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Sphinx+Mysql+Php 12亿DNS数据秒查

2016-06-20 12:57:561008Durchsuche

一开始使用Navicat进行倒入,刚好数据的格式是 ip,ns 这样的格式,倒入了接近5个小时发现还没有倒入到百分之一,这可是纯文本格式化的时候大小为54G的数据文件啊!
    后来发现用mysql自带的load data local infile只话了30分钟左右,第一次导入的时候忘记新建键了,只好重新导入一次

mysql> load data local infile 'E:\\dns\\rite\\20141217-rdns.txt' into table dnsfields terminated by ',';Query OK, 1194674130 rows affected, 1700 warnings (29 min 26.65 sec)Records: 1194674130  Deleted: 0  Skipped: 0  Warnings: 1700

    接着是建立索引,因为我需要的模糊查询,所以在这里建立的是Full Text+Btree,差不多花了3天时间索引才建立完成,期间因为一不小心把mysql的执行窗口关闭了,以为就这么完蛋了,最后发现其实mysql还在后台默默的建立索引。

select * from ns where ns like '%weibo.com'

    从官方下载了64位的SPHINX MYSQL SUPPORT的包下载地址

source src1{    sql_host        = localhost    sql_user        = root    sql_pass        = root    sql_db          = ns    sql_port        = 3306      sql_query       = \        SELECT id,ip,ns from ns //这里写上查询语句    sql_attr_uint       = id


searchd{    listen          = 9312    listen          = 9306:mysql41    log         = E:/phpStudy/splinx/file/log.log    query_log       = E:/phpStudy/splinx/file/query.log    pid_file        = E:/phpStudy/splinx/file/searchd.pid


searchd test1 #test1是你source的名称


E:\phpStudy\splinx\api>test.py asdDEPRECATED: Do not call this method or, even better, use SphinxQL instead of anAPIQuery 'asd ' retrieved 1000 of 209273 matches in 0.007 secQuery stats:        'asd' found 209291 times in 209273 documentsMatches:1. doc_id=20830, weight=12. doc_id=63547, weight=13. doc_id=96147, weight=14. doc_id=1717000, weight=15. doc_id=2213385, weight=16. doc_id=3916825, weight=17. doc_id=3981791, weight=18. doc_id=5489598, weight=19. doc_id=9348383, weight=110. doc_id=18194414, weight=111. doc_id=18194415, weight=112. doc_id=18195126, weight=113. doc_id=18195517, weight=114. doc_id=18195518, weight=115. doc_id=18195519, weight=116. doc_id=18195520, weight=117. doc_id=18195781, weight=118. doc_id=18195782, weight=119. doc_id=18200301, weight=120. doc_id=18200303, weight=1


<?phpinclude 'sphinxapi.php';$conn=mysql_connect('','root','root');mysql_select_db('ns',$conn);$sphinx = new SphinxClient();$now=time();$sphinx->SetServer ( '', 9312 );$result = $sphinx->query ('weibo.com', 'test1'); foreach($result['matches'] as $key => $val){    $sql="select * from ns where id='{$key}'";    $res=mysql_query($sql);    $res=mysql_fetch_array($res);    echo "{$res['ip']}:{$res['ns']}";}echo time()-$now;?>

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