Heim >Backend-Entwicklung >Python-Tutorial >So implementieren Sie die Erkennung maschinenlesbarer Zonen (MRZ) in Python
Maschinenlesbare Zone (MRZ) ist eine entscheidende Funktion, die in modernen Pässen, Visa und Personalausweisen zum Einsatz kommt. Es enthält wesentliche Informationen über den Dokumenteninhaber, wie z. B. seinen Namen, sein Geschlecht, seinen Ländercode und seine Dokumentennummer. Die MRZ-Erkennung spielt eine Schlüsselrolle bei der Grenzkontrolle, der Flughafensicherheit und den Check-in-Prozessen in Hotels. In diesem Tutorial zeigen wir, wie Sie das Dynamsoft Capture Vision SDK nutzen, um die MRZ-Erkennung unter Windows, Linux und macOS zu implementieren Plattformen. Dieser Leitfaden bietet einen schrittweisen Ansatz zur Nutzung der leistungsstarken Funktionen des SDK, um die plattformübergreifende MRZ-Erkennung nahtlos und effizient zu gestalten.
Dynamsoft Capture Vision-Testlizenz: Erhalten Sie einen 30-Tage-Testlizenzschlüssel für das Dynamsoft Capture Vision SDK.
Python-Pakete: Installieren Sie die erforderlichen Python-Pakete mit den folgenden Befehlen:
pip install dynamsoft-capture-vision-bundle opencv-python
Wozu dienen diese Pakete?
Das offizielle MRZ-Scanner-Beispiel zeigt, wie man mit dem Dynamsoft Capture Vision SDK in kurzer Zeit einen einfachen Python-basierten MRZ-Reader erstellt.
Werfen wir einen Blick auf den Quellcode und analysieren seine Funktionalität:
import sys from dynamsoft_capture_vision_bundle import * import os class MRZResult: def __init__(self, item: ParsedResultItem): self.doc_type = item.get_code_type() self.raw_text=[] self.doc_id = None self.surname = None self.given_name = None self.nationality = None self.issuer = None self.gender = None self.date_of_birth = None self.date_of_expiry = None if self.doc_type == "MRTD_TD3_PASSPORT": if item.get_field_value("passportNumber") != None and item.get_field_validation_status("passportNumber") != EnumValidationStatus.VS_FAILED: self.doc_id = item.get_field_value("passportNumber") elif item.get_field_value("documentNumber") != None and item.get_field_validation_status("documentNumber") != EnumValidationStatus.VS_FAILED: self.doc_id = item.get_field_value("documentNumber") line = item.get_field_value("line1") if line is not None: if item.get_field_validation_status("line1") == EnumValidationStatus.VS_FAILED: line += ", Validation Failed" self.raw_text.append(line) line = item.get_field_value("line2") if line is not None: if item.get_field_validation_status("line2") == EnumValidationStatus.VS_FAILED: line += ", Validation Failed" self.raw_text.append(line) line = item.get_field_value("line3") if line is not None: if item.get_field_validation_status("line3") == EnumValidationStatus.VS_FAILED: line += ", Validation Failed" self.raw_text.append(line) if item.get_field_value("nationality") != None and item.get_field_validation_status("nationality") != EnumValidationStatus.VS_FAILED: self.nationality = item.get_field_value("nationality") if item.get_field_value("issuingState") != None and item.get_field_validation_status("issuingState") != EnumValidationStatus.VS_FAILED: self.issuer = item.get_field_value("issuingState") if item.get_field_value("dateOfBirth") != None and item.get_field_validation_status("dateOfBirth") != EnumValidationStatus.VS_FAILED: self.date_of_birth = item.get_field_value("dateOfBirth") if item.get_field_value("dateOfExpiry") != None and item.get_field_validation_status("dateOfExpiry") != EnumValidationStatus.VS_FAILED: self.date_of_expiry = item.get_field_value("dateOfExpiry") if item.get_field_value("sex") != None and item.get_field_validation_status("sex") != EnumValidationStatus.VS_FAILED: self.gender = item.get_field_value("sex") if item.get_field_value("primaryIdentifier") != None and item.get_field_validation_status("primaryIdentifier") != EnumValidationStatus.VS_FAILED: self.surname = item.get_field_value("primaryIdentifier") if item.get_field_value("secondaryIdentifier") != None and item.get_field_validation_status("secondaryIdentifier") != EnumValidationStatus.VS_FAILED: self.given_name = item.get_field_value("secondaryIdentifier") def to_string(self): msg = (f"Raw Text:\n") for index, line in enumerate(self.raw_text): msg += (f"\tLine {index + 1}: {line}\n") msg+=(f"Parsed Information:\n" f"\tDocumentType: {self.doc_type or ''}\n" f"\tDocumentID: {self.doc_id or ''}\n" f"\tSurname: {self.surname or ''}\n" f"\tGivenName: {self.given_name or ''}\n" f"\tNationality: {self.nationality or ''}\n" f"\tIssuingCountryorOrganization: {self.issuer or ''}\n" f"\tGender: {self.gender or ''}\n" f"\tDateofBirth(YYMMDD): {self.date_of_birth or ''}\n" f"\tExpirationDate(YYMMDD): {self.date_of_expiry or ''}\n") return msg def print_results(result: ParsedResult) -> None: tag = result.get_original_image_tag() if isinstance(tag, FileImageTag): print("File:", tag.get_file_path()) if result.get_error_code() != EnumErrorCode.EC_OK: print("Error:", result.get_error_string()) else: items = result.get_items() print("Parsed", len(items), "MRZ Zones.") for item in items: mrz_result = MRZResult(item) print(mrz_result.to_string()) if __name__ == '__main__': print("**********************************************************") print("Welcome to Dynamsoft Capture Vision - MRZ Sample") print("**********************************************************") error_code, error_message = LicenseManager.init_license("LICENSE-KEY") if error_code != EnumErrorCode.EC_OK and error_code != EnumErrorCode.EC_LICENSE_CACHE_USED: print("License initialization failed: ErrorCode:", error_code, ", ErrorString:", error_message) else: cvr_instance = CaptureVisionRouter() while (True): image_path = input( ">> Input your image full path:\n" ">> 'Enter' for sample image or 'Q'/'q' to quit\n" ).strip('\'"') if image_path.lower() == "q": sys.exit(0) if image_path == "": image_path = "../Images/passport-sample.jpg" if not os.path.exists(image_path): print("The image path does not exist.") continue result = cvr_instance.capture(image_path, "ReadPassportAndId") if result.get_error_code() != EnumErrorCode.EC_OK: print("Error:", result.get_error_code(), result.get_error_string()) else: parsed_result = result.get_parsed_result() if parsed_result is None or len(parsed_result.get_items()) == 0: print("No parsed results.") else: print_results(parsed_result) input("Press Enter to quit...")
Im nächsten Abschnitt verwenden wir OpenCV, um die MRZ-Erkennungsergebnisse zu visualisieren und die erkannten MRZ-Zonen auf dem Passbild anzuzeigen.
In the code above, result is an instance of the CapturedResult class. Calling its get_recognized_text_lines_result() method retrieves a list of TextLineResultItem objects. Each TextLineResultItem object contains the coordinates of the detected text line. Use the following code snippet to extract the coordinates and draw contours on the passport image:
cv_image = cv2.imread(image_path) line_result = result.get_recognized_text_lines_result() items = line_result.get_items() for item in items: location = item.get_location() x1 = location.points[0].x y1 = location.points[0].y x2 = location.points[1].x y2 = location.points[1].y x3 = location.points[2].x y3 = location.points[2].y x4 = location.points[3].x y4 = location.points[3].y del location cv2.drawContours( cv_image, [np.intp([(x1, y1), (x2, y2), (x3, y3), (x4, y4)])], 0, (0, 255, 0), 2) cv2.imshow( "Original Image with Detected MRZ Zone", cv_image) cv2.waitKey(0) cv2.destroyAllWindows()
Scanning and recognizing MRZ in real-time via webcam requires capturing a continuous image stream. We can use the OpenCV library to capture frames from the webcam and process them with the Dynamsoft Capture Vision SDK. The following code snippet demonstrates how to implement real-time MRZ recognition using a webcam:
from dynamsoft_capture_vision_bundle import * import cv2 import numpy as np import queue from utils import * class FrameFetcher(ImageSourceAdapter): def has_next_image_to_fetch(self) -> bool: return True def add_frame(self, imageData): self.add_image_to_buffer(imageData) class MyCapturedResultReceiver(CapturedResultReceiver): def __init__(self, result_queue): super().__init__() self.result_queue = result_queue def on_captured_result_received(self, captured_result): self.result_queue.put(captured_result) if __name__ == '__main__': errorCode, errorMsg = LicenseManager.init_license( "LICENSE-KEY") if errorCode != EnumErrorCode.EC_OK and errorCode != EnumErrorCode.EC_LICENSE_CACHE_USED: print("License initialization failed: ErrorCode:", errorCode, ", ErrorString:", errorMsg) else: vc = cv2.VideoCapture(0) if not vc.isOpened(): print("Error: Camera is not opened!") exit(1) cvr = CaptureVisionRouter() fetcher = FrameFetcher() cvr.set_input(fetcher) # Create a thread-safe queue to store captured items result_queue = queue.Queue() receiver = MyCapturedResultReceiver(result_queue) cvr.add_result_receiver(receiver) errorCode, errorMsg = cvr.start_capturing("ReadPassportAndId") if errorCode != EnumErrorCode.EC_OK: print("error:", errorMsg) while True: ret, frame = vc.read() if not ret: print("Error: Cannot read frame!") break fetcher.add_frame(convertMat2ImageData(frame)) if not result_queue.empty(): captured_result = result_queue.get_nowait() items = captured_result.get_items() for item in items: if item.get_type() == EnumCapturedResultItemType.CRIT_TEXT_LINE: text = item.get_text() line_results = text.split('\n') location = item.get_location() x1 = location.points[0].x y1 = location.points[0].y x2 = location.points[1].x y2 = location.points[1].y x3 = location.points[2].x y3 = location.points[2].y x4 = location.points[3].x y4 = location.points[3].y cv2.drawContours( frame, [np.intp([(x1, y1), (x2, y2), (x3, y3), (x4, y4)])], 0, (0, 255, 0), 2) delta = y3 - y1 for line_result in line_results: cv2.putText( frame, line_result, (x1, y1), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, (0, 0, 255), 1, cv2.LINE_AA) y1 += delta del location elif item.get_type() == EnumCapturedResultItemType.CRIT_PARSED_RESULT: mrz_result = MRZResult(item) print(mrz_result.to_string()) if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'): break cv2.imshow('frame', frame) cvr.stop_capturing() vc.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows()
Das obige ist der detaillierte Inhalt vonSo implementieren Sie die Erkennung maschinenlesbarer Zonen (MRZ) in Python. Für weitere Informationen folgen Sie bitte anderen verwandten Artikeln auf der PHP chinesischen Website!