Heim >Backend-Entwicklung >PHP-Tutorial > CI框架源码翻阅-Config.php
1.成员属性$config 所有已加载配置的值的列表
2.成员属性$is_loaded 所有加载配置文件的列表
3.成员属性$_config_paths 当需要加载配置文件的时候搜索路径的列表
4.__construct() 构造方法程序会首先自动执行这个方法
5.load($file = '', $use_sections = FALSE, $fail_gracefully = FALSE)
$file 是你自定义的配置文件的文件名,这个文件名没有 .php 的扩展名.
如果你需要加载多个自定义配置文件,一般情况下它们会被合并成一个数组。然而,如果在不同的配置文件中存在同名的索引,那么会发生冲突。为了避免这个问题,你可以把第二个参数设置为 TRUE ,这可以使每个配置文件的内容存储在一个单独的数组中,数组的索引就是配置文件的文件名。
(0)过滤并设置$file 变量
(1)初始化$founf 为FALSE 用于判断文件是否存在
(2)初始化$loaded为FALSE 用于判断文件是否被加载
(7)判断$config是否存在,这个$config 应该是加载的文件中定义的
(8)判断$use_sections 如果为真则将使每个配置文件的内容存储在一个单独的数组中,数组的索引就是配置文件的文件名。
(10)$loaded 设置为true log记录 跳出循环
(11)如果loaded为false并且$fail_gracefully不等于true 显示错误日志
6.item() 获取一个配置项
$item 配置项的名字
7.slash_item() 获取一个配置项并添加/
$item 配置项的名字
8.site_url() 该函数得到你网站的 URL,其中包含了你在 config 文件中设置的 "index" 的值。
$uri uri字符串就是访问路径所带的参数
(1) 如果$uri = '' 返回由base_url和index_page组成的url
(2) 判断$this->item('enable_query_strings')真假,并返回不同形式的地址。(这一项是在application/config/config.php文件中配置的。用来区分传参方式,如果为false就是默认的传参方式example.com/who/what/where/。如果为true就是 example.com/index.php?c=controller&m=function这样的传参方式。)
9.base_url() 该函数返回站点的根 URL,可以在这个函数后拼接一个 URL 路径,用以生成 CSS 或图片文件的 URL。
10._uri_string() 构建uri串让site_url(),base_url()两个函数使用。
11.system_url() 该函数得到 system 文件夹的 URL。
12.set_item() 设置一个配置项
13._assign_to_config() 设置多个配置项(以数组的形式key是要设置的配置项的名字,value 是配置项的值)
<?php if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed'); /** * CodeIgniter * * An open source application development framework for PHP 5.1.6 or newer * * @package CodeIgniter * @author ExpressionEngine Dev Team * @copyright Copyright (c) 2008 - 2011, EllisLab, Inc. * @license http://codeigniter.com/user_guide/license.html * @link http://codeigniter.com * @since Version 1.0 * @filesource */ // ------------------------------------ /** * CodeIgniter Config Class * * This class contains functions that enable config files to be managed * * @package CodeIgniter * @subpackage Libraries * @category Libraries * @author ExpressionEngine Dev Team * @link http://codeigniter.com/user_guide/libraries/config.html */ class CI_Config { /** * List of all loaded config values * * @var array */ var $config = array(); /** * List of all loaded config files * * @var array */ var $is_loaded = array(); /** * List of paths to search when trying to load a config file * * @var array */ var $_config_paths = array(APPPATH); /** * Constructor * * Sets the $config data from the primary config.php file as a class variable * * @access public * @param string the config file name * @param boolean if configuration values should be loaded into their own section * @param boolean true if errors should just return false, false if an error message should be displayed * @return boolean if the file was successfully loaded or not */ function __construct() { $this->config =& get_config(); log_message('debug', "Config Class Initialized"); // Set the base_url automatically if none was provided 假如 if ($this->config['base_url'] == '') { if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])) { $base_url = isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && strtolower($_SERVER['HTTPS']) !== 'off' ? 'https' : 'http'; $base_url .= '://'. $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; $base_url .= str_replace(basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']), '', $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']); } else { $base_url = 'http://localhost/'; } $this->set_item('base_url', $base_url); } } // -------------------------------- /** * Load Config File * * @access public * @param string the config file name * @param boolean if configuration values should be loaded into their own section * @param boolean true if errors should just return false, false if an error message should be displayed * @return boolean if the file was loaded correctly */ function load($file = '', $use_sections = FALSE, $fail_gracefully = FALSE) { $file = ($file == '') ? 'config' : str_replace('.php', '', $file); $found = FALSE; $loaded = FALSE; $check_locations = defined('ENVIRONMENT') ? array(ENVIRONMENT.'/'.$file, $file) : array($file); foreach ($this->_config_paths as $path) { foreach ($check_locations as $location) { $file_path = $path.'config/'.$location.'.php'; if (in_array($file_path, $this->is_loaded, TRUE)) { $loaded = TRUE; continue 2; } if (file_exists($file_path)) { $found = TRUE; break; } } if ($found === FALSE) { continue; } include($file_path); if ( ! isset($config) OR ! is_array($config)) { if ($fail_gracefully === TRUE) { return FALSE; } show_error('Your '.$file_path.' file does not appear to contain a valid configuration array.'); } if ($use_sections === TRUE) { if (isset($this->config[$file])) { $this->config[$file] = array_merge($this->config[$file], $config); } else { $this->config[$file] = $config; } } else { $this->config = array_merge($this->config, $config); } $this->is_loaded[] = $file_path; unset($config); $loaded = TRUE; log_message('debug', 'Config file loaded: '.$file_path); break; } if ($loaded === FALSE) { if ($fail_gracefully === TRUE) { return FALSE; } show_error('The configuration file '.$file.'.php does not exist.'); } return TRUE; } // -------------------------------- /** * Fetch 取得,拿来 a config file item * * * @access public * @param string the config item name * @param string the index name * @param bool * @return string */ function item($item, $index = '') { if ($index == '') { if ( ! isset($this->config[$item])) { return FALSE; } $pref = $this->config[$item]; } else { if ( ! isset($this->config[$index])) { return FALSE; } if ( ! isset($this->config[$index][$item])) { return FALSE; } $pref = $this->config[$index][$item]; } return $pref; } // -------------------------------- /** * Fetch a config file item - adds slash after item (if item is not empty) * * @access public * @param string the config item name * @param bool * @return string */ function slash_item($item) { if ( ! isset($this->config[$item])) { return FALSE; } if( trim($this->config[$item]) == '') { return ''; } return rtrim($this->config[$item], '/').'/'; } // -------------------------------- /** * Site URL * Returns base_url . index_page [. uri_string] * * @access public * @param string the URI string * @return string */ function site_url($uri = '') { if ($uri == '') { return $this->slash_item('base_url').$this->item('index_page'); } if ($this->item('enable_query_strings') == FALSE) { $suffix = ($this->item('url_suffix') == FALSE) ? '' : $this->item('url_suffix'); return $this->slash_item('base_url').$this->slash_item('index_page').$this->_uri_string($uri).$suffix; } else { return $this->slash_item('base_url').$this->item('index_page').'?'.$this->_uri_string($uri); } } // ------------------------- /** * Base URL * Returns base_url [. uri_string] * * @access public * @param string $uri * @return string */ function base_url($uri = '') { return $this->slash_item('base_url').ltrim($this->_uri_string($uri), '/'); } // ------------------------- /** * Build URI string for use in Config::site_url() and Config::base_url() * * @access protected * @param $uri * @return string */ protected function _uri_string($uri) { if ($this->item('enable_query_strings') == FALSE) { if (is_array($uri)) { $uri = implode('/', $uri); } $uri = trim($uri, '/'); } else { if (is_array($uri)) { $i = 0; $str = ''; foreach ($uri as $key => $val) { $prefix = ($i == 0) ? '' : '&'; $str .= $prefix.$key.'='.$val; $i++; } $uri = $str; } } return $uri; } // -------------------------------- /** * System URL * * @access public * @return string */ function system_url() { $x = explode("/", preg_replace("|/*(.+?)/*$|", "\\1", BASEPATH)); return $this->slash_item('base_url').end($x).'/'; } // -------------------------------- /** * Set a config file item * * @access public * @param string the config item key * @param string the config item value * @return void */ function set_item($item, $value) { $this->config[$item] = $value; } // -------------------------------- /** * Assign to Config * * This function is called by the front controller (CodeIgniter.php) * after the Config class is instantiated. It permits config items * to be assigned or overriden by variables contained in the index.php file * * @access private * @param array * @return void */ function _assign_to_config($items = array()) { if (is_array($items)) { foreach ($items as $key => $val) { $this->set_item($key, $val); } } } } // END CI_Config class /* End of file Config.php */ /* Location: ./system/core/Config.php */