Heim >Web-Frontend >HTML-Tutorial >Fexo 文档_html/css_WEB-ITnose
打开博客根目录的 _config.yml设为 theme: fexo
$ cd themes/fexo$ git pull
主题配置全部在 theme/fexo里面完成,所里下面所有配置指的是配置 theme/fexo/_config.yml。
blog_name: Forsignerslogan: Find the bug of the world
# relative urlavatar: /images/avatar.jpg# or absolute urlavatar: https://avatars0.githubusercontent.com/u/2668081?v=3&s=460
favicon: /favicon.ico
keywords: forsigner,前端,设计,Hexo主题,前端开发,用户体验,设计,frontend,design,nodejs,JavaScript
由于中文字体文件太大,有的快10M,所以 Fexo 没有引入中文字体,导致博客名有点难看。
# 这是css文件里的font-familiy的值 ,例如里面是 font-familiy: "myfontName"blog_name_font_familiy: myFontNamefonts_css_path: - /css/calligraffittiregular.css - /css/second-font.css
init_page_content: HOME_NAV # HOME_NAV | POST
home_nav: - name: Blog url: /archives - name: Github url: https://github.com/forsigner target: _blank - name: Douban url: http://www.douban.com/people/forsigner/ target: _blank - name: Twitter url: https://twitter.com/forsigner target: _blank
page_nav: - 博客: /archives/ - 分类: /category/ - 标签: /tag/ - 友链: /link/ - 关于: /about/ - RSS: /atom.xml
page_nav_style: CIRCLE # CIRCLE|ROUND_RECT
breadcrumb: isShow: true # true|fase
toolbox: isShow: true # true|fase
post: header_align: center # left|center
---title: categorylayout: categorycomments: false---
---title: taglayout: tagcomments: false---
---title: linklayout: linkcomments: false---
---title: aboutlayout: aboutcomments: false---
google_analytics:baidu_analytics: 57e94d016sfsf1fba3xxxx8a2b0263af0