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PHP模板引擎:TinyButStrong 3.6.0 发布_PHP教程

2016-07-13 17:41:551145Durchsuche


1. a parameter "htmlconv=utf8" that forces the data conversion into UTF-8;
2. a parameter "ope=msk" that applies... a mask on the fields value;
3. a new plugin event named "OnCacheField";
4. a couple of new properties that allow you to cancel the merging of the automatic fields [onload] and [onshow];
5. a parameter "atttrue" that merges an XML/HTML attribute like a Boolean attribute;
6. an option to limit PHP functions accepted by the parameters "ondata" and "onformat"; and automatic sub-blocks that support an optional column

www.bkjia.comtruehttp://www.bkjia.com/PHPjc/486112.htmlTechArticleTinyButStrong(TBS)是一个可以让PHP脚本和HTML文件干净分离的PHP模板引擎 。TBS设计成可以使用任何可视化HTML编辑器来编写TBS的HTML模板页。 该版...
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