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PHP 7.0.6 正式发布

2016-06-20 12:30:211085Durchsuche

PHP 7.0.6 正式发布了。

下载地址: http://php.net/distributions/php-7.0.6.tar.gz


28 Apr 2016 PHP 7.0.6

- Core:

. Fixed bug #71930 (_zval_dtor_func: Assertion `(arr)->gc.refcount

failed). (Laruence)

. Fixed bug #71922 (Crash on assert(new class{})). (Nikita)

. Fixed bug #71914 (Reference is lost in "switch"). (Laruence)

. Fixed bug #71871 (Interfaces allow final and abstract functions). (Nikita)

. Fixed Bug #71859 (zend_objects_store_call_destructors operates on realloced

memory, crashing). (Laruence)

. Fixed bug #71841 (EG(error_zval) is not handled well). (Laruence)

. Fixed bug #71750 (Multiple Heap Overflows in php_raw_url_encode/

php_url_encode). (Stas)

. Fixed bug #71731 (Null coalescing operator and ArrayAccess). (Nikita)

. Fixed bug #71609 (Segmentation fault on ZTS with gethostbyname). (krakjoe)

. Fixed bug #71428 (inheritance and allow_null). (krakjoe)

. Fixed bug #71414 (Inheritance, traits and interfaces). (krakjoe)

. Fixed bug #71359 (Null coalescing operator and magic). (krakjoe)

. Fixed bug #71334 (Cannot access array keys while uksort()). (Nikita)

. Fixed bug #69659 (ArrayAccess, isset() and the offsetExists method).


. Fixed bug #69537 (__debugInfo with empty string for key gives error).


. Fixed bug #62059 (ArrayObject and isset are not friends). (Nikita)

. Fixed bug #71980 (Decorated/Nested Generator is Uncloseable in Finally).


- BCmath:

. Fixed bug #72093 (bcpowmod accepts negative scale and corrupts

_one_ definition). (Stas)

- Curl:

. Fixed bug #71831 (CURLOPT_NOPROXY applied as long instead of string).

(Michael Sierks)

- Date:

. Fixed bug #71889 (DateInterval::format Segmentation fault). (Thomas Punt)


. Fixed bug #72094 (Out of bounds heap read access in exif header processing). (Stas)

- GD:

. Fixed bug #71912 (libgd: signedness vulnerability). (Stas)

- Intl:

. Fixed bug #71516 (IntlDateFormatter looses locale if pattern is set via

constructor). (Anatol)

. Fixed bug #70455 (Missing constant: IntlChar::NO_NUMERIC_VALUE). (Anatol)

. Fixed bug #70451, #70452 (Inconsistencies in return values of IntlChar

methods). (Daniel Persson)

. Fixed bug #68893 (Stackoverflow in datefmt_create). (Anatol)

. Fixed bug #66289 (Locale::lookup incorrectly returns en or en_US if locale

is empty). (Anatol)

. Fixed bug #70484 (selectordinal doesn't work with named parameters).


. Fixed bug #72061 (Out-of-bounds reads in zif_grapheme_stripos with negative

offset). (Stas)


. Fixed bug #63171 (Script hangs after max_execution_time). (Remi)

- Opcache:

. Fixed bug #71843 (null ptr deref ZEND_RETURN_SPEC_CONST_HANDLER).


- PDO:

. Fixed bug #52098 (Own PDOStatement implementation ignore __call()).

(Daniel kalaspuffar, Julien)

. Fixed bug #71447 (Quotes inside comments not properly handled). (Matteo)

- PDO_DBlib:

. Fixed bug #71943 (dblib_handle_quoter needs to allocate an extra byte).

(Adam Baratz)

. Add DBLIB-specific attributes for controlling timeouts. (Adam Baratz)

- PDO_pgsql:

. Fixed bug #62498 (pdo_pgsql inefficient when getColumnMeta() is used).

(Joseph Bylund)

- Postgres:

. Fixed bug #71820 (pg_fetch_object binds parameters before call

constructor). (Anatol)

. Fixed bug #71998 (Function pg_insert does not insert when column

type = inet). (Anatol)


. Fixed bug #71986 (Nested foreach assign-by-reference creates broken

variables). (Laruence)

- SPL:

. Fixed bug #71838 (Deserializing serialized SPLObjectStorage-Object can't

access properties in PHP). (Nikita)

. Fixed bug #71735 (Double-free in SplDoublyLinkedList::offsetSet). (Stas)

. Fixed bug #67582 (Cloned SplObjectStorage with overwritten getHash fails

offsetExists()). (Nikita)

. Fixed bug #52339 (SPL autoloader breaks class_exists()). (Nikita)

- Standard:

. Fixed bug #71995 (Returning the same var twice from __sleep() produces

broken serialized data). (Laruence)

. Fixed bug #71940 (Unserialize crushes on restore object reference).


. Fixed bug #71969 (str_replace returns an incorrect resulting array after

a foreach by reference). (Laruence)

. Fixed bug #71891 (header_register_callback() and

register_shutdown_function()). (Laruence)

. Fixed bug #71884 (Null pointer deref (segfault) in

stream_context_get_default). (Laruence)

. Fixed bug #71840 (Unserialize accepts wrongly data). (Ryat, Laruence)

. Fixed bug #71837 (Wrong arrays behaviour). (Laruence)

. Fixed bug #71827 (substr_replace bug, string length). (krakjoe)

. Fixed bug #67512 (php_crypt() crashes if crypt_r() does not exist or

_REENTRANT is not defined). (Nikita)

- XML:

. Fixed bug #72099 (xml_parse_into_struct segmentation fault). (Stas)

- Zip:

. Fixed bug #71923 (integer overflow in ZipArchive::getFrom*).

(CVE-2016-3078) (Stas)

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