei........... Brown Corpus (TEI XML Version)

 [ ] punkt............... Punkt Tokenizer Models

 [ ] maxent_treebank_pos_tagger Treebank Part of Speech Tagger (Maximum entropy)

 [ ] machado............. Machado de Assis -- Obra Completa

 [ ] movie_reviews....... Sentiment Polarity Dataset Version 2.0

 [ ] names............... Names Corpus, Version 1.3 (1994-03-29)

 [ ] nombank.1.0......... NomBank Corpus 1.0

 [ ] nps_chat............ NPS Chat

 [ ] paradigms........... Paradigm Corpus

 [ ] pe08................ Cross-Framework and Cross-Domain Parser

                          Evaluation Shared Task

 [ ] pil................. The Patient Information Leaflet (PIL) Corpus

 [ ] pl196x.............. Polish language of the XX century sixties

 [ ] ppattach............ Prepositional Phrase Attachment Corpus

 [ ] problem_reports..... Problem Report Corpus

 [ ] propbank............ Proposition Bank Corpus 1.0

 [ ] qc.................. Experimental Data for Question Classification

 [ ] reuters............. The Reuters-21578 benchmark corpus, ApteMod


 [ ] rte................. PASCAL RTE Challenges 1, 2, and 3

Hit Enter to continue:


>>> nltk.download('brown_tei')



python -m nltk.downloader spanish_grammars

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