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2016-08-08 09:33:481616Durchsuche

Excel Functions
将下面的代码存为excel.php ,然后在页面中包括进来

1. Call xlsBOF()  
2. 将一些内容写入到xlswritenunber() 或者 xlswritelabel()中.
3.然后调用 Call xlSEOF()

也可以用 fwrite 函数直接写到服务器上,而不是用echo 仅仅在浏览器上显示。

// ----- begin of function library -----
// Excel begin of file header
function xlsBOF() {
    echo pack("ssssss", 0x809, 0x8, 0x0, 0x10, 0x0, 0x0);  
// Excel end of file footer
function xlsEOF() {
    echo pack("ss", 0x0A, 0x00);
// Function to write a Number (double) into Row, Col
function xlsWriteNumber($Row, $Col, $Value) {
    echo pack("sssss", 0x203, 14, $Row, $Col, 0x0);
    echo pack("d", $Value);
// Function to write a label (text) into Row, Col
function xlsWriteLabel($Row, $Col, $Value ) {
    $L = strlen($Value);
    echo pack("ssssss", 0x204, 8 + $L, $Row, $Col, 0x0, $L);
    echo $Value;
// ----- end of function library -----

// To display the contents directly in a MIME compatible browser  
// add the following lines on TOP of your PHP file:

header ("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT");
header ("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D,d M YH:i:s") . " GMT");
header ("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate");     
header ("PRagma: no-cache");     
header ('Content-type: application/x-msexcel');
header ("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=EmplList.xls" );  
header ("Content-Description: PHP/INTERBASE Generated Data" );
// the next lines demonstrate the generation of the Excel stream
xlsBOF();   // begin Excel stream
xlsWriteLabel(0,0,"This is a label");  // write a label in A1, use for dates too
xlsWriteNumber(0,1,9999);  // write a number B1
xlsEOF(); // close the stream


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