Heim >Backend-Entwicklung >PHP-Tutorial >Wie kann ich ein PHP-Array effizient in eine CSV-Datei konvertieren?

Wie kann ich ein PHP-Array effizient in eine CSV-Datei konvertieren?

2024-11-08 15:41:02527Durchsuche

How can I efficiently convert a PHP array into a CSV file?

Array in CSV konvertieren

Wie kann ein Array in eine CSV-Datei konvertiert werden?

Ein Beispielarray ist unten angegeben:

stdClass Object

    [OrderList_RetrieveByContactResult] => stdClass Object
            [OrderDetails] => stdClass Object
                    [entityId] => 1025298
                    [orderId] => 10952
                    [orderName] => testing
                    [statusTypeId] => 4652
                    [countryCode] => AU
                    [orderType] => 1
                    [invoiceNumber] => 0
                    [invoiceDate] => 0001-01-01T00:00:00
                    [userID_AssignedTo] => 11711
                    [shippingAmount] => 8.95
                    [shippingTaxRate] => 0
                    [shippingAttention] => 
                    [shippingInstructions] => 
                    [shippingOptionId] => 50161
                    [discountCodeId] => 0
                    [discountRate] => 0
                    [totalOrderAmount] => 408.45
                    [directDebitTypeId] => 0
                    [directDebitDays] => 0
                    [isRecur] => 
                    [nextInvoiceDate] => 0001-01-01T00:00:00
                    [endRecurDate] => 0001-01-01T00:00:00
                    [cycleTypeID] => 1
                    [createDate] => 2010-10-08T18:40:00
                    [lastUpdateDate] => 2010-10-08T18:40:00
                    [deleted] => 
                    [products] => stdClass Object
                            [Product] => stdClass Object
                                    [productId] => 674975
                                    [productCode] => 
                                    [productDescription] => 
                                    [units] => 10
                                    [unitPrice] => 39.95
                                    [unitTaxRate] => 0
                                    [totalProductPrice] => 399.5
                                    [productName] => Acne Clearing Gel


                    [addresses] => stdClass Object
                            [Address] => stdClass Object
                                    [addressTypeID] => 8
                                    [addressLine1] => Cebu City
                                    [city] => Cebu
                                    [zipcode] => 6000
                                    [state] => 
                                    [countryCode] => PH






Um ein Array in eine CSV-Datei zu konvertieren, kann die folgende Funktion verwendet werden verwendet:

  * Formats a line (passed as a fields  array) as CSV and returns the CSV as a string.
  * Adapted from http://us3.php.net/manual/en/function.fputcsv.php#87120
function arrayToCsv( array &$fields, $delimiter = ';', $enclosure = '"', $encloseAll = false, $nullToMysqlNull = false ) {
    $delimiter_esc = preg_quote($delimiter, '/');
    $enclosure_esc = preg_quote($enclosure, '/');

    $output = array();
    foreach ( $fields as $field ) {
        if ($field === null && $nullToMysqlNull) {
            $output[] = 'NULL';

        // Enclose fields containing $delimiter, $enclosure or whitespace
        if ( $encloseAll || preg_match( "/(?:${delimiter_esc}|${enclosure_esc}|\s)/", $field ) ) {
            $output[] = $enclosure . str_replace($enclosure, $enclosure . $enclosure, $field) . $enclosure;
        else {
            $output[] = $field;

    return implode( $delimiter, $output );

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