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Pacemaker Resource Agent的错误处理_PHP教程

2016-07-12 08:59:481636Durchsuche

Pacemaker Resource Agent的错误处理

1.前言 Pacemaker通过调用各个resource agent提供的操作(比如start,stop)实现对资源的控制,当这个方法执行出错时,Pacemaker会根据执行的操作和错误类型进行不同的错误处理。

2. 错误类型



B.3.How are OCF Return Codes Interpreted?

The first thing the cluster does is to check the return code against the expected result. If the result does not match the expected value, then the operation is considered to have failed and recovery action is initiated.There are three types of failure recovery:

TableB.3.Types of recovery performed by the cluster

Type Description Action Taken by the Cluster
soft A transient error occurred Restart the resource or move it to a new location
hard A non-transient error that may be specific to the current node occurred Move the resource elsewhere and prevent it from being retried on the current node
fatal A non-transient error that will be common to all cluster nodes (eg. a bad configuration was specified) Stop the resource and prevent it from being started on any cluster node

Assuming an action is considered to have failed, the following table outlines the different OCF return codes and the type of recovery the cluster will initiate when it is received.

B.4.OCF Return Codes

TableB.4.OCF Return Codes and their Recovery Types

RC OCF Alias Description RT
0 OCF_SUCCESS Success. The command completed successfully. This is the expected result for all start, stop, promote and demote commands. soft
1 OCF_ERR_GENERIC Generic "there was a problem" error code. soft
2 OCF_ERR_ARGS The resource’s configuration is not valid on this machine. Eg. refers to a location/tool not found on the node. hard
3 OCF_ERR_UNIMPLEMENTED The requested action is not implemented. hard
4 OCF_ERR_PERM The resource agent does not have sufficient privileges to complete the task. hard
5 OCF_ERR_INSTALLED The tools required by the resource are not installed on this machine. hard
6 OCF_ERR_CONFIGURED The resource’s configuration is invalid. Eg. required parameters are missing. fatal
7 OCF_NOT_RUNNING The resource is safely stopped. The cluster will not attempt to stop a resource that returns this for any action. N/A
8 OCF_RUNNING_MASTER The resource is running in Master mode. soft
9 OCF_FAILED_MASTER The resource is in Master mode but has failed. The resource will be demoted, stopped and then started (and possibly promoted) again. soft
other NA Custom error code. soft

Although counterintuitive, even actions that return 0 (aka.OCF_SUCCESS) can be considered to have failed.

3. 错误处理



Table5.3.Properties of an Operation

Field Description
id Your name for the action. Must be unique.
name The action to perform. Common values: monitor, start, stop
interval How frequently (in seconds) to perform the operation. Default value: 0, meaning never.
timeout How long to wait before declaring the action has failed.
on-fail The action to take if this action ever fails. Allowed values:* ignore - Pretend the resource did not fail* block - Don’t perform any further operations on the resource* stop - Stop the resource and do not start it elsewhere* restart - Stop the resource and start it again (possibly on a different node)* fence - STONITH the node on which the resource failed* standby - Move all resources away from the node on which the resource failedThe default for the stop operation is fence when STONITH is enabled and block otherwise. All other operations default to stop.
enabled If false, the operation is treated as if it does not exist. Allowed values: true, false


以下是让Resource Agent的各个操作返回OCF_ERR_GENERIC时资源管理器的处理:

操作 错误处理 对应的on-fail值






阻止该资源的进一步操作,该资源成为unmanaged FAILED状态,如下

dummy(ocf::heartbeat:Dummy2):Started srdsdevapp69 (unmanaged) FAILED











notify 无视 ignore


注2:Pacemaker不会对已经stop了的资源调用post stop notify。

注3:测试环境Pacemaker 1.1.7-6 ,CentOS 6.3


上面关于错误处理的测试结果,可以给Resource Agent编写者提供几点启示:

  1. 1. 如非确实必要,不要让stop操作返回错误
  2. 2. monitor和start的判断要保持一致,即不应该出现start成功后立刻执行monitor却失败的情况,否则可能导致循环。
  3. 3. restart成功后执行demote不应该失败,否则可能导致循环。
  4. 4. migration-threshold设置为一个比较小的值(默认值是INFINITY,即100000),也可以减少上面的2和3的影响。

www.bkjia.comtruehttp://www.bkjia.com/PHPjc/1096387.htmlTechArticlePacemaker Resource Agent的错误处理 1.前言 Pacemaker通过调用各个resource agent提供的操作(比如start,stop)实现对资源的控制,当这个方法执行出错...
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