Heim  >  Artikel  >  php教程  >  无数据库的详细域名查询程序PHP版(1)


2016-06-13 12:41:21890Durchsuche


echo "\\n\";

    #                                                                                       #
    #  本域名查询系统由mydowns收集整理汉化,汉化归把握时间网站所有(http://www.85time.com)   #
    #  该程序是2001年5月18日发布的最新版本,本站将对此程序继续进行修改完善,敬请关注本站!  #
    #  该程序可以查询域名所有者的详细资料信息,现提供9个类型的域名以供查询!                #
    #  演示地址:http://www.85time.com/whois                                                #
    #  源程序打包下载:http://www.85time.com/mydowns/mydowns.php?id=378                     #
    #  把握时间网站提供PHP、ASP、CGI、HTML、JSP等源程序、电子教材、文章资料                 #
    #  把握时间网站http://www.85time.com  把握时间论坛http://ww.85time.ent                  #
    #  请保留此信息,谢谢!                                                                 #
    #                                                                                       #
    MWhois - a Whois lookup script written in PHP and Perl
    Copyright (C) 2000 Matt Wilson

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

    $use_global_templates = 1;    // whether to use the global templates

$template_header = \"gheader.tml\";    // the global header template
$template_footer = \"gfooter.tml\";    // the global footer template

/* Template information stuff
  The following strings in your templates are replaced with the description;

  parameters to the script (no parameters brings up normal search script);

    show_raw=1    = wherther to show the raw output page
    do_wizard=1    = whether the information being passed is for the wizard
    domain=(string) = do a search for the domain (string)
    list_exts=1    = show the extensions supported page
    do_global=1    = goto the global search page
    do_mini_search=1 = just show the search form without anything else
    company=(string) = used for the wizard, needed in order to search
    keyword1=(string) = used for the wizard, needed in order to search
    keyword2=(string) = used for the wizard, needed in order to search

  If any of this is unclear, see the provided example templates

$template_search_mini = \"searchform.tml\";    // search template
$template_search = \"searchmain.tml\";
$template_raw_output = \"rawoutput.tml\";    // raw output template
$template_available = \"isavail.tml\";    // template for available
$template_taken = \"istaken.tml\";    // template for taken
$template_wizard = \"wizard.tml\";    // template for the domain wizard
$template_wizard_results = \"wizardres.tml\"; // the output template for the domain wizard
$template_error = \"error.tml\";    // the template in case of error
$template_exts_list = \"exts_list.tml\";
$template_global = \"global.tml\";
$template_global_results = \"globres.tml\";

$search_title = \"Let Floyd find your domain name\";
$raw_output_title = \"Floyd\'s Raw WHOIS Output\";
$available_title = \"Floyd says Domain Name Available!\";
$taken_title = \"Floyd says Doman Name in use\";
$wizard_title = \"Floyd the Domain Name Wizard\";
$error_title = \"Floyd Encountered an Error!\";
$exts_list_title = \"Floyd supports the following extensions\";
$global_title = \"Let Floyd do the hard work!\";

// the extensions that we are going to be using, edit these for your needs
$whois_exts = array(

// some extensions (com/net/org) have a server which contains the name of the server which should be used for  

the information, this simply tells the script to use the whois server as a source for the server info... ;)
$whois_si_servers = array();

// an array of the `whois\' servers
$whois_servers = array();

// default whois servers for info
$whois_info_servers = array();

// the backup whois servers to try
$whois_info_servers_backup = array();

// the strings that are returned if the domain is available
$whois_avail_strings = array();

// some substitution strings follow
$errormsg = \"\";
$titlebar = \"MWhois written by Matt Wilson\";    // the defatul title bar
$rawoutput = \"\";
$avail = array();
$unavail = array();
$whois_server = \"\";

// the name of the script
$script_name = \"index.php\";

function my_in_array($val,$array_)
    for($l=0; $l        if($array_[$l] == $val)
            return 1;

    return 0;

// this loads the server info for the extensions in $whois_exts;
function load_server_info()
    global $whois_exts;
    global $whois_si_servers;
    global $whois_servers;
    global $whois_info_servers;
    global $whois_info_servers_backup;
    global $whois_avail_strings;

    // load the servers.lst file
    $tlds = file(\"servers.lst\");

    for($l=0; $l        // time leading spaces or trailing spaces
        $tlds[$l] = chop($tlds[$l]);

        // filter out the commented lines (begin with #)
        if(substr($tlds[$l], 0, 1) == \"#\" || !strlen($tlds[$l])) { continue; }

        // explode via the seperation char `|\'
        $es = explode(\"|\", $tlds[$l]);

        // check to see whether we want this TLD
        if(!my_in_array($es[0], $whois_exts)) { continue; }

        // yes we do, so store the details in the appropriate arrays
        $whois_servers[$es[0]] = $es[1];
        $whois_si_servers[$es[0]] = $es[5];
        $whois_info_servers[$es[0]] = $es[3];
        $whois_info_servers_backup[$es[0]] = $es[4];
        $whois_avail_strings[$es[1]] = $es[2];

        // thats it!

function choose_info_server($domain, $ext)
    global $whois_info_servers;
    global $whois_si_servers;
    global $whois_server;
    global $whois_servers;

    $whois_server = \"\";

        if(($co = fsockopen($whois_servers[$ext], 43)) == false){
            echo \"\\n\";
            $whois_server = $whois_servers[$ext];
        } else {
            echo \"\\n\";
            fputs($co, $domain.\".\".$ext.\"\\n\");
                $output .= fgets($co,128);


            $he = strpos($output, $whois_si_servers[$ext]) + strlen($whois_si_servers[$ext]);
            $le = strpos($output, \"\\n\", $he);
            $whois_server = substr($output, $he, $le-$he);
            echo \"\\n\";
    } else {
        $whois_server = $whois_info_servers[$ext];

    $whois_server = trim($whois_server);

// make all the changes
function make_changes($fil)
    global $domain;
    global $errormsg;
    global $titlebar;
    global $rawoutput;
    global $avail;
    global $unavail;
    global $ext;
    global $whois_exts;
    global $whois_servers;
    global $script_name;

    $f = implode(\"\",file($fil));

    $f = str_replace(\"[>WHOIS_SERVER    $f = str_replace(\"[>TITLE_BAR    $f = str_replace(\"[>DOMAIN    $f = str_replace(\"[>ERROR_MSG    $f = str_replace(\"[>RAWOUTPUT
    for($l=0; $l        $sp[1] = substr(strchr($avail[$l],\".\"),1);
        $sp[0] = substr($avail[$l],0,strlen($avail[$l])-strlen($sp[1])-1);
        $avail_s = $avail_s.\"


     for($l=0; $l                $sp[1] = substr(strchr($unavail[$l],\".\"),1);
                $sp[0] = substr($unavail[$l],0,strlen($unavail[$l])-strlen($sp[1])-1);
                $unavail_s = $unavail_s.\"


    $f = str_replace(\"[>AVAIL_LIST    $f = str_replace(\"[>UNAVAIL_LIST    $f = str_replace(\"[>SCRIPT_NAME    $f = str_replace(\"[>EXT    $f = str_replace(\"[>EXT_LIST\",$whois_exts),$f);
    $f = str_replace(\"[>EXT_HTML_LIST

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