Heim >Backend-Entwicklung >PHP-Tutorial >再谈PHP单例模式Singleton_PHP教程
我们用 UML 来设计单例模式,当然在以后的设计模式的设计部分,我们都将采用 UML 来描述我们的设计,这样就更为形象化了。
从 UML 设计图中我们可以看出,为了让一个类只有一个实例,它必须创建一个静态变量,然后我们用一个公共静态的 Instance() 的方法来创建它,但是为了避免这个类自身的构造函数可以创建对象,我们将构造函数设置成 protected 或者 private,这样外部就只能通过 Instance() 的方法来创建一个静态的 Singleton 类。看来这样我们达到了我们的目的,接下来我们看代码:
public class Singleton { private static Singleton instance; protected Singleton() public static Singleton Instance() { if(instance != null) instance = new Singleton(); return instance; } }
<?php class Fruit { static private $_color; private function __construct() { } static public function singleton() { return isset(self::$_color) ? self::$_color : self::$_color = new self(); } } ?>
<?php class Test extends Fruit { public static function getInstance() { return Fruit::getSingleton(get_class()); } } ?> <?php class Fruit { /*********************** * HOW TO USE * * Inherit(extend) from Singleton and add getter: * * //public getter for singleton instance * public static function getInstance(){ * return Singleton::getSingleton(get_class()); * } * */ private static $instanceMap = array(); //protected getter for singleton instances protected static function getSingleton($className) { if(!isset(self::$instanceMap[$className])) { $object = new $className; //Make sure this object inherit from Singleton if($object instanceof Fruit) { self::$instanceMap[$className] = $object; } else { throw SingletonException("Class '$className' do not inherit from Singleton!"); } } return self::$instanceMap[$className]; } //protected constructor to prevent outside instantiation protected function __construct(){ } //denie cloning of singleton objects public final function __clone(){ trigger_error('It is impossible to clone singleton', E_USER_ERROR); } } ?> <?php class Apple extends Fruit { protected $rndId; protected function __construct(){ $this->rndId = rand(); } public function whatAmI(){ echo 'I am a Apple('.$this->rndId.')<br />'; } public static function getInstance(){ return Fruit::getSingleton(get_class()); } } class GreenApple extends Apple { public function whatAmI(){ echo 'I am a GreenApple('.$this->rndId.')<br />'; } public static function getInstance(){ return Fruit::getSingleton(get_class()); } } $apple1 = Apple::getInstance(); $apple2 = GreenApple::getInstance(); $apple1->whatAmI();// should echo 'I am a A(some number) $apple2->whatAmI();// should echo 'I am a B(some number) $apple1 = Apple::getInstance(); $apple2 = GreenApple::getInstance(); $apple1->whatAmI();// should echo 'I am a A(same number as above) $apple2->whatAmI();// should echo 'I am a B(same number as above) // $a = new A();// this should fail // $b = new B();// this should fail ?>
I am a Apple(4462) I am a GreenApple(8207) I am a Apple(4462) I am a GreenApple(8207)
<?php class Fruit { // Hold an instance of the class private static $instance; // A private constructor; prevents direct creation of object protected function __construct() { echo 'I am constructed'; } // The singleton method public static function singleton($classname = __CLASS__) { if (!isset(self::$instance)) { self::$instance = new $classname; } return self::$instance; } } class Apple extends Fruit { public static function singleton() { return parent::singleton(__CLASS__); // NOTE The singleton method MUST return an instance. } public function showColor() { echo 'My Color is Red.'; } } $subclassInstance = Apple::singleton(); $subclassInstance->showColor(); ?>
I am constructed My Color is Red.