Heim >Backend-Entwicklung >PHP-Tutorial >php mysql数据库类(兼容php4与php5)
分享一个php与mysql数据库类,良好的兼容了php4与php5。 代码如下: <?php // mysql数据库类 // Version 1.01 class clsTbsSql { var $Id; var $Mode; function clsTbsSql($srv='',$uid='',$pwd='',$db='',$drv='') { // Default values (defined here to be compatible with both PHP 4 & 5) $this->Id = false; $this->Mode = 1; // 0=silent, 1=normal, 2=debug, 3=trace // Try to connect when instance is created if ($srv!=='') $this->Connect($srv,$uid,$pwd,$db,$drv); $this->_Dbs_Prepare(); // Hook for the TinyButStrong Template Engine $GLOBALS['_TBS_UserFctLst']['k:tbssql'] = array('type'=>4,'open'=>array(&$this,'_Dbs_RsOpen'),'fetch'=>array(&$this,'_Dbs_RsFetch'), 'close'=>array(&$this,'_Dbs_RsClose')); } // Public methods function Connect($srv,$uid,$pwd,$db,$drv='') { $this->Id = $this->_Dbs_Connect($srv,$uid,$pwd,$db,$drv); if ($this->Id===false) return $this->_SqlError(false); return true; } function Close() { if ($this->Id!==false) $this->_Dbs_Close(); } function Execute($Sql) { $ArgLst = func_get_args(); $this->_SqlProtect($Sql,$ArgLst,1); $RsId = $this->_Dbs_RsOpen(null,$Sql); if ($RsId===false) return $this->_SqlError($this->Id); $this->_Dbs_RsClose($RsId); return true; } function Value($DefVal,$Sql) { $ArgLst = func_get_args(); $this->_SqlProtect($Sql,$ArgLst,2); $RsId = $this->_Dbs_RsOpen(null,$Sql); if ($RsId===false) return $this->_SqlError($this->Id); $Row = $this->_Dbs_RsFetch($RsId); if ($Row===false) { $x = $DefVal; } else { $x = reset($Row); } $this->_Dbs_RsClose($RsId); return $x; } function Row1($Sql) { $ArgLst = func_get_args(); $this->_SqlProtect($Sql,$ArgLst,1); $RsId = $this->_Dbs_RsOpen(null,$Sql); if ($RsId===false) return $this->_SqlError($this->Id); $x = $this->_Dbs_RsFetch($RsId); $this->_Dbs_RsClose($RsId); return $x; } function Rows($Sql) { $ArgLst = func_get_args(); $this->_SqlProtect($Sql,$ArgLst,1); $RsId = $this->_Dbs_RsOpen(null,$Sql); if ($RsId===false) return $this->_SqlError($this->Id); $x = array(); while ($r = $this->_Dbs_RsFetch($RsId)) { $x[] = $r; } $this->_Dbs_RsClose($RsId); return $x; } function AffectedRows() { return $this->_Dbs_AffectedRows(); } function LastRowId() { return $this->_Dbs_LastRowId(); } // Private methods function _SqlError($ObjId) { if ($this->Mode==0) return; $x = 'Database error message: '.$this->_Dbs_Error($ObjId); if ($this->Mode==2) $x .= "\r\nSQL = ".$this->LastSql; $this->_SqlMsg($x); return false; } function _SqlMsg($Txt,$Color='#FF0000') { if ($this->Mode!=0) { echo '<div style="color: '.$Color.';">[TbsSql] '.nl2br(htmlentities($Txt)).'</div>'."\r\n"; flush(); } } function _SqlDate($Date,$Mode) { // Return the date formated for the current Database if (is_string($Date)) { $x = strtotime($Date); if (($x===-1) or ($x===false)) { // display error message $this->_SqlMsg('Date value not recognized: '.$Date); $Mode = 0; // Try with the string mode $x = $Date; } } else { $x = $Date; } return $this->_Dbs_Date($x,$Mode); } function _SqlProtect(&$Sql,&$ArgLst,$IdxStart) { // Replace all %i% and @i@ figures by corresponding protected values $IdxMax = count($ArgLst) - 1; for ($i=$IdxStart;$i<=$IdxMax;$i++) { // Simple value $n = $i - $IdxStart + 1; $tag = '%'.$n.'%'; if (strpos($Sql,$tag)!==false) { $x = $this->_Dbs_ProtectStr(''.$ArgLst[$i]); $Sql = str_replace($tag,$x,$Sql) ; } // String value $tag = '@'.$n.'@'; if (strpos($Sql,$tag)!==false) { $x = '\''.$this->_Dbs_ProtectStr(''.$ArgLst[$i]).'\''; $Sql = str_replace($tag,$x,$Sql) ; } // Date value $tag = '#'.$n.'#'; if (strpos($Sql,$tag)!==false) { $x = $this->_SqlDate($ArgLst[$i],1); $Sql = str_replace($tag,$x,$Sql) ; } // Date and time value $tag = '~'.$n.'~'; if (strpos($Sql,$tag)!==false) { $x = $this->_SqlDate($ArgLst[$i],2); $Sql = str_replace($tag,$x,$Sql) ; } } if ($this->Mode==2) { $this->LastSql = $Sql; } elseif ($this->Mode==3) { $this->_SqlMsg('Trace SQL: '.$Sql,'#663399'); } } // ------------------------------- // 指定数据库系统 // ------------------------------- // Database Engine: MySQL // Version 1.02 function _Dbs_Prepare() { if (@mysql_ping()) { // Check if a MySQL connection already exist $this->Id = true; } } function _Dbs_Connect($srv,$uid,$pwd,$db,$drv) { $Id = @mysql_connect($srv,$uid,$pwd); if (($Id!==false) and ($db!=='')) { if (!@mysql_select_db($db)) $this->_SqlError(false); } return $Id; } function _Dbs_Close() { if (is_resource($this->Id)) { return @mysql_close($this->Id); } else { return @mysql_close(); } } function _Dbs_Error($ObjId) { if (is_resource($this->Id)) { return @mysql_error($ObjId); } else { return @mysql_error(); } } function _Dbs_RsOpen($Src,$Sql) { // $Src is only for compatibility with TinyButStrong if (is_resource($this->Id)) { return @mysql_query($Sql,$this->Id); } else { return @mysql_query($Sql); } } function _Dbs_RsFetch(&$RsId) { return mysql_fetch_assoc($RsId); } function _Dbs_RsClose(&$RsId) { if ($RsId===true) return true; return @mysql_free_result($RsId); } function _Dbs_ProtectStr($Txt) { return mysql_real_escape_string($Txt); } function _Dbs_Date($Timestamp,$Mode) { switch ($Mode) { case 1: // Date only return '\''.date('Y-m-d',$Timestamp).'\''; case 2: // Date and time return '\''.date('Y-m-d H:i:s',$Timestamp).'\''; case 0: // Value is a string return '\''.$this->_Dbs_ProtectStr($Timestamp).'\''; default: // Error in date recognization return '\'0000-00-00\''; } } function _Dbs_LastRowId() { return $this->Value(false,'SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()'); } function _Dbs_AffectedRows() { if (is_resource($this->Id)) { return mysql_affected_rows($this->Id); } else { return mysql_affected_rows(); } } } ?> 这是小编见过的,相当牛X的一个mysql数据库类了,如果你有幸阅读读了这里,那么恭喜您。 在以后的php与mysql数据库操作方面,您即将成为高手了。 |