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Barbara Streisand
Barbara StreisandOriginal
2024-10-12 18:42:02960Durchsuche

aws User Guide

Hier ist eine empfohlene Lernsequenz beim Erlernen von AWS-Services:

Ich. Grundlegende Konzepte und Konsolenoperationen

1.  First, understand the basic concepts of cloud computing, including IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service), PaaS (Platform as a Service), SaaS (Software as a Service), etc.

2.  Familiarize yourself with the layout and basic operations of the AWS console, such as creating an account, logging in, and navigating different service pages.

II. Kerndienstleistungen

1.  Amazon EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud): Learn how to create, start, stop, and manage virtual server instances. Understand different instance types, storage options, and network configurations.

2.  Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service): Master the concept of object storage and learn how to create buckets, upload and download files, and set access permissions.

3.  Amazon VPC (Virtual Private Cloud): Understand the construction of virtual networks, including creating subnets, configuring routing tables, and setting up security groups.

III. Datenbankdienste

1.  Amazon RDS (Relational Database Service): Learn how to create and manage relational database instances such as MySQL and PostgreSQL. Understand database backup, recovery, and high availability options.

2.  Amazon DynamoDB (fully managed NoSQL database service): Master the characteristics and usage methods of NoSQL databases, including creating tables and performing data read and write operations.

IV. Weitere wichtige Dienstleistungen

1.  AWS IAM (Identity and Access Management): Gain in-depth understanding of user, role, and permission management to ensure security and compliance.

2.  Amazon CloudWatch (monitoring service): Learn how to set up monitoring metrics, alarms, and log records to detect and solve problems in a timely manner.

3.  AWS Lambda (serverless computing service): Explore the serverless architecture and learn how to write and deploy functions to respond to events.

V. Fortgeschrittene Themen und Praktiken

1.  Containerization and the combined use of AWS ECS/EKS (Elastic Container Service/Elastic Kubernetes Service): Learn how to run containerized applications on AWS.

2.  The combination of serverless architecture and services such as AWS API Gateway and AWS Step Functions.

3.  Conduct practical project practices to consolidate the learned knowledge and continuously explore new services and functions.

Während des Lernprozesses können Sie die offizielle Dokumentation von AWS, Online-Tutorials, Schulungen und praktische Abläufe kombinieren, um Ihr Verständnis zu vertiefen. Gleichzeitig kann Ihnen die Teilnahme an der AWS-Community und den Foren sowie der Austausch mit anderen Benutzern über Erfahrungen und Problemlösungsmethoden auch dabei helfen, AWS-Services besser kennenzulernen und zu beherrschen.

Wählen Sie abschließend einen geeigneten AWS-Dienstanbieter aus, der Dienste für Sie bereitstellt. Kontaktieren Sie uns.
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