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vBulletin Forum 2.3.xx SQL Injection_PHP教程

2016-07-21 16:09:26968Durchsuche

vBulletin Forum 2.3.xx SQL Injection There exist a sql injection problem in calendar.php.

-------- Cut from line 585 in calendar.php ----------
else if ($action == "edit")
      $eventinfo = $DB_site->query_first("SELECT allowsmilies,public,userid,
eventdate,event,subject FROM calendar_events WHERE eventid = $eventid");

If the MySQL version is greater than 4.00, a UNION attack could be used.


The query_first function will only return the first row of the query result, so make sure it returns !
the one you want.

www.bkjia.comtruehttp://www.bkjia.com/PHPjc/314536.htmlTechArticlevBulletin Forum 2.3.xx SQL InjectionThere exist a sql injection problem in calendar.php. -------- Cut from line 585 in calendar.php ---------- else if ($action == "edit") { $eventi...
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