'; for(var i = 0; i caleElem+= ''+Calendar.lang["weeksMenu"][this.Language][i]+''; } caleElem+= '
// Days view caleElem+= '
'; for(var tr = 0; tr caleElem+= '
'; for(var td = 0; td caleElem+= '
'; } caleElem+= '
'; } caleElem+= '
caleElem+= '
'; // View>
caleElem+= '
// caleElem+= ''; // msg>
// Create End return caleElem; }; /* Get Month Data */ Calendar.prototype._getMonthViewArray = function( year, month ){ var monthArray = []; // From the beginning day of the week var beginDayOfWeek = new Date( year, month, 1).getDay();
// This month total days var daysOfMonth = new Date( year, month + 1, 0).getDate();
// 42: 7*6 matrix for( var i = 0; i monthArray[i] = " ";
return monthArray; }; /* Search the index of option in the select */ Calendar.prototype._getOptionIndex = function( selectObject, value ){ for( var j = 0; j if( value == selectObject.options[j].value ) return j; } }; /* Bind year data into 'Year select' */ Calendar.prototype._bindYearIntoSelect = function(){ var oYear = this.find( this.caleTop.sq_year_id ); var oYearLen = 0; for( var i = this.StartYear; i oYear.options[oYearLen] = new Option( i , i ); }; /* Bind Month data into 'Month select' */ Calendar.prototype._bindMonthIntoSelect = function(){ var oMonth = this.find( this.caleTop.sq_month_id ); var oMonthLen = 0; for( var i = 0; i oMonth.options[oMonthLen] = new Option( i + 1 , i + 1 ); }; /* Bind data */ Calendar.prototype._bindAllData = function( curYear, curMonth ){ var cr = this; // Bind default Data into 'select:Year' this._bindYearIntoSelect();
// Bind default Data into 'select:Month' this._bindMonthIntoSelect();
// Change the 'select:Year' and 'select:Month' value this.changeSelectValue( curYear, curMonth );
// Bind default data into 'current day view and current week view' this.find( this.caleTop.week_view_id ).innerHTML = Calendar.lang['weeks'][this.Language][this.Week]; this.find( this.caleTop.today_view_id ).innerHTML = this.Today;
// Get days and bind into 'CalendarMain' // Add current day class and mouse event var daysOfMonthArray = this._getMonthViewArray( curYear, curMonth ); var spans = this.find( this.daysContainer_id, "span" ); var curYMD = this.Year + "" + ( this.Month + 1 ) + "" + this.Today; var selectYear = this.find( this.caleTop.sq_year_id ).value; var selectMonth = this.find( this.caleTop.sq_month_id ).value; for( var i = 0; i spans[i].innerHTML = daysOfMonthArray[i]; var selectYMD = selectYear + "" + selectMonth + "" + spans[i].innerHTML; if( curYMD == selectYMD ) spans[i].className = this.curDayClass; else spans[i].className = ""; } // If not some days has pop message if( this.msgStore != "" ) this._initPopMsg( this.msgStore ); } /* Bind event */ Calendar.prototype._bindAllEvent = function(){ var cr = this; // 'toPrevMonth, toNextMonth, backToday, today view' event this.find( this.caleTop.prev_month_id ).onclick = function(){ cr.goPrevOrNextMonth(this); }; this.find( this.caleTop.next_month_id ).onclick = function(){ cr.goPrevOrNextMonth(this); }; this.find( this.caleTop.back_today_id ).onclick = function(){ cr.backToday(); }; this.find( this.caleTop.today_view_id ).onclick = function(){ cr.backToday(); };
for( var i = 0; i var selectObject = this.find( selectArray[i] ); // Get the return index var index = this._getOptionIndex( selectObject, ymArray[i] ); // Reset the 'year', 'month' select and link value selectObject.options[index].selected = "selected";
this._bindAllData( curYear, getNowMonth ); }; /* If 'select:Year' and 'select:Month' change value update data */ Calendar.prototype.updateSelect = function(){ var yearSelectValue = this.find( this.caleTop.sq_year_id ).value; var monthSelectValue = this.find( this.caleTop.sq_month_id ).value; // Re-bind Panel Data this._bindAllData( yearSelectValue, monthSelectValue - 1 );
}; /* Back to taday: re-load '_bindAllData()' */ Calendar.prototype.backToday = function(){ this._bindAllData( this.Year, this.Month ); }; /* Find the instance object or children of instance object by Id */ Calendar.prototype.find = function( elemId, childTag ){ if( !childTag ) // Return: object return document.getElementById( elemId ); else // Return: object array return this.find( elemId ).getElementsByTagName( childTag ); }; /* Set element css */ Calendar.prototype.css = function( oId, selector ){ var o = this.find( oId ); selector['left']?o.style.left = selector['left']:""; selector['top']?o.style.top = selector['top']:""; selector['position']? o.style.position = selector['position']:""; } /* Check calendar show or hidden */ Calendar.prototype.showHide = function( objectId, dis ){ return this.find( objectId ).style.display = dis; }; /* Init the top quick menu link and select */ Calendar.prototype.resetLinkSelect = function(){ this.showHide( this.caleTop.sq_year_id, "none" ); this.showHide( this.caleTop.sq_month_id, "none" ); this.showHide( this.caleTop.lq_year_id, "block" ); this.showHide( this.caleTop.lq_month_id, "block" ); }; /* Put this calendar into the html of instance */ Calendar.prototype.show = function( msgData ){ var obj = this.find( this.InstanceId ); if( obj ){ obj.innerHTML = this._getViewElement(); // Init calendar event and data this._initCalendar();
// This function don't have 'close' this.showHide( this.caleTop.close_id, "none" ); if( typeof msgData == 'object'){ this.msgStore = msgData; this._initPopMsg( this.msgStore ); } } }; /* Init pop message */ Calendar.prototype._initPopMsg = function(){ var cr = this; var selectYear = this.find( this.caleTop.sq_year_id ).value; var selectMonth = this.find( this.caleTop.sq_month_id ).value; var daysOfMonthArray = this._getMonthViewArray( selectYear, selectMonth ); var spans = this.find( this.daysContainer_id, "span" ); for( var key in this.msgStore ){ var keyMD = key.substring( 4 ); var keyY = key.substring( 0, 4 ); for( var i = 0; i var getMD = selectMonth + "" + spans[i].innerHTML; if( getMD == keyMD ){ if( selectYear == keyY ) spans[i].className = this.tipDayClass +" "+ keyY; else spans[i].className = this.oldTipDayClass +" "+ keyY; spans[i].onmouseover = function(){ var hoverDate = this.className.split(" ")[1] + "" + selectMonth + "" + this.innerHTML; var y = this.className.split(" ")[1], m = selectMonth, d = this.innerHTML; cr.find( cr.msgContainer_id ).innerHTML = cr._getMsgHtml( y, m, d ); cr.showHide( cr.msgContainer_id, "block" ); } } } } cr.find( cr.caleContainer_id ).onmouseout = function(){ cr.showHide( cr.msgContainer_id, "none" ); } }; /* Get message */ Calendar.prototype._getMsgHtml =function( y, m, d ){ var date = y + m + d; var showDate = y + "-" + m + "-" + d; var msgHtml = '
'+ this.msgStore[date] +'
'; return msgHtml; } /* Pop-up the calendar */ Calendar.prototype.pop = function(){ var cr = this; var obj = this.find( this.InstanceId ); if( obj ){ // Instance object click then pop-up the calendar obj.onclick = function( e ){ var e = window.event || e; var x = e.x || e.pageX, y = e.y || e.pageY; if( !cr.find( cr.popContainer_id ) ){ // Create the pop-up div var oDiv = document.createElement("div"); oDiv.id = cr.popContainer_id; document.body.appendChild( oDiv ); }else{ cr.showHide( cr.popContainer_id, "block" ); } cr.find( cr.popContainer_id ).innerHTML = cr._getViewElement();
// Init calendar event and data cr._initCalendar();
// Set days click event cr.popDaysClickEvent( obj );
// Set position cr.css( cr.popContainer_id, {position: "absolute", left: x + "px", top: y + "px"});
// Close panel event cr.find( cr.caleTop.close_id ).onclick = function(){ cr.showHide( cr.popContainer_id, "none" ); }; }; } }; /* Click the pop calendar days event [For INPUT] */ Calendar.prototype.popDaysClickEvent = function( obj ){ var cr = this; var spans = cr.find( cr.daysContainer_id, "span" ); for( var i = 0; i spans[i].onclick = function(){ if( this.innerHTML != " " ){ var getYear = cr.find( cr.caleTop.sq_year_id ).value; var getMonth = cr.find( cr.caleTop.sq_month_id ).value; obj.value = getYear +"-"+ getMonth +"-" + this.innerHTML; cr.showHide( cr.popContainer_id, "none" ); } } };
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