Heim >Web-Frontend >HTML-Tutorial >ecshop导航栏自动显示三级或多级子栏目,多级频道分类,并实现css高亮显示_html/css_WEB-ITnose


2016-06-24 11:32:371404Durchsuche



二,如果导航上面有商品或文章频道, 并且他们有子栏目,则全自动显示所有的子栏目.



一,在includes/lib_main.php 文件中,修改掉或另外重命名并重定义一个这个get_navigator()函数,修改后的内容如下,另外get_categories_tree()这个函数为系统自带的在lib_goods.php中

/** * 取得自定义导航栏列表 * @param   string      $type    位置,如top、bottom、middle * @return  array         列表 */function get_navigator($ctype = '', $catlist = array()){    $sql = 'SELECT * FROM '. $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('nav') . '            WHERE ifshow = \'1\' ORDER BY  vieworder';    $res = $GLOBALS['db']->query($sql);    $cur_url = substr(strrchr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'],'/'),1);    if (intval($GLOBALS['_CFG']['rewrite']))    {        if(strpos($cur_url, '-'))        {            preg_match('/([a-z]*)-([0-9]*)/',$cur_url,$matches);            $cur_url = $matches[1].'.php?id='.$matches[2];        }    }    else    {        $cur_url = substr(strrchr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'],'/'),1);    }    $noindex = false;    $active = 0;	$has_suv=0;    $navlist = array(        'top' => array(),        'middle' => array(),        'bottom' => array()    );    while ($row = $GLOBALS['db']->fetchRow($res)){		if($row['ctype']=='a'){//如果是文章类的栏目			$row3=get_article_tree_for_nav($row['cid']);//列出所有子文章分类		$navlist[$row['type']][] = array(			'name'      =>  $row['name'],            'opennew'   =>  $row['opennew'],            'url'       =>  $row['url'],            'ctype'     =>  $row['ctype'],            'cid'       =>  $row['cid'],			 'has_suv'       =>  1,//文章类用1			  'sub_nav'       =>  $row3,			);	   	}elseif($row['ctype']=='c'){//商品类的栏目			$row4=get_categories_tree($row['cid']);//使用系统默认的函数即可.商品子类		$navlist[$row['type']][] = array(			'name'      =>  $row['name'],            'opennew'   =>  $row['opennew'],            'url'       =>  $row['url'],            'ctype'     =>  $row['ctype'],            'cid'       =>  $row['cid'],			 'has_suv'       =>  2,//与文章的导航做区分			  'sub_nav'       =>  $row4,			);	   	}else{		$navlist[$row['type']][] = array(//单页面等栏目,比如about.php等			'name'      =>  $row['name'],            'opennew'   =>  $row['opennew'],            'url'       =>  $row['url'],            'ctype'     =>  $row['ctype'],            'cid'       =>  $row['cid']			);		}	    }    /*遍历自定义是否存在currentPage*/    foreach($navlist['middle'] as $k=>$v){        $condition = empty($ctype) ? (strpos($cur_url, $v['url']) === 0) : (strpos($cur_url, $v['url']) === 0 && strlen($cur_url) == strlen($v['url']));//单页,如about.php等,$ctype的值没有被传入		//当前网址与数据库中循环出的网址相同        if ($condition)//如果相同        {            $navlist['middle'][$k]['active'] = 1;//是否为当前页,追加到数组中            $noindex = true;//非首页        }    }    if(!empty($ctype))//文章或商品页面.在其控制器上传入了本栏目的类型,商品类,用c表示,或文章类,用a表示    {		//print_r($catlist);exit;即当前访问分类id        foreach($catlist as $key => $val){		$parent_arr=get_top_cat_id_arr($val,$ctype);//当前被访问的分类id的所有父栏目组成的数组		//print_r($parent_arr);exit;            foreach($navlist['middle'] as $k=>$v)            {                if(!empty($v['ctype']) && $v['ctype'] == $ctype && ($v['cid'] == $val ||in_array($v['cid'],$parent_arr)))                {//in_array($v['cid'],$parent_arr),这句表示,如果本导航条上显示的频道id,包含在了当前访问的栏目的所有父栏目id数组中,则本导航条可高亮显示                    $navlist['middle'][$k]['active'] = 1;//高亮关键字                    $noindex = true;                   }            }        }    }    if ($noindex == false) {        $navlist['config']['index'] = 1;    }//print_r($navlist);exit;    return $navlist;}

二,同样在includes/lib_main.php 文件中,增加以下函数

/** * 获得指定分类同级的所有分类以及该分类下的子分类 * * @access  public * @param   integer     $cat_id     分类编号 * @return  array */function get_article_tree($cat_id = 0){    if ($cat_id > 0)//$cat_id当前分类    {	   $parent_id=get_top_art_cat_id($cat_id);    }    else    {        $parent_id = 0;    }    /*     判断当前分类中,是否是底级分类,     如果是取出底级分类上级分类,     如果不是取当前分类及其下的子分类v     */    $sql = 'SELECT count(*) FROM ' . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('article_cat') . " WHERE parent_id = '$parent_id'";//    if ($GLOBALS['db']->getOne($sql)|| $parent_id == 0){        /* 如果当前分类有子分类,获取当前分类及其子分类 */        //$sql = 'SELECT cat_id, cat_name, sort_order FROM ' . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('article_cat') ."WHERE cat_type=1 and cat_id = '$parent_id' ORDER BY sort_order ASC, cat_id ASC";//包含顶级本身,国内新闻		$sql = 'SELECT cat_id, cat_name, sort_order FROM ' . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('article_cat') ."WHERE cat_type=1 and parent_id = '$parent_id' ORDER BY sort_order ASC, cat_id ASC";//除排顶级分类,只显示山东新闻,江苏新闻及子分类		//两种方式,这里得到的$row['cat_id']都是目标catid,即需要高亮显示的     $res = $GLOBALS['db']->getAll($sql);    $cat_arr = array();    foreach ($res AS $row)    {				        $cat_arr[$row['cat_id']]['id']   = $row['cat_id'];        $cat_arr[$row['cat_id']]['name'] = $row['cat_name'];        $cat_arr[$row['cat_id']]['url']  = build_uri('article_cat', array('acid' => $row['cat_id']), $row['cat_name']);				$parent_id2=get_top_art_cat_id($row['cat_id']);//得到最顶级父栏目id         if ($parent_id2>0)        { 	$cat_arr[$row['cat_id']]['cat_id'] =get_article_tree_child($row['cat_id'],$cat_id);//第二个参数.传入浏览器的当前页面分类号				$cat_id2=get_one_child_cat($row['cat_id']);	$cat_arr[$row['cat_id']]['active']=$cat_arr[$row['cat_id']]['cat_id'][$cat_id2]['active'];//如果本栏目的其中任何一级子栏目是当前访问的栏目,则本栏目的所有父栏目 active=1,即可以高亮显示.	        }		    } } //print_r($cat_arr);exit;    return $cat_arr;}function get_article_tree_child($tree_id = 0,$cat_id){    $three_arr = array();    $sql = 'SELECT count(*) FROM ' . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('article_cat') . ' WHERE parent_id = '.$tree_id;    if ($GLOBALS['db']->getOne($sql) || $tree_id == 0)    {        $child_sql = 'SELECT cat_id, cat_name, parent_id' .                ' FROM ' . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('article_cat') .                "WHERE parent_id = '$tree_id'  ORDER BY sort_order ASC, cat_id ASC";        $res = $GLOBALS['db']->getAll($child_sql);		        foreach ($res AS $row)        {		$cat_cur=$cat_loop=array();		$active=0;		$cat_cur=get_top_cat_id_arr($cat_id,'a');//当前访问的栏目的所有上级栏目id,所组成的数组		array_pop($cat_cur);//去除最顶级的栏目,防止干扰高亮		$cat_loop=get_top_cat_id_arr($row['cat_id'],'a');//循环时,本栏目的所有上级栏目id,所组成的数组		array_pop($cat_loop);//去除最顶级栏目id		if(count(array_intersect($cat_cur,$cat_loop))>0){			//如果当前访问的栏目的父栏目数组与循环栏目得到的父栏目数组,有交集,			//则访问的栏目与其所有父栏目都是$active=1;方便前台高亮			$active=1;				}	   			   $three_arr[$row['cat_id']]['active']   = $active;               $three_arr[$row['cat_id']]['id']   = $row['cat_id'];               $three_arr[$row['cat_id']]['name'] = $row['cat_name'];               $three_arr[$row['cat_id']]['url']  = build_uri('article_cat', array('acid' => $row['cat_id']), $row['cat_name']);               if (isset($row['cat_id']) != NULL)                   {                       $three_arr[$row['cat_id']]['cat_id'] = get_article_tree_child($row['cat_id'],$cat_id);            }			        }    }    return $three_arr;}//得到其最上级分类的idfunction get_top_art_cat_id( $nid ){	$sql = "select parent_id from ".$GLOBALS['ecs']->table( "article_cat" )." where cat_id = ".$nid."";	$temp_id = 0;	$pid = $GLOBALS['db']->getOne( $sql );	if ( 0 < $pid )	{		$temp_id = get_top_art_cat_id( $pid );		return $temp_id;	}	$temp_id = $nid;	return $temp_id;}//本文章或商品--分类对应的所有上级分类的数组function get_top_cat_id_arr( $nid ,$ctype='c'){	if($ctype=='c'){$table=$GLOBALS['ecs']->table( "category" );}else{$table=$GLOBALS['ecs']->table( "article_cat" );}	$sql = "select parent_id from ".$table." where cat_id = ".$nid."";	$temp_id = 0;	$temp_arr=array();	$pid = $GLOBALS['db']->getOne( $sql );	if ( $pid==0 )	{		return $temp_arr;	}else{		$temp_arr[]=$pid ;		$sql2 = "select parent_id from ".$table." where cat_id = ".$pid."";	$pid2 = $GLOBALS['db']->getOne( $sql2 );		if($pid2==0){			return $temp_arr;		}else{			$temp_arr[]=$pid2 ;			$sql3 = "select parent_id from ".$table." where cat_id = ".$pid2."";	$pid3 = $GLOBALS['db']->getOne( $sql3 );	if($pid3==0){			return $temp_arr;		}else{			$temp_arr[]=$pid3 ;			$sql4 = "select parent_id from ".$table." where cat_id = ".$pid3."";	$pid4 = $GLOBALS['db']->getOne( $sql4 );	if($pid4==0){			return $temp_arr;		}else{			$temp_arr[]=$pid4;			$sql5 = "select parent_id from ".$table." where cat_id = ".$pid4."";	$pid5 = $GLOBALS['db']->getOne( $sql5 );	if($pid5==0){			return $temp_arr;		}else{			$temp_arr[]=$pid5;			$sql6 = "select parent_id from ".$table." where cat_id = ".$pid5."";	$pid6 = $GLOBALS['db']->getOne( $sql6 );			if($pid6==0){			return $temp_arr;		}else{			$temp_arr[]=$pid6;			return $temp_arr;		}}}}}}}

三,相应header模板中增加示例代码,具体可自己修改,如果要增加层级,在模板上继续嵌套即可.同时后面的这个函数也可以增加层级function get_top_cat_id_arr()

<ul id="nav2" class="nav2 clearfix">		<li class="nLi  {if $navigator_list.config.index eq 1}on{/if}"> <a  href="index.php"><span class="text">后易首页</span></a> </li>			    <!-- {foreach name=nav_middle_list from=$navigator_list.middle item=nav} -->        <li class="nLi  {if $nav.active eq 1}on{/if}"> <a  href="{$nav.url}" {if $nav.opennew eq 1}target="_blank" {/if}>{$nav.name} {if $nav.has_suv gt 0}<span class="arrow"></span>{/if}</a> 		{if $nav.has_suv eq 1}		<ul class="sub">		 <!-- {foreach name=sub_nav from=$nav.sub_nav item=child} -->		<li><a href="{$child.url}">{$child.name}</a>				<ul class="sub">		<!--{foreach from=$child.cat_id item=child1 }-->		<li><a href="{$child1.url}">----{$child1.name}</a>				<ul class="sub">		 <!-- {foreach name=sub_nav from=$child1.cat_id item=child2} -->		<li><a href="{$child2.url}">========{$child2.name}</a></li>		<!-- {/foreach} --> 		</ul>		</li>  		<!-- {/foreach} --> 		</ul>		</li>                 <!-- {/foreach} -->  			   </ul>			   {/if} {if $nav.has_suv eq 2}		<ul class="sub">		 <!-- {foreach name=sub_nav from=$nav.sub_nav item=child} -->		<li><a href="{$child.url}">{$child.name}</a>		<ul class="sub">		<!--{foreach from=$child.cat_id item=child1 }-->		<li><a href="{$child1.url}">----{$child1.name}</a>				<ul class="sub">		 <!-- {foreach name=sub_nav from=$child1.cat_id item=child2} -->		<li><a href="{$child2.url}">========{$child2.name}</a></li>		<!-- {/foreach} --> 		</ul>		</li>  		<!-- {/foreach} --> 		</ul>		</li>                 <!-- {/foreach} -->  			   </ul>			   {/if}	   		</li><!-- {/foreach} -->		</ul>

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