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php 404错误页面实现代码

2016-06-13 12:22:571619Durchsuche

复制代码 代码如下:

# 设置 $domain 为你的域名 (注意没有www)
$domain = "jb51.net";
# 设置URL,注意没有后划线 /
$docroot = "http://jb51.net";
# 设置错误信息的字体
$fontface = "Verdana";
# 设置404页面的字体大小
$fontsize = "2";
# 设置404页面的背景颜色,缺省是白色
$bgcolor = "#ffffff";
# 设置文字颜色,缺省是黑色
$textcolor = "#000000";
# 使用 $reportlevel 变量来控制是否发信给网管
# 0 = 根本不用发信,嘿,NB的我们怎么会出错呢
# 1 = 只有在页面含有你的DOMAIN NAME时才发信
# 2 = 即使是与我连接出现的断连也发信,有可能是友情站点
$reportlevel = 2; //这种最保险了
$emailaddress = "webmaster@jb51.net"; //设置收错误信息的邮箱
function print_details()
# Request access to the global variables we need
global $fontface, $fontsize, $docroot, $REQUEST_URI, $reportlevel;
global $bgcolor, $textcolor;
# Print the 404 error in web format
echo "

404 没有找到页面";
echo "";
echo "

404 对不起,我没有找到您要求的页面

echo "

echo "oncoding编码营提醒您,您要求的页面 $docroot$REQUEST_URI, doesn't exist";
echo " on this server.

if ($reportlevel != 0)
echo "

echo "错误信息已经发送到oncoding编码营管理员信箱.";
# EMAIL处理函数
function send_email()
# Request access to the global variables we need
global $REQUEST_URI, $HTTP_REFERER, $emailaddress, $REMOTE_ADDR, $docroot;
# 定制发送的消息,如时间地点等.
$today = getdate();
$month = $today[mon];
$mday = $today[mday];
$year = $today[year];
$hours = $today[hours];
$minutes = $today[minutes];
$errortime = "$month/$mday/$year at $hours:$minutes";
# Create the body of the email message
$message .= "404 Error ReportnnA 404 error was encountered by $REMOTE_ADDR";
$message .= " on $errortime.nn";
$message .= "The URI which generated the error is: n$docroot$REQUEST_URInn";
$message .= "The referring page was:n$HTTP_REFERERnn";
# Send the mail message. This assumes mail() will work on your system!
mail("$emailaddress", "404 Error Report", $message, "From: $emailaddress"); //发送信息
# 下面这些是根据变量$reportlevel的设置来发信与否。
# See whether or not we should send an email report. If so, do it.
if ($reportlevel != 0)
if ($reportlevel == 1) {
if (eregi($domain,$HTTP_REFERER))
send_email(); }
# All done!

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