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PHP中__construct(), __destory(), __get(), __set(), __call(),

2016-06-13 10:43:26921Durchsuche

(1)__construct() 是PHP内置的构造函数, 是同PHP 解析引擎自动调用的, 当实例化一个对象的时候,这个对象的这个方法首先被调用。

例:class Test


             function __construct()


                  echo "This is __construct function!";


            function Test()


                  echo "This is Test!";



$objTest = new Test;      // 运行结果是“This is __construct function!”


class Test


      function __destory()


            echo "This is __destory function!";



$objTest = new Test;       // 运行结果是“This is __destory function!”


class Test


      function __get($key)


           echo $key, "doesn't exist!";



$objTest = new Test;

$objTest->Name;    // 运行结果是“Name does'nt exist!”


class Test


      function __set($key, $val)


              echo “Can't assign\"” . $val . "\" to ". $key;



$objTest = new Test;

$objTest->Name = "ljlwill";    // 运行结果是“Can't assign "ljlwill" to Name”


class Test


     function __call($key, $args)


          echo "The function \"". $key ."\" doesn't exist. it's args are ". print_r($args);



$objTest = new Test;

$objTest->getName("2004", "ljlwill");

// 运行结果是 The function "getName" doesn't exist. it's args are: Array(

   [0] => 2004;

   [1] => ljlwill;


(6)__toString() 当打印一个对象的时候被调用,类似于java的toString方法,当我们直接打印对象的时候回调用这个函数。

class Test


     function __toString()


              return "This is Test!";



$objTest = new Test;

eho $objTest;         // 运行结果是“This is Test!”

(7)__clone() 当对象被克隆时,被调用。

class Test


        function __clone()


                echo "I am cloned!" ;


$objTest = new Test;

$objCloneTest = clone $objTest;     // 运行结果是“I am cloned!”

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