Heim >Backend-Entwicklung >PHP-Tutorial >用C扩展PHP
函数功能:php里面的整数是有符号数,其内部实现其实就是long,不是unsigned long。对于32位机器来说,php最大能表示的整数就是2^31-1了,一般在应用中碰到大于2^31-1而小于2^32的数就只能用字符串来表示了。对于mixed int_ext(string in)来说,如果字符串in表示的整数小于2^31-1,那么就返回整数,如果大于就返回字符串。
cd php-5.3.14/ext ./ext_skel --extname=int_ext
cd php-5.3.14/ext/int_ext vi config.m4
去掉 PHP_ARG_ENABLE(int_ext, whether to enable int_ext support 和
[ --enable-int_ext Enable int_ext support]) 两行前面的dnl 修改后为:
dnl Otherwise use enable: PHP_ARG_ENABLE(int_ext, whether to enable int_ext support, dnl Make sure that the comment is aligned: [ --enable-int_ext Enable int_ext support])
cd php-5.3.14/ext/int_ext vi php_int_ext.h
在 PHP_FUNCTION(confirm_int_ext_compiled); 后面新增一行 PHP_FUNCTION(int_ext);
cd php-5.3.14/ext/int_ext vi int_ext.c
在PHP_FE(confirm_int_ext_compiled, NULL) 后面添加 PHP_FE(int_ext, NULL)添加后为:
zend_function_entry int_ext_functions[] = { PHP_FE(confirm_int_ext_compiled, NULL) /* For testing, remove later. */ PHP_FE(int_ext, NULL) /* For testing, remove later. */ {NULL, NULL, NULL} /* Must be the last line in int_ext_functions[] */ };
PHP_FUNCTION(int_ext) { char * str = NULL; int str_len; int argc = ZEND_NUM_ARGS(); if(zend_parse_parameters(argc TSRMLS_CC,"s",&str,&str_len) == FAILURE) return ; char * result; int result_length = str_len; result = (char *) emalloc(result_length + 1); memcpy(result,str,result_length); unsigned long result_num = strtoul(result, NULL, 10); int sizeoflong sizeof(long); unsigned long max_long = 1 << (sizeoflong * 8 -1); if(result_num < max_long) { RETURN_LONG(result_num); } else { RESULT_STRINGL(result, result_length, 0); } }
cd php-5.3.14/ext/int_ext /usr/local/php/bin/pphpize ./configure --with-php-config=/usr/local/php/bin/php-config make make install
此时会产生一个so文件: /usr/local/php/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20060613/int_ext.so
修改php.ini 添加扩展extension_dir = “/usr/local/php/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20060613/”
[int_ext]extension = int_ext.so
$a = int_ext("12345678900"); var_dump($a); $a = int_ext("123456789"); var_dump($a); 结果输出:string(11) "12345678900" int(123456789)