Heim >Backend-Entwicklung >PHP-Tutorial >利用DNode实现php和nodejs之间的通信
1, for nodejs, 执行
$ sudo npm install dnode
2, for php, 利用composer来安装DNode php
$ wget http://getcomposer.org/composer.phar创建一个文件composer.json,然后填入如下语句,
{ "require": { "dnode/dnode": "0.2.0" }}执行如下语句安装,
$ sudo php composer.phar install
二,利用nodejs创建简单server程序, server.js
var dnode = require('dnode');var server = dnode({ zing: function (n, cb) { cb(n * 100) }});server.listen(7070);三,利用php创建客户端程序client.php, 其中需要引用刚才安装的dnode文件夹里面的文件autoload.php
<?php // Connect to DNode server running in port 7070 and call // Zing with argument 33require 'lib/vendor/autoload.php';// This is the class we're exposing to DNodeclass Temp{ // Compute the client's temperature and stuff that value into the callback public function temperature($cb) { }}$loop = new React\EventLoop\StreamSelectLoop();$dnode = new DNode\DNode($loop, new Temp());$dnode->connect(7070, function($remote, $connection) { // Remote is a proxy object that provides us all methods // from the server $remote->zing(33, function($n) use ($connection) { echo "n = {$n}\n"; // Once we have the result we can close the connection $connection->end(); });});$loop->run();?>
$ node server.js
$ php client.php
n = 3300