Heim >Backend-Entwicklung >PHP-Tutorial >sql,去重查询distinct
select DISTINCT `object_id`, t3.width as width, t3.height as height,t3.ismark as ismark, t2.rtime as add_time,t1.add_author as add_author,t1.image_url as image_url,t1.id as id,t1.browse_real_cnt as browse_real_cnt from comments as t2 left join ornamentations as t1 on t1.id = t2.object_id left join ornamentation_images as t3 on t3.ornamentation_id = t1.id where ( t2.uid = 1013 ) AND ( t1.enable = '0' ) ORDER BY t2.id desc LIMIT 0,5
再套一个 select
select DISTINCT * from (`object_id`, t3.width as width, t3.height as height,t3.ismark as ismark, t2.rtime as add_time,t1.add_author as add_author,t1.image_url as image_url,t1.id as id,t1.browse_real_cnt as browse_real_cnt from comments as t2 left join ornamentations as t1 on t1.id = t2.object_id left join ornamentation_images as t3 on t3.ornamentation_id = t1.id where ( t2.uid = 1013 ) AND ( t1.enable = '0' ) ORDER BY t2.id desc) T LIMIT 0,5
再套一个 select
select DISTINCT * from (`object_id`, t3.width as width, t3.height as height,t3.ismark as ismark, t2.rtime as add_time,t1.add_author as add_author,t1.image_url as image_url,t1.id as id,t1.browse_real_cnt as browse_real_cnt from comments as t2 left join ornamentations as t1 on t1.id = t2.object_id left join ornamentation_images as t3 on t3.ornamentation_id = t1.id where ( t2.uid = 1013 ) AND ( t1.enable = '0' ) ORDER BY t2.id desc) T LIMIT 0,5
哦,漏了 select
..... from
( select `object_id`, t3.width as....