Heim >Backend-Entwicklung >PHP-Tutorial >php各种优酷,土豆,视频封装类


2016-07-25 08:49:371157Durchsuche

九弄 jigwang.com
  1. /**
  2. * Video
  3. *
  4. * @package
  5. * @version 1.3
  6. * @copyright 2011 - 2013
  7. *
  8. * Usage
  9. * require_once "VideoUrlParser.class.php";
  10. * $urls[] = "http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjI4MDM4NDc2.html";
  11. * $urls[] = "http://www.tudou.com/playlist/p/l13087099.html";
  12. * $urls[] = "http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/ufg-A3tlcxk/";
  13. * $urls[] = "http://v.ku6.com/special/show_4926690/Klze2mhMeSK6g05X.html";
  14. * $urls[] = "http://www.56.com/u68/v_NjI2NTkxMzc.html";
  15. * $urls[] = "http://www.letv.com/ptv/vplay/1168109.html";
  16. * $urls[] = "http://video.sina.com.cn/v/b/46909166-1290055681.html";
  17. *
  18. * foreach($urls as $url){
  19. * $info = VideoUrlParser::parse($url);
  20. * //var_dump($info);
  21. * echo "{$info['title']}";
  22. * echo "
  23. * echo $info['object'];
  24. * echo "
  25. * }
  26. *
  27. *
  28. *
  29. * //优酷
  30. * http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjU0NjY4OTEy.html
  31. *
  32. *
  33. * //酷六
  34. * http://v.ku6.com/special/show_3917484/x0BMXAbgZdQS6FqN.html
  35. *
  36. *
  37. * //土豆
  38. * http://www.tudou.com/playlist/p/a65929.html?iid=74905844
  39. *
  40. *
  41. * //56
  42. * http://www.56.com/u98/v_NTkyODY2NTU.html
  43. *
  44. *
  45. * //新浪播客
  46. * http://video.sina.com.cn/v/b/46909166-1290055681.html
  47. *
  48. *
  49. * //乐视
  50. * http://www.letv.com/ptv/vplay/1168109.html
  51. *
  52. */
  53. class VideoUrlparser
  54. {
  55. const USER_AGENT = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US) AppleWebKit/534.10 (KHTML, like Gecko)
  56. Chrome/8.0.552.224 Safari/534.10";
  57. const CHECK_URL_VALID = "/(youku\.com|tudou\.com|ku6\.com|56\.com|letv\.com|video\.sina\.com\.cn|(my\.)?tv\.sohu\.com|v\.qq\.com)/";
  58. /**
  59. * parse
  60. *
  61. * @param string $url
  62. * @param mixed $createObject
  63. * @static
  64. * @access public
  65. * @return void
  66. */
  67. static public function parse($url='', $createObject=true){
  68. $lowerurl = strtolower($url);
  69. preg_match(self::CHECK_URL_VALID, $lowerurl, $matches);
  70. if(!$matches) return false;
  71. switch($matches[1]){
  72. case 'youku.com':
  73. $data = self::_parseYouku($url);
  74. break;
  75. case 'tudou.com':
  76. $data = self::_parseTudou($url);
  77. break;
  78. case 'ku6.com':
  79. $data = self::_parseKu6($url);
  80. break;
  81. case '56.com':
  82. $data = self::_parse56($url);
  83. break;
  84. case 'letv.com':
  85. $data = self::_parseLetv($url);
  86. break;
  87. case 'video.sina.com.cn':
  88. $data = self::_parseSina($url);
  89. break;
  90. case 'my.tv.sohu.com':
  91. case 'tv.sohu.com':
  92. case 'sohu.com':
  93. $data = self::_parseSohu($url);
  94. break;
  95. case 'v.qq.com':
  96. $data = self::_parseQq($url);
  97. break;
  98. default:
  99. $data = false;
  100. }
  101. if($data && $createObject) $data['object'] = "";
  102. return $data;
  103. }
  104. /**
  105. * 腾讯视频
  106. * http://v.qq.com/cover/o/o9tab7nuu0q3esh.html?vid=97abu74o4w3_0
  107. * http://v.qq.com/play/97abu74o4w3.html
  108. * http://v.qq.com/cover/d/dtdqyd8g7xvoj0o.html
  109. * http://v.qq.com/cover/d/dtdqyd8g7xvoj0o/9SfqULsrtSb.html
  110. * http://imgcache.qq.com/tencentvideo_v1/player/TencentPlayer.swf?_v=20110829&vid=97abu74o4w3&autoplay=1&list=2&showcfg=1&tpid=23&title=%E7%AC%AC%E4%B8%80%E7%8E%B0%E5%9C%BA&adplay=1&cid=o9tab7nuu0q3esh
  111. */
  112. private static function _parseQq($url){
  113. if(preg_match("/\/play\//", $url)){
  114. $html = self::_fget($url);
  115. preg_match("/url=[^\"]+/", $html, $matches);
  116. if(!$matches); return false;
  117. $url = $matches[0];
  118. }
  119. preg_match("/vid=([^\_]+)/", $url, $matches);
  120. $vid = $matches[1];
  121. $html = self::_fget($url);
  122. // query
  123. preg_match("/flashvars\s=\s\"([^;]+)/s", $html, $matches);
  124. $query = $matches[1];
  125. if(!$vid){
  126. preg_match("/vid\s?=\s?vid\s?\|\|\s?\"(\w+)\";/i", $html, $matches);
  127. $vid = $matches[1];
  128. }
  129. $query = str_replace('"+vid+"', $vid, $query);
  130. parse_str($query, $output);
  131. $data['img'] = "http://vpic.video.qq.com/{$$output['cid']}/{$vid}_1.jpg";
  132. $data['url'] = $url;
  133. $data['title'] = $output['title'];
  134. $data['swf'] = "http://imgcache.qq.com/tencentvideo_v1/player/TencentPlayer.swf?".$query;
  135. return $data;
  136. }
  137. /*
  138. * 优酷网
  139. * http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjI4MDM4NDc2.html
  140. * http://player.youku.com/player.php/sid/XMjU0NjI2Njg4/v.swf
  141. */
  142. private static function _parseYouku($url){
  143. preg_match("#id\_(\w+)#", $url, $matches);
  144. if (empty($matches)){
  145. preg_match("#v_playlist\/#", $url, $mat);
  146. if(!$mat) return false;
  147. $html = self::_fget($url);
  148. preg_match("#videoId2\s*=\s*\'(\w+)\'#", $html, $matches);
  149. if(!$matches) return false;
  150. }
  151. $link = "http://v.youku.com/player/getPlayList/VideoIDS/{$matches[1]}/timezone/+08/version/5/source/out?password=&ran=2513&n=3";
  152. $retval = self::_cget($link);
  153. if ($retval) {
  154. $json = json_decode($retval, true);
  155. $data['img'] = $json['data'][0]['logo'];
  156. $data['title'] = $json['data'][0]['title'];
  157. $data['url'] = $url;
  158. $data['swf'] = "http://player.youku.com/player.php/sid/{$matches[1]}/v.swf";
  159. // echo "
    "; var_dump($data);	
  160. return $data;
  161. } else {
  162. return false;
  163. }
  164. }
  165. /**
  166. * 土豆网
  167. * http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/Wtt3FjiDxEE/
  168. * http://www.tudou.com/v/Wtt3FjiDxEE/v.swf
  169. *
  170. * http://www.tudou.com/playlist/p/a65718.html?iid=74909603
  171. * http://www.tudou.com/l/G5BzgI4lAb8/&iid=74909603/v.swf
  172. */
  173. private static function _parseTudou($url){
  174. preg_match("#view/([-\w]+)/#", $url, $matches);
  175. if (empty($matches)) {
  176. if (strpos($url, "/playlist/") == false) return false;
  177. if(strpos($url, 'iid=') !== false){
  178. $quarr = explode("iid=", $lowerurl);
  179. if (empty($quarr[1])) return false;
  180. }elseif(preg_match("#p\/l(\d+).#", $lowerurl, $quarr)){
  181. if (empty($quarr[1])) return false;
  182. }
  183. $html = self::_fget($url);
  184. $html = iconv("GB2312", "UTF-8", $html);
  185. preg_match("/lid_code\s=\slcode\s=\s[\'\"]([^\'\"]+)/s", $html, $matches);
  186. $icode = $matches[1];
  187. preg_match("/iid\s=\s.*?\|\|\s(\d+)/sx", $html, $matches);
  188. $iid = $matches[1];
  189. preg_match("/listData\s=\s(\[\{.*\}\])/sx", $html, $matches);
  190. $find = array("/\n/", '/\s/', "/:[^\d\"]\w+[^\,]*,/i", "/(\{|,)(\w+):/");
  191. $replace = array("", "", ':"",', '\\1"\\2":');
  192. $str = preg_replace($find, $replace, $matches[1]);
  193. //var_dump($str);
  194. $json = json_decode($str);
  195. //var_dump($json);exit;
  196. if(is_array($json) || is_object($json) && !empty($json)){
  197. foreach ($json as $val) {
  198. if ($val->iid == $iid) {
  199. break;
  200. }
  201. }
  202. }
  203. $data['img'] = $val->pic;
  204. $data['title'] = $val->title;
  205. $data['url'] = $url;
  206. $data['swf'] = "http://www.tudou.com/l/{$icode}/&iid={$iid}/v.swf";
  207. return $data;
  208. }
  209. $host = "www.tudou.com";
  210. $path = "/v/{$matches[1]}/v.swf";
  211. $ret = self::_fsget($path, $host);
  212. if (preg_match("#\nLocation: (.*)\n#", $ret, $mat)) {
  213. parse_str(parse_url(urldecode($mat[1]), PHP_URL_QUERY));
  214. $data['img'] = $snap_pic;
  215. $data['title'] = $title;
  216. $data['url'] = $url;
  217. $data['swf'] = "http://www.tudou.com/v/{$matches[1]}/v.swf";
  218. return $data;
  219. }
  220. return false;
  221. }
  222. /**
  223. * 酷6网
  224. * http://v.ku6.com/film/show_520/3X93vo4tIS7uotHg.html
  225. * http://v.ku6.com/special/show_4926690/Klze2mhMeSK6g05X.html
  226. * http://v.ku6.com/show/7US-kDXjyKyIInDevhpwHg...html
  227. * http://player.ku6.com/refer/3X93vo4tIS7uotHg/v.swf
  228. */
  229. private static function _parseKu6($url){
  230. if(preg_match("/show\_/", $url)){
  231. preg_match("#/([-\w]+)\.html#", $url, $matches);
  232. $url = "http://v.ku6.com/fetchVideo4Player/{$matches[1]}.html";
  233. $html = self::_fget($url);
  234. if ($html) {
  235. $json = json_decode($html, true);
  236. if(!$json) return false;
  237. $data['img'] = $json['data']['picpath'];
  238. $data['title'] = $json['data']['t'];
  239. $data['url'] = $url;
  240. $data['swf'] = "http://player.ku6.com/refer/{$matches[1]}/v.swf";
  241. return $data;
  242. } else {
  243. return false;
  244. }
  245. }elseif(preg_match("/show\//", $url, $matches)){
  246. $html = self::_fget($url);
  247. preg_match("/ObjectInfo\s?=\s?([^\n]*)};/si", $html, $matches);
  248. $str = $matches[1];
  249. // img
  250. preg_match("/cover\s?:\s?\"([^\"]+)\"/", $str, $matches);
  251. $data['img'] = $matches[1];
  252. // title
  253. preg_match("/title\"?\s?:\s?\"([^\"]+)\"/", $str, $matches);
  254. $jsstr = "{\"title\":\"{$matches[1]}\"}";
  255. $json = json_decode($jsstr, true);
  256. $data['title'] = $json['title'];
  257. // url
  258. $data['url'] = $url;
  259. // query
  260. preg_match("/\"(vid=[^\"]+)\"\sname=\"flashVars\"/s", $html, $matches);
  261. $query = str_replace("&", '&', $matches[1]);
  262. preg_match("/\/\/player\.ku6cdn\.com[^\"\']+/", $html, $matches);
  263. $data['swf'] = 'http:'.$matches[0].'?'.$query;
  264. return $data;
  265. }
  266. }
  267. /**
  268. * 56网
  269. * http://www.56.com/u73/v_NTkzMDcwNDY.html
  270. * http://player.56.com/v_NTkzMDcwNDY.swf
  271. */
  272. private static function _parse56($url){
  273. preg_match("#/v_(\w+)\.html#", $url, $matches);
  274. if (empty($matches)) return false;
  275. $link="http://vxml.56.com/json/{$matches[1]}/?src=out";
  276. $retval = self::_cget($link);
  277. if ($retval) {
  278. $json = json_decode($retval, true);
  279. $data['img'] = $json['info']['img'];
  280. $data['title'] = $json['info']['Subject'];
  281. $data['url'] = $url;
  282. $data['swf'] = "http://player.56.com/v_{$matches[1]}.swf";
  283. return $data;
  284. } else {
  285. return false;
  286. }
  287. }
  288. /**
  289. * 乐视网
  290. * http://www.letv.com/ptv/vplay/1168109.html
  291. * http://www.letv.com/player/x1168109.swf
  292. */
  293. private static function _parseLetv($url){
  294. $html = self::_fget($url);
  295. preg_match("#http://v.t.sina.com.cn/([^'\"]*)#", $html, $matches);
  296. parse_str(parse_url(urldecode($matches[0]), PHP_URL_QUERY));
  297. preg_match("#vplay/(\d+)#", $url, $matches);
  298. $data['img'] = $pic;
  299. $data['title'] = $title;
  300. $data['url'] = $url;
  301. $data['swf'] = "http://www.letv.com/player/x{$matches[1]}.swf";
  302. return $data;
  303. }
  304. // 搜狐TV http://my.tv.sohu.com/u/vw/5101536
  305. private static function _parseSohu($url){
  306. $html = self::_fget($url);
  307. $html = iconv("GB2312", "UTF-8", $html);
  308. preg_match_all("/og:(?:title|image|videosrc)\"\scontent=\"([^\"]+)\"/s", $html, $matches);
  309. $data['img'] = $matches[1][1];
  310. $data['title'] = $matches[1][0];
  311. $data['url'] = $url;
  312. $data['swf'] = $matches[1][2];
  313. return $data;
  314. }
  315. /*
  316. * 新浪播客
  317. * http://video.sina.com.cn/v/b/48717043-1290055681.html
  318. * http://you.video.sina.com.cn/api/sinawebApi/outplayrefer.php/vid=48717043_1290055681_PUzkSndrDzXK+l1lHz2stqkP7KQNt6nki2O0u1ehIwZYQ0/XM5GdatoG5ynSA9kEqDhAQJA4dPkm0x4/s.swf
  319. */
  320. private static function _parseSina($url){
  321. preg_match("/(\d+)(?:\-|\_)(\d+)/", $url, $matches);
  322. $url = "http://video.sina.com.cn/v/b/{$matches[1]}-{$matches[2]}.html";
  323. $html = self::_fget($url);
  324. preg_match("/video\s?:\s?([^ $find = array("/\n/", "/\s*/", "/\'/", "/\{([^:,]+):/", "/,([^:]+):/", "/:[^\d\"]\w+[^\,]*,/i");
  325. $replace = array('', '', '"', '{"\\1":', ',"\\1":', ':"",');
  326. $str = preg_replace($find, $replace, $matches[1]);
  327. $arr = json_decode($str, true);
  328. $data['img'] = $arr['pic'];
  329. $data['title'] = $arr['title'];
  330. $data['url'] = $url;
  331. $data['swf'] = $arr['swfOutsideUrl'];
  332. return $data;
  333. }
  334. /*
  335. * 通过 file_get_contents 获取内容
  336. */
  337. private static function _fget($url=''){
  338. if(!$url) return false;
  339. $html = file_get_contents($url);
  340. // 判断是否gzip压缩
  341. if($dehtml = self::_gzdecode($html))
  342. return $dehtml;
  343. else
  344. return $html;
  345. }
  346. /*
  347. * 通过 fsockopen 获取内容
  348. */
  349. private static function _fsget($path='/', $host='', $user_agent=''){
  350. if(!$path || !$host) return false;
  351. $user_agent = $user_agent ? $user_agent : self::USER_AGENT;
  352. $out = GET $path HTTP/1.1
  353. Host: $host
  354. User-Agent: $user_agent
  355. Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
  356. Accept-Language: zh-cn,zh;q=0.5
  357. Accept-Charset: GB2312,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7\r\n\r\n
  358. HEADER;
  359. $fp = @fsockopen($host, 80, $errno, $errstr, 10);
  360. if (!$fp) return false;
  361. if(!fputs($fp, $out)) return false;
  362. while ( !feof($fp) ) {
  363. $html .= fgets($fp, 1024);
  364. }
  365. fclose($fp);
  366. // 判断是否gzip压缩
  367. if($dehtml = self::_gzdecode($html))
  368. return $dehtml;
  369. else
  370. return $html;
  371. }
  372. /*
  373. * 通过 curl 获取内容
  374. */
  375. private static function _cget($url='', $user_agent=''){
  376. if(!$url) return;
  377. $user_agent = $user_agent ? $user_agent : self::USER_AGENT;
  378. $ch = curl_init();
  379. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
  380. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
  381. if(strlen($user_agent)) curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $user_agent);
  382. ob_start();
  383. curl_exec($ch);
  384. $html = ob_get_contents();
  385. ob_end_clean();
  386. if(curl_errno($ch)){
  387. curl_close($ch);
  388. return false;
  389. }
  390. curl_close($ch);
  391. if(!is_string($html) || !strlen($html)){
  392. return false;
  393. }
  394. return $html;
  395. // 判断是否gzip压缩
  396. if($dehtml = self::_gzdecode($html))
  397. return $dehtml;
  398. else
  399. return $html;
  400. }
  401. private static function _gzdecode($data) {
  402. $len = strlen ( $data );
  403. if ($len return null; // Not GZIP format (See RFC 1952)
  404. }
  405. $method = ord ( substr ( $data, 2, 1 ) ); // Compression method
  406. $flags = ord ( substr ( $data, 3, 1 ) ); // Flags
  407. if ($flags & 31 != $flags) {
  408. // Reserved bits are set -- NOT ALLOWED by RFC 1952
  409. return null;
  410. }
  411. // NOTE: $mtime may be negative (PHP integer limitations)
  412. $mtime = unpack ( "V", substr ( $data, 4, 4 ) );
  413. $mtime = $mtime [1];
  414. $xfl = substr ( $data, 8, 1 );
  415. $os = substr ( $data, 8, 1 );
  416. $headerlen = 10;
  417. $extralen = 0;
  418. $extra = "";
  419. if ($flags & 4) {
  420. // 2-byte length prefixed EXTRA data in header
  421. if ($len - $headerlen - 2 return false; // Invalid format
  422. }
  423. $extralen = unpack ( "v", substr ( $data, 8, 2 ) );
  424. $extralen = $extralen [1];
  425. if ($len - $headerlen - 2 - $extralen return false; // Invalid format
  426. }
  427. $extra = substr ( $data, 10, $extralen );
  428. $headerlen += 2 + $extralen;
  429. }
  430. $filenamelen = 0;
  431. $filename = "";
  432. if ($flags & 8) {
  433. // C-style string file NAME data in header
  434. if ($len - $headerlen - 1 return false; // Invalid format
  435. }
  436. $filenamelen = strpos ( substr ( $data, 8 + $extralen ), chr ( 0 ) );
  437. if ($filenamelen === false || $len - $headerlen - $filenamelen - 1 return false; // Invalid format
  438. }
  439. $filename = substr ( $data, $headerlen, $filenamelen );
  440. $headerlen += $filenamelen + 1;
  441. }
  442. $commentlen = 0;
  443. $comment = "";
  444. if ($flags & 16) {
  445. // C-style string COMMENT data in header
  446. if ($len - $headerlen - 1 return false; // Invalid format
  447. }
  448. $commentlen = strpos ( substr ( $data, 8 + $extralen + $filenamelen ), chr ( 0 ) );
  449. if ($commentlen === false || $len - $headerlen - $commentlen - 1 return false; // Invalid header format
  450. }
  451. $comment = substr ( $data, $headerlen, $commentlen );
  452. $headerlen += $commentlen + 1;
  453. }
  454. $headercrc = "";
  455. if ($flags & 1) {
  456. // 2-bytes (lowest order) of CRC32 on header present
  457. if ($len - $headerlen - 2 return false; // Invalid format
  458. }
  459. $calccrc = crc32 ( substr ( $data, 0, $headerlen ) ) & 0xffff;
  460. $headercrc = unpack ( "v", substr ( $data, $headerlen, 2 ) );
  461. $headercrc = $headercrc [1];
  462. if ($headercrc != $calccrc) {
  463. return false; // Bad header CRC
  464. }
  465. $headerlen += 2;
  466. }
  467. // GZIP FOOTER - These be negative due to PHP's limitations
  468. $datacrc = unpack ( "V", substr ( $data, - 8, 4 ) );
  469. $datacrc = $datacrc [1];
  470. $isize = unpack ( "V", substr ( $data, - 4 ) );
  471. $isize = $isize [1];
  472. // Perform the decompression:
  473. $bodylen = $len - $headerlen - 8;
  474. if ($bodylen // This should never happen - IMPLEMENTATION BUG!
  475. return null;
  476. }
  477. $body = substr ( $data, $headerlen, $bodylen );
  478. $data = "";
  479. if ($bodylen > 0) {
  480. switch ($method) {
  481. case 8 :
  482. // Currently the only supported compression method:
  483. $data = gzinflate ( $body );
  484. break;
  485. default :
  486. // Unknown compression method
  487. return false;
  488. }
  489. } else {
  490. //...
  491. }
  492. if ($isize != strlen ( $data ) || crc32 ( $data ) != $datacrc) {
  493. // Bad format! Length or CRC doesn't match!
  494. return false;
  495. }
  496. return $data;
  497. }
  498. }
  499. /*
  500. $url = "http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNjIxNjUyOTky.html";
  501. $obj = new VideoUrlparser();
  502. $data = $obj->parse($url);
  503. var_dump($data);
  504. */

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