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2016-07-13 09:48:011008Durchsuche



网络相册图片防盗链破解程序 - PHP版 这个防盗链破解版可以完美破解当下比较流行的: 百度相册,网易相册,360我喜欢等网站图片. 还可以实现简单的图片防盗链. 因为这个类是先进行获取远程图片, 然后再把图片发送到客户端,所以,算是进行了两次流量的传送.因此,会浪费空间流量,接下来,会开发缓存功能,这样可以实现节约流量!

 * 网络相册图片防盗链破解程序 - PHP版   
 * 使用方法:   
 *   http://yourdomain/url.php&#63;url=http://hiphotos.baidu.com/verdana/pic/item/baidupicture.jpg&referer=   
 *   其中url是指需要破解的图片URL,而referer是为了兼容一些不需要设置来路域名才能显示的相册,例如360我喜欢网,必须设置来路为空才能正常浏览. 所以,此时应该设置referer为1  
 * @author 雪狐博客   
 * @version 1.0   
 * @since  July 16, 2012  
 * @URL http://www.xuehuwang.com   
class Frivoller   
   * HTTP 版本号 (1.0, 1.1) , 百度使用的是 version 1.1   
   * @var string   
  protected $version;   
   * 进行HTTP请求后响应的数据  
   * @var 字符串格式   
  protected $body;   
   * 需要获取的远程URL  
   * @var 字符串格式   
  protected $link;   
   * An array that containing any of the various components of the URL.   
   * @var array   
  protected $components;   
   * HTTP请求时HOST数据  
   * @var 字符串   
  protected $host;   
   * The path of required file.   
   * (e.g. '/verdana/abpic/item/mygirl.png')   
   * @var string   
  protected $path;   
   * The HTTP referer, extra it from original URL   
   * @var string   
  protected $referer;   
   * The HTTP method, 'GET' for default   
   * @var string   
  protected $method  = 'GET';   
   * The HTTP port, 80 for default   
   * @var int   
  protected $port   = 80;   
   * Timeout period on a stream   
   * @var int   
  protected $timeout = 100;   
   * The filename of image   
   * @var string   
  protected $filename;   
   * The ContentType of image file.   
   * image/jpeg, image/gif, image/png, image   
   * @var string   
  protected $contentType;   
   * Frivoller constructor   
   * @param string $link   
  public function __construct($link,$referer='')   
    $this->referer = $referer;  
    // parse the http link   
    // begin to fetch the image   
    $stream = pfsockopen($this->host, $this->port, $errno, $errstr, $this->timeout);   
    if (!$stream){  
      header("Content-Type: $this->contentType;");   
      echo $this->CurlGet($link);   
      fwrite($stream, $this->buildHeaders());   
      $this->body = "";   
      $img_size = get_headers($link,true);  
      while (!feof($stream)) {   
        $this->body .= fgets($stream, $img_size['Content-Length']);   
        //fwrite($jpg,fread($stream, $img_size['Content-Length']));  
      $content = explode("\r\n\r\n", $this->body, 2);   
      $this->body = $content[1];  
      // send 'ContentType' header for saving this file correctly
      // 如果不发送CT,则在试图保存图片时,IE7 会发生错误 (800700de)   
      // Flock, Firefox 则没有这个问题,Opera 没有测试   
      header("Content-Type: $this->contentType;");   
      header("Cache-Control: max-age=315360000");  
      echo $this->body;     
       //file_put_contents('hello.jpg', $this->body);   
   * Compose HTTP request header   
   * @return string   
  private function buildHeaders()   
    $request = "$this->method $this->path HTTP/1.1\r\n";   
    $request .= "Host: $this->host\r\n";   
    $request .= "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate\r\n";  
    $request .= "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; zh-CN; rv: Gecko/2008070208 Firefox/3.0.1\r\n";
    $request .= "Content-Type: image/jpeg\r\n";   
    $request .= "Accept: */*\r\n";   
    $request .= "Keep-Alive: 300\r\n";   
    $request .= "Referer: $this->referer\r\n";   
    $request .= "Cache-Control: max-age=315360000\r\n";   
    $request .= "Connection: close\r\n\r\n";   
    return $request;   
   * Strip initial header and filesize info   
  private function extractBody(&$body)   
    // The status of link   
    if(strpos($body, '200 OK') > 0) {   
      // strip header   
      $endpos = strpos($body, "\r\n\r\n");   
      $body = substr($body, $endpos + 4);   
      // strip filesize at nextline   
      $body = substr($body, strpos($body, "\r\n") + 2);   
   * Extra the http url   
   * @param $link   
  private function parseLink($link)   
    $this->link     = $link;   
    $this->components  = parse_url($this->link);   
    $this->host     = $this->components['host'];   
    $this->path     = $this->components['path'];   
      $this->referer   = $this->components['scheme'] . '://' . $this->components['host'];   
    }elseif($this->referer == '1'){  
      $this->referer   = '';  
    $this->filename   = basename($this->path);   
    // extract the content type   
    $ext = substr(strrchr($this->path, '.'), 1);   
    if ($ext == 'jpg' or $ext == 'jpeg') {   
      $this->contentType = 'image/pjpeg';   
    elseif ($ext == 'gif') {   
      $this->contentType = 'image/gif';   
    elseif ($ext == 'png') {   
      $this->contentType = 'image/x-png';   
    elseif ($ext == 'bmp') {   
      $this->contentType = 'image/bmp';   
    else {   
      $this->contentType = 'application/octet-stream';   
  function CurlGet($url){   
    $url = str_replace('&','&',$url);   
    $curl = curl_init();   
    curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url);   
    curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HEADER, false);   
    curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_REFERER,$url);   
    curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; SeaPort/1.2; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; InfoPath.2)");   
    curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, 'cookie.txt');   
    curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, 'cookie.txt');   
    curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);   
    curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 0);   
    $values = curl_exec($curl);   
    return $values;   
 * 取得根域名  
 * @author   lonely  
 * @create    2011-3-11  
 * @version  0.11  
 * @lastupdate lonely  
 * @package Sl  
class RootDomain{  
   private static $self;  
  private $domain=null;  
  private $host=null;  
  private $state_domain;  
  private $top_domain;  
   * 取得域名分析实例  
   * Enter description here ...  
  public static function instace(){  
      self::$self=new self();  
    return self::$self;  
  public function __construct(){  
   * 设置URL  
   * Enter description here ...  
   * @param string $url  
  public function setUrl($url=null){  
    if(empty($url))return $this;  
    if(!preg_match("/^http:/is", $url))  
    $urlarr=explode(".", $url['host']);  
    if ($count<=2){  
    }else if ($count>2){  
      if(in_array($last, $this->top_domain)){  
        $this->host=implode('.', $urlarr);  
      }else if (in_array($last, $this->state_domain)){  
        if(in_array($last_1, $this->top_domain)){  
          $this->host=implode('.', $urlarr);  
          $this->host=implode('.', $urlarr).$last_2;  
    return $this;  
   * 取得域名  
   * Enter description here ...  
  public function getDomain(){  
    return $this->domain;  
   * 取得主机  
   * Enter description here ...  
  public function getHost(){  
    return $this->host;  
$referer = array('xuehuwang.com','zangbala.cn','qianzhebaikou.net','sinaapp.com','163.com','sina.com.cn','weibo.com','abc.com');  
// Get the url, maybe you should check the given url   
if (isset($_GET['url']) and $_GET['url'] != '') {   
  $site = (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) && !empty($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) &#63; $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : '';
      $tempu = parse_url($site);  
      $host = $tempu['host'];  
      $root = new RootDomain();  
        $img_referer = (isset($_GET['referer']) && !empty($_GET['referer']))&#63; trim($_GET['referer']) : '';  
        new Frivoller($_GET['url'],$img_referer);   
      $img_referer = (isset($_GET['referer']) && !empty($_GET['referer']))&#63; trim($_GET['referer']) : '';  
      new Frivoller($_GET['url'],$img_referer);   


www.bkjia.comtruehttp://www.bkjia.com/PHPjc/1024917.htmlTechArticlephp实现的网络相册图片防盗链完美破解方法, 本文实例讲述了php实现的网络相册图片防盗链完美破解方法。分享给大家供大家参考。具体如...
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