Heim  >  Artikel  >  Backend-Entwicklung  >  php使用google地图接口开发应用的例子


2016-07-25 08:52:131177Durchsuche
  1. function selected ( $param , $value ) {
  2. if ( $param == $value ) print "SELECTED" ;
  3. }
  4. # Collect any form data to control the display
  5. $scale = 10 ;
  6. $maptype = "G_NORMAL_MAP" ;
  7. if ( $_REQUEST [ scale ]) $scale = $_REQUEST [ scale ];
  8. if ( $_REQUEST [ maptype ]) $maptype = $_REQUEST [ maptype ];
  9. # Geocoding your location
  10. # Note - you would cache this in a file
  11. # The key is domain specific - your google maps教程 key
  12. /*
  13. $location = file("http://maps.google.com/maps/geo?q=48+Spa+Road,+Melksham,+UK&
  14. output=csv&key=ABQIAAAAvp3__HwvT3VkixIIbsW0axQuKI_6t1bH2P0vCI_Q8jfpn8qdNBQMnnelj
  15. xh9czilkau_bYSCXteS_A");
  16. */
  17. # Following line is hard coded for demo
  18. $location [ 0 ]= "200,8,51.369318,-2.133457" ;
  19. list ( $stat , $acc , $north , $east ) = explode ( "," , $location [ 0 ]);


  1. php调用谷歌地图接口 - www.plcxue.com
  2. Well House Manor, Melksham

  3. php使用google地图接口开发应用的例子
  4. ? Business Hotel in Melksham
  5. ? All rooms fitted to superior standard
  6. ? Internet Access throughout
  7. ? Plenty of parking and close to town centre

  8. Well House
  9. Manor website

  10. Change to

  11. This is a sample PHP page with Google Maps
  12. teach you how to write pages like this
  13. Date - = date ( "F, jS l Y" ) ?>

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