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mysql 里兑现查询汉字的拼音首字母

2016-06-13 13:14:08793Durchsuche

mysql 里实现查询汉字的拼音首字母
哪位大侠 给我个 mysql 里实现查询汉字的拼音首字母 能用的

function getfirstchar($s0){
if($s0[0]=='I' || $s[0]=='i'){
return "I";
}elseif($s0[0]=='U' || $s[0]=='u'){
return 'U';
}elseif($s0[0]=='V' || $s[0]=='v'){
return 'V';
$fchar = ord($s0{0});
if($fchar >= ord("A") and $fchar $s1 = iconv("UTF-8","gb2312", $s0);
$s2 = iconv("gb2312","UTF-8", $s1);
if($s2 == $s0){$s = $s1;}else{$s = $s0;}
$asc = ord($s{0}) * 256 + ord($s{1}) - 65536;
if($asc >= -20319 and $asc if($asc >= -20283 and $asc if($asc >= -19775 and $asc if($asc >= -19218 and $asc if($asc >= -18710 and $asc if($asc >= -18526 and $asc if($asc >= -18239 and $asc if($asc >= -17922 and $asc if($asc >= -17417 and $asc if($asc >= -16474 and $asc if($asc >= -16212 and $asc if($asc >= -15640 and $asc if($asc >= -15165 and $asc if($asc >= -14922 and $asc if($asc >= -14914 and $asc if($asc >= -14630 and $asc if($asc >= -14149 and $asc if($asc >= -14090 and $asc if($asc >= -13318 and $asc if($asc >= -12838 and $asc if($asc >= -12556 and $asc if($asc >= -11847 and $asc if($asc >= -11055 and $asc return null;


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