Heim  >  Artikel  >  Backend-Entwicklung  >  将RTF格式的文件转成HTML并在网页中显示的代码_PHP教程


2016-07-21 16:03:081156Durchsuche



    if(!($userfile)) {

    Send this file:

    function ProcessTags($tags, $line) {
    $html = "";
    global $color;
    global $size;
    global $bullets;
    // Remove spaces.
    $tags = trim($tags);
    // Found the beginning of the bulleted l
    //     ist.
    if(ereg("\\\pnindent", $tags)) {
    $html .= "
  • ";
        $bullets += $line;
        $tags = ereg_replace("\\\par", "", $tags);
        $tags = ereg_replace("\\\(tab)", "", $tags);
        if($line - $bullets == 0) {
        $tags = ereg_replace("\\\par", "", $tags);
        elseif($line - $bullets == 1) {
        if(ereg("\\\pntext", $tags)) {
        $html .= "
  • ";
        $tags = ereg_replace("\\\par", "", $tags);
        $tags = ereg_replace("\\\(tab)", "", $tags);
        else {
        $html .= "
    $bullets = 0;
    // Convert Bold.
    if(ereg("\\\b0", $tags)){ $html .= ""; }
    elseif(ereg("\\\b", $tags)) { $html .= ""; }
    // Convert Italic.
    if(ereg("\\\i0", $tags)){ $html .= ""; }
    elseif(ereg("\\\i", $tags)) { $html .= ""; }
    // Convert Underline.
    if(ereg("\\\ulnone", $tags)){ $html .= ""; }
    elseif(ereg("\\\ul", $tags)){ $html .= ""; }
    // Convert Alignments.
    if(ereg("\\\pard\\\qc", $tags)) { $html .= "
"; }
    elseif(ereg("\\\pard\\\qr", $tags)) { $html .= "
"; }
    elseif(ereg("\\\pard", $tags)){ $html .= "
"; }
    // Remove \pard from the tags so it does
    //     n't get confused with \par.
    $tags = ereg_replace("\\\pard", "", $tags);
    // Convert line breaks.
    if(ereg("\\\par", $tags)){ $html .= "
"; }
    // Use the color table to capture the fo
    //     nt color changes.
    if(ereg("\\\cf[0-9]", $tags)) {
    global $fcolor;
    $numcolors = count($fcolor);
    for($i = 0; $i     $test = "\\\cf" . ($i + 1);
    if(ereg($test, $tags)) {
    $color = $fcolor[$i];
    // Capture font size changes.
    if(ereg("\\\fs[0-9][0-9]", $tags, $temp)) {
    $size = ereg_replace("\\\fs", "", $temp[0]);
    $size /= 2;
    if($size     elseif($size     elseif($size     elseif($size     elseif($size     elseif($size     elseif($size     else{ $size = 8; }
    // If there was a font color or size cha
    //     nge, change the font tag now.
    if(ereg("(\\\cf[0-9])||(\\\fs[0-9][0-9])", $tags)) {
    $html .= "";
    // Replace \tab with alternating spaces  
    //     and nonbreakingwhitespaces.
    if(ereg("\\\(tab)", $tags)) { $html .= "        "; }
    return $html;
    function ProcessWord($word) {
    // Replace \\ with \
    $word = ereg_replace("[\\]{2,}", "\\", $word);
    // Replace \{ with {
    $word = ereg_replace("[\\][\{]", "\{", $word);
    // Replace \} with }
    $word = ereg_replace("[\\][\}]", "\}", $word);
    // Replace 2 spaces with one space.
    $word = ereg_replace(" ", "  ", $word);
    return $word;
    $color = "000000";
    $size = 1;
    $bullets = 0;
    // Read the uploaded file into an array.
    $rtfile = file($userfile);
    $fileLength = count($rtfile);
    // Loop through the rest of the array
    for($i = 1; $i     /*
    ** If the line contains "\colortbl" then we found the color table.
    ** We'll have to split it up into each individual red, green, and blue
    ** Convert it to hex and then put the red, green, and blue back together.
    ** Then store each into an array called fcolor.
    if(ereg("^\{\\\colortbl", $rtfile[$i])) {
    // Split the line by the backslash.
    $colors = explode("\\", $rtfile[$i]);
    $numOfColors = count($colors);
    for($k = 2; $k     // Find out how many different colors th
    //     ere are.
    if(ereg("[0-9]+", $colors[$k], $matches)) {
    $match[] = $matches[0];

    // For each color, convert it to hex.
    $numOfColors = count($match);
    for($k = 0; $k     $red = dechex($match[$k]);
    $red = $match[$k]     $green = dechex($match[$k + 1]);
    $green = $match[$k +1]     $blue = dechex($match[$k + 2]);
    $blue = $match[$k + 2]     $fcolor[] = "$red$green$blue";
    $numOfColors = count($fcolor);
    // Or else, we parse the line, pulling o
    //     ff words and tags.
    else {
    $token = "";
    $start = 0;
    $lineLength = strlen($rtfile[$i]);
    for($k = 0; $k     if($rtfile[$i][$start] == "\\" && $rtfile[$i][$start + 1] != "\\") {
    // We are now dealing with a tag.
    $token .= $rtfile[$i][$k];
    if($rtfile[$i][$k] == " ") {
    $newFile[$i] .= ProcessTags($token, $i);
    $token = "";
    $start = $k + 1;
    elseif($rtfile[$i][$k] == "\n") {
    $newFile[$i] .= ProcessTags($token, $i);
    $token = "";
    elseif($rtfile[$i][$start] == "{") {
    // We are now dealing with a tag.
    $token .= $rtfile[$i][$k];
    if($rtfile[$i][$k] == "}") {
    $newFile[$i] .= ProcessTags($token, $i);
    $token = "";
    $start = $k + 1;
    else {
    // We are now dealing with a word.
    if($rtfile[$i][$k] == "\\" && $rtfile[$i][$k + 1] != "\\" && $rtfile[$i][$k - 1] != "\\") {
    $newFile[$i] .= ProcessWord($token);
    $token = $rtfile[$i][$k];
    $start = $k;
    else {
    $token .= $rtfile[$i][$k];
    $limit = sizeof($newFile);
    for($i = 0; $i     print("$newFile[$i]\n");
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