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Umgang mit Iframes in Cypress

Patricia Arquette
Patricia ArquetteOriginal
2024-10-03 22:24:29503Durchsuche

How to Handle iframes in Cypress


Testing iframes in web applications can often be tricky, especially when working with modern test automation tools. Cypress, with its intuitive design and powerful API, simplifies many testing challenges. However, handling iframes in Cypress requires a bit of extra setup because Cypress doesn't directly support accessing content inside iframes.

In this blog post, we'll explore how to handle iframes in Cypress, complete with practical examples and tips for efficient iframe testing.

What Are iframes?

An iframe (short for inline frame) is an HTML element that embeds another document within the current webpage. It’s commonly used to load external content like ads, videos, or widgets into a page without refreshing the whole page.

Why iframes Are Challenging in Cypress

Cypress operates within the browser context, which has strict security limitations regarding cross-origin access. Since an iframe essentially loads another webpage within the parent page, Cypress can't directly access elements inside an iframe using standard commands like .get() or .find() due to these browser security restrictions.

Handling iframes in Cypress: The Basics

To work with iframes in Cypress, we need to:

  1. Get access to the iframe’s content.
  2. Use Cypress commands to interact with elements inside the iframe.

Approach: Using jQuery and Cypress

Cypress uses jQuery under the hood, which provides a way to access iframe content. With jQuery, we can access the iframe's document, and from there, we can target elements inside the iframe.

Step-by-Step Example

Let's go through an example where we interact with an iframe on a webpage. In this example, we'll:

  • Load a webpage that contains an iframe.
  • Access the iframe.
  • Interact with an element inside the iframe.

1. Load the Page and Access the iframe
Here’s a sample HTML structure with an iframe:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <title>Iframe Example</title>
  <h1>Welcome to the iframe Example</h1>
  <iframe id="myIframe" src="https://example.com/iframe-content"></iframe>

In this example, we have an iframe with the id="myIframe". We’ll use Cypress to access this iframe and interact with the content inside.

2. Cypress Custom Command for Handling iframes
Since handling iframes is a common task, creating a custom Cypress command simplifies the process. Let’s create a custom command that retrieves the iframe’s body:

Cypress.Commands.add('getIframeBody', (iframeSelector) => {
  // Wait for the iframe to load

3. Interacting with Elements Inside the iframe
Now that we have our custom command to access the iframe body, we can interact with elements inside the iframe. Here’s an example of how to use it in a test:

describe('Iframe Test', () => {
  it('should access and interact with an element inside an iframe', () => {

    // Use the custom command to get the iframe body
    cy.getIframeBody('#myIframe').within(() => {
      // Now we can interact with elements inside the iframe
      cy.get('h1').should('contain.text', 'Iframe Content Title');

In this test:

  • We visit the page with the iframe.
  • We use the custom getIframeBody command to access the iframe content.
  • We interact with elements inside the iframe, such as asserting the text of an h1 element and clicking a button.

Handling Cross-Origin iframes

Working with cross-origin iframes (iframes that load content from a different domain) poses additional challenges because of browser security policies. Cypress cannot directly access or interact with elements inside cross-origin iframes due to the Same-Origin Policy.

Here are a few strategies to handle cross-origin iframes in Cypress:

  1. Mock the iframe content: Instead of loading the actual cross-origin content, mock the iframe content in your tests.
  2. Use API testing: If you’re dealing with an external service inside the iframe, consider using API testing to directly test the service rather than the UI.
  3. Use cy.origin(): If Cypress and the browser support it, you can use the cy.origin() command to handle cross-origin iframe content. However, be mindful that this is experimental and may require additional setup.

Example: Handling Cross-Origin iframes with cy.origin()

describe('Cross-Origin Iframe Test', () => {
  it('should handle a cross-origin iframe', () => {

    cy.origin('https://example-iframe.com', () => {
      cy.get('#iframe-element').should('contain.text', 'Cross-Origin Content');

In this test, the cy.origin() command allows us to interact with an element inside a cross-origin iframe, provided the domains are set up to allow it.

Best Practices for Handling iframes in Cypress

Here are a few best practices to keep in mind when working with iframes in Cypress:

  1. Gunakan Perintah Tersuai: Merangkumkan logik pengendalian iframe dalam perintah tersuai, seperti getIframeBody, menjadikan ujian anda lebih bersih dan lebih mudah diselenggara.
  2. Elakkan iframe Silang Asal: Jika boleh, elakkan bergantung pada iframe silang asal. Jika anda mesti menguji iframe silang asal, pertimbangkan untuk menggunakan cy.origin() atau ujian API.
  3. Tunggu sehingga iframe dimuatkan: Sentiasa pastikan kandungan iframe dimuatkan sepenuhnya sebelum cuba berinteraksi dengannya. Gunakan .should('not.be.empty') atau .its('contentDocument.body') untuk mengesahkan bahawa kandungan iframe boleh diakses.
  4. Modularize Ujian: Jika aplikasi anda menggunakan berbilang iframe, susun ujian anda secara modular untuk mengendalikan setiap interaksi iframe secara berasingan.


Mengendalikan iframe dalam Cypress memerlukan sedikit kerja tambahan, tetapi dengan mencipta arahan tersuai dan menggunakan kaedah jQuery, anda boleh berinteraksi dengan elemen dalam iframe dengan berkesan. Untuk iframe silang asal, pertimbangkan untuk menggunakan cy.origin() atau ujian API jika boleh. Dengan pendekatan yang betul dan strategi ujian yang kukuh, anda boleh menguji aplikasi web yang bergantung pada iframe dengan yakin.

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