Heim >Backend-Entwicklung >PHP-Tutorial >以上代码是调用24小时内的数据,请教如何改成调用一个月或一年的数据


2016-06-13 10:53:37977Durchsuche


PHP code
<!--Code highlighting produced by Actipro CodeHighlighter (freeware)http://www.CodeHighlighter.com/-->    private function getList($where='',$no_query = false)    {        global $_FANWE;        if(!$no_query)        {            if(defined('IS_CACHE_TPL'))                $fields = '';            else                $fields = ',g.post_count';            $page_args = array(                'city_py' => CURRENT_CITY_PY,                'site' => intval($_FANWE['request']['site']),                'cat' => intval($_FANWE['request']['cat']),                'sort' => trim($_FANWE['request']['sort']),                'date' => trim($_FANWE['request']['date']),                'keyword' => trim($_FANWE['request']['keyword']),                'prices' => trim($_FANWE['request']['prices']),            );            $site_id = 0;            if($page_args['site'] > 0)            {                $site_id = $page_args['site'];                $site_where = ' AND gk.site_id = '.$page_args['site'];            }            else                unset($page_args['site']);            $dates = S('Goods')->getExpiredGoodsDate();            $min_time = getTodayTime();            $max_time = TIME_UTC;            $date = toDate($min_time,'Y-m-d');            if(!empty($page_args['date']))            {                $time = str2Time($page_args['date']);                if($time = $dates['min_time'])                {                    $date = toDate($time,'Y-m-d');                    $min_time = str2Time(toDate($time,'Y-m-d'));                    $max_time = $min_time + 863990000;                    if($max_time > TIME_UTC)                        $max_time = TIME_UTC;                }            }            else            {                $page_args['date'] = $date;            }            $dates['min_time'] = toDate($dates['min_time'],'r');            $dates['max_time'] = toDate($dates['max_time'],'r');              $where.=" AND gk.end_time >= '$min_time' AND gk.end_time  0)                $insert_sort = 'gk.ec_sort ASC';            if(in_array($page_args['cat'],$_FANWE['cache']['goods']['root_cates']))                $insert_sort = 'gk.dc_sort ASC';            $city_name = $_FANWE['current_city']['name'];            if(CURRENT_CITY_PY == CHINA_CITY_PY)            {                //全国不包含所有城市商品时                if($_FANWE['setting']['all_city'] == 0)                    $where.=  " AND gk.city = '$city_name'";                else                {                    $insert_sort = 'gk.r_sort ASC';                    if($page_args['cat'] > 0)                        $insert_sort = 'gk.e_sort ASC';                    if(in_array($page_args['cat'],$_FANWE['cache']['goods']['root_cates']))                        $insert_sort = 'gk.d_sort ASC';                }            }            elseif(CURRENT_CITY_PY != '')            {                //城市显示全国商品时                if($_FANWE['setting']['index_all'] == 1)                {                    $fields .= ",(gk.city = '$city_name') as is_now_city";                    $insert_sort = 'is_now_city DESC,'.$insert_sort;                    $quanguo_name = $_FANWE['cache']['city']['all'][CHINA_CITY_PY]['name'];                    $where.=  " AND gk.city IN ('$city_name','$quanguo_name')";                }                else                {                    $where.=  " AND gk.city = '$city_name'";                }            }            //价格条件            $prices = '';            if(!empty($page_args['prices']))            {                $prices = &$page_args['prices'];                $price_arr = explode(',',$prices);                $price_min = intval($price_arr[0]);                $price_max = intval($price_arr[1]);                if($price_min > 0)                    $where.=" AND (g.shop_price >= $price_min)";                if($price_max > 0)                    $where.=" AND (g.shop_price getExpiredGoodsCats($site_where.$where);            $cate_id = 0;            if($page_args['cat'] > 0)            {                $cate_id = &$page_args['cat'];                $cateobj = $_FANWE['cache']['goods']['cats'][$cate_id];                $cate_ids = array();                if(isset($cateobj['childs']))                    $cate_ids = $cateobj['childs'];                $cate_ids[] = $cate_id;                if(count($cate_ids) > 1)                    $where.=' AND gk.cate_id IN ('.implode(',', $cate_ids).')';                else                    $where.=" AND gk.cate_id = '$cate_id'";            }            else                unset($page_args['cat']);            $goods_sites = S('Goods')->getExpiredGoodsSites($where);            $where = $site_where.$where;            $order = '';            $sort = &$page_args['sort'];            $sort_array = array('spa'=>'g.shop_price ASC','spd'=>'g.shop_price DESC','eta'=>'g.end_time ASC','etd'=>'g.end_time DESC','cca'=>'g.click_count ASC','ccd'=>'g.click_count DESC','sa'=>'g.score ASC','sd'=>'g.score DESC','ba'=>'g.bought ASC','bd'=>'g.bought DESC','da'=>'discount ASC','dd'=>'discount DESC');            if(array_key_exists($sort,$sort_array))                $order = $sort_array[$sort];            else            {                unset($page_args['sort']);                $sort = '';            }            if(empty($order))                $order .= 'g.is_best DESC,'.$insert_sort.',g.sort ASC,g.id ASC';            else                $order .= ','.$insert_sort.',g.sort ASC,g.id DESC';            $goods_count = S('Goods')->getExpiredGoodsCount($where);            $pager = buildPage('goods/'.ACTION_NAME,$page_args,$goods_count,$_FANWE['page'],15);            $goods_result = S('Goods')->getExpiredGoodsList($where,$order,$fields,$pager['limit']);            $goods_result['ids'] = implode(',',$goods_result['ids']);        }        include template('page/goods_index');    }<div class="clear">
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