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Erstellen Sie einen Filmvorschlags-Bot

Barbara Streisand
Barbara StreisandOriginal
2024-10-13 16:27:30302Durchsuche

Create a Movie Suggestion Bot

Movie Suggestion Bot Tutorial

This tutorial will guide you through setting up a movie suggestion bot that uses natural language to detect your mood and genre preferences to suggest movies accordingly.

1. Set Up a Next.js Project

You can set up a Next.js project and then add Shadcn on top of that, or you can use the command:

npx shadcn@latest init

This will initialize both the Next.js project and Shadcn. ?

2. Set Up CopilotKit

Use the following commands to install the required packages:

npm install @copilotkit/react-core @copilotkit/react-ui @copilotkit/runtime
npm install groq-sdk

Next, add the /api/copilotkit backend endpoint with the following code:

import {
} from "@copilotkit/runtime";
import { NextRequest } from "next/server";
import Groq from "groq-sdk";

// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
const groq = new Groq({ apiKey: process.env.GROQ_API_KEY }) as any;

const copilotKit = new CopilotRuntime();

const serviceAdapter = new GroqAdapter({ groq, model: "llama3-groq-8b-8192-tool-use-preview" });

export const POST = async (req: NextRequest) => {
    const { handleRequest } = copilotRuntimeNextJSAppRouterEndpoint({
        runtime: copilotKit,
        endpoint: "/api/copilotkit",

    return handleRequest(req);

3. Add a Server Action

To complete the backend setup, we just need to add one server action. Create the following file:

// src/actions/movies.ts
"use server"

export async function fetchMovies({ query }: { query: string }) {
    const API_KEY = process.env.OMDB_API_KEY;
    const URL = `https://www.omdbapi.com/?apikey=${API_KEY}&s=${encodeURIComponent(

    try {
        const response = await fetch(URL);
        const result = await response.json();

        if (result && result.Search) {
            return result.Search;
        } else {
            return [];
    } catch (error) {
        console.error("Error fetching movies:", error);
        return [];

4. Build the Frontend

With the backend ready, we now need to build the frontend for this app.

Add Shadcn Components

Run the following command to add necessary components:

npx shadcn@latest add card badge

Also, add the spinner component.

Update the Page Component

Now, in src/app/page.tsx, import the necessary components and hooks:

import { fetchMovies } from "@/actions/movies";
import { Spinner } from "@/components/ui-expansions/spinner";
import { Badge } from "@/components/ui/badge";
import { Card, CardContent, CardFooter } from "@/components/ui/card";
import { useCopilotAction } from "@copilotkit/react-core";
import { CopilotChat } from "@copilotkit/react-ui";
import "@copilotkit/react-ui/styles.css";
import { Film } from "lucide-react";
import Link from "next/link";

Define the Movie Type

Next, define the Movie type:

type Movie = {
  Title: string;
  Year: string;
  imdbID: string;
  Poster: string;

Implement the Page Component

Use the useCopilotAction hook to enable AI to fetch movies and display them to the user. Return the following JSX:

<div className="w-full h-screen">
        className="w-full h-full"
          title: "Movie Suggestion Bot",
          initial: "Hello! ? What type of movie are you in the mood for?",
        instructions="No need to provide movie names unless no results are found. If the API returns movies, only those will be shown."

Hurray! ? The Movie Suggestion Bot is complete.

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