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Wie lösche ich Elemente basierend auf dem Wert in einem mehrdimensionalen Array?

Linda Hamilton
Linda HamiltonOriginal
2024-10-18 12:44:03128Durchsuche

How to Delete Elements Based on Value in a Multidimensional Array?

Deleting Elements from a Multidimensional Array Based on Value

In programming, it becomes necessary to modify arrays for various reasons. One such modification is removing elements based on a specific value. This article will guide you through deleting elements from a multidimensional array based on a value using PHP.

Here's the scenario: Consider an array containing information about films, where each sub-array represents a film and has keys like 'url', 'title', 'year', and so on. Your task is to remove any sub-array that has a 'year' key with the value 2011.

To effectively tackle this challenge, we employ the following logic:

<code class="php">function removeElementWithValue($array, $key, $value){
     foreach ($array as $subKey =&gt; $subArray) {
          if ($subArray[$key] == $value) {
     return $array;

This function iterates through each sub-array within the multidimensional array and checks if the specified 'key' has the desired 'value'. If a match is found, the corresponding sub-array is removed from the array.

Finally, you can call this function as follows:

<code class="php">$array = removeElementWithValue($array, "year", 2011);</code>

This will return a new array with all the sub-arrays containing the 'year' key set to 2011 removed, leaving you with only the sub-arrays that meet your criteria.

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