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Jquery选择器 $实现原理_jquery

2016-05-16 18:40:431304Durchsuche

但由于工作的原因,很久不曾做过网站项目了,也没有时间去好好研究Jquery的源码,这个疑问也一直没有得到解决了, 今天,空闲之余,打开Jquery的源码看看,才明天它实现的原理,原来在加入jquery的js这个文件时,实际上是执行了一个函数,在这个函数里己经初始化了$和JQuery变量, 实现这个功能源码如下(代码已删减和更改,并不影响说明实现原理):

复制代码 代码如下:

(function() {
// Will speed up references to window, and allows munging its name.
window = this,
// Will speed up references to undefined, and allows munging its name.
// Map over jQuery in case of overwrite
_jQuery = window.jQuery,
// Map over the $ in case of overwrite
_$ = window.$,
jQuery = window.jQuery = window.$ = function(selector, context) {
// The jQuery object is actually just the init constructor 'enhanced'
return new jQuery.fn.init(selector, context);
// A simple way to check for HTML strings or ID strings
// (both of which we optimize for)
quickExpr = /^[^)[^>]*$|^#([\w-]+)$/,
// Is it a simple selector
isSimple = /^.[^:#\[\.,]*$/;
jQuery.fn = jQuery.prototype = {
init: function(selector, context) {
// Make sure that a selection was provided
// Make sure that a selection was provided
selector = selector || document;
this[0] = selector;
this.length = 1;
this.context = selector;
return this;
show:function() {
// Start with an empty selector
selector: "",
// The current version of jQuery being used
jquery: "1.3.2"
jQuery.fn.init.prototype = jQuery.fn;
function test(src){


var window = this;
_jQuery = window.jQuery;
_$ = window.$;



jQuery = window.jQuery = window.$ = function(selector, context) {
return new jQuery.fn.init(selector, context);

可以看出创建jQuery.fn.init这样一个函数返回给$, 这样是可以使用$实例了,但还不能访问jQuery.fn里的方法,因此需要加上后面这句:

jQuery.fn.init.prototype = jQuery.fn;

实现了这些, Jquery中的其他功能就很好理解了, 无非是添prototype或extend中的方法了.
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