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php 大数据数学演算库

2016-06-13 11:02:28996Durchsuche

php 大数据数学运算库

BCMath Arbitrary Precision Mathematics?

  • BC Math Functions
    • bcadd — Add two arbitrary precision numbers
    • bccomp — Compare two arbitrary precision numbers
    • bcdiv — Divide two arbitrary precision numbers
    • bcmod — Get modulus of an arbitrary precision number
    • bcmul — Multiply two arbitrary precision number
    • bcpow — Raise an arbitrary precision number to another
    • bcpowmod — Raise an arbitrary precision number to another, reduced by a specified modulus
    • bcscale — Set default scale parameter for all bc math functions
    • bcsqrt — Get the square root of an arbitrary precision number
    • bcsub — Subtract one arbitrary precision number from another

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