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Frontend-Entwicklung + Datenstrukturen und Algorithmen: Wie DSA Ihre React-App unterstützen kann ⚡

2024-09-08 22:32:111172Durchsuche

Frontend-fokussierte Interviews kümmern sich oft überhaupt nicht um DSA.

Und für diejenigen von uns, die sich daran erinnern, DSA in der Schule/Universität gelernt zu haben, fühlten sich alle Beispiele rein algorithmisch an (aus gutem Grund), aber es gab kaum Beispiele oder Anleitungen dazu, wie die Produkte, die wir täglich verwenden, dieses Konzept nutzen.

„Werde ich das jemals brauchen?“
Das haben Sie schon oft gefragt, nicht wahr? ?

Hier sind ein paar Datenstrukturen, die Sie noch heute in Ihrer React-App nutzen können! ?


  1. Einführung
  2. Arrays: Ihre Anlaufstelle für die Zustandsverwaltung
  3. Objekte und Hash-Maps: Normalisierter Datenspeicher für Effizienz
  4. Doppelt verknüpfte Listen: Navigation mit Kontext
  5. Stapel: Rückgängig-/Wiederholen-Funktionalität mit unveränderlichem Verhalten
  6. Warteschlangen: Sequentielle API-Aufrufe verwalten
  7. Bäume: Rekursive Komponenten rendern
  8. Grafiken: Aufbau komplexer Datenbeziehungen und Navigation
  9. Fazit

Verwandte Lektüre:

1. 数组?:状态管理的首选

React 中数组无处不在。如果您需要帮助了解 .map() 或 .filter() 的工作原理,您可能会太早看到这篇文章了!但不用担心,一旦您熟悉了这些数组方法,您就会发现它们对于渲染列表、管理组件状态和转换数据是多么重要。

2. 对象和哈希映射?️:规范化数据存储以提高效率

在 React 应用程序中,当您处理大量实体(例如用户或帖子)时,将数据规范化为对象(哈希图)可以使读取和更新更加高效。您无需使用深层嵌套结构,而是通过 ID 映射实体。


const postsById = {
  1: { id: 1, title: 'First Post', content: 'Content of first post' },
  2: { id: 2, title: 'Second Post', content: 'Content of second post' }

const postIds = [1, 2];

function PostList() {
  return (
      {postIds.map(id => (
        <Post key={id} post={postsById[id]} />

function Post({ post }) {
  return (


3. 双向链表?:带上下文的导航

当您需要上一个和下一个元素的上下文时,双向链表非常有用 - 想象一下导航照片库,其中每个图像都显示其相邻图像以供参考。我们不使用索引,而是直接将当前节点存储在组件状态中。


class Node {
  constructor(value) {
    this.value = value;
    this.next = null;
    this.prev = null;

class DoublyLinkedList {
  constructor() {
    this.head = null;
    this.tail = null;

  add(value) {
    const newNode = new Node(value);
    if (!this.head) {
      this.head = newNode;
      this.tail = newNode;
    } else {
      this.tail.next = newNode;
      newNode.prev = this.tail;
      this.tail = newNode;

const imageList = new DoublyLinkedList();
imageList.add({ id: 1, src: 'image1.jpg', alt: 'First Image' });
imageList.add({ id: 2, src: 'image2.jpg', alt: 'Second Image' });
imageList.add({ id: 3, src: 'image3.jpg', alt: 'Third Image' });

function Gallery() {
  const [currentNode, setCurrentNode] = useState(imageList.head);

  return (
      {currentNode.prev && (
        <img src={currentNode.prev.value.src} alt={currentNode.prev.value.alt} className="prev-image" />
      <img src={currentNode.value.src} alt={currentNode.value.alt} className="main-image" />
      {currentNode.next && (
        <img src={currentNode.next.value.src} alt={currentNode.next.value.alt} className="next-image" />
        <button onClick={() => setCurrentNode(currentNode.prev)} disabled={!currentNode.prev}>
        <button onClick={() => setCurrentNode(currentNode.next)} disabled={!currentNode.next}>

在此 React 组件中:

  • 当前节点存储在状态中,并且UI根据是否有上一个或下一个节点进行更新。
  • 这些按钮使用户能够向前和向后导航列表,如果没有更多节点可移动到,则禁用。
  • 此结构使用周围元素的上下文来模拟实时导航,通常用于轮播、媒体库或播放列表等 UI 组件中。

4. Stacks ?:具有不可变行为的撤消/重做功能

堆栈允许您使用后进先出 (LIFO) 逻辑有效地管理撤消/重做操作。通过使用不可变操作(concat、slice),我们可以确保状态保持不变。


const [undoStack, setUndoStack] = useState([]);
const [redoStack, setRedoStack] = useState([]);
const [formState, setFormState] = useState({ name: '', email: '' });

const updateForm = (newState) => {
  setUndoStack(prev => prev.concat([formState]));  // Immutable push
  setRedoStack([]);  // Clear redo stack

const undo = () => {
  if (undoStack.length > 0) {
    const lastState = undoStack.at(-1);
    setUndoStack(prev => prev.slice(0, -1));  // Immutable pop
    setRedoStack(prev => prev.concat([formState]));  // Move current state to redo

const redo = () => {
  if (redoStack.length > 0) {
    const lastRedo = redoStack.at(-1);
    setRedoStack(prev => prev.slice(0, -1));  // Immutable pop
    setUndoStack(prev => prev.concat([formState]));  // Push current state to undo

5. 队列?:管理顺序 API 调用

队列以先进先出 (FIFO) 方式运行,非常适合确保 API 调用或通知等任务按正确的顺序处理。

示例排队 API 调用

const [apiQueue, setApiQueue] = useState([]);

const enqueueApiCall = (apiCall) => {
  setApiQueue(prevQueue => prevQueue.concat([apiCall]));  // Immutable push

const processQueue = () => {
  if (apiQueue.length > 0) {
    const [nextCall, ...restQueue] = apiQueue;
    nextCall().finally(() => setApiQueue(restQueue));  // Immutable pop

6. 树?:渲染递归组件

React 中通常在处理嵌套组件时使用树,例如 评论线程文件夹结构菜单


const commentTree = {
  id: 1,
  text: "First comment",
  children: [
    { id: 2, text: "Reply to first comment", children: [] },
    { id: 3, text: "Another reply", children: [{ id: 4, text: "Nested reply" }] }

function Comment({ comment }) {
  return (
      {comment.children?.map(child => (
        <div style={{ paddingLeft: '20px' }} key={child.id}>
          <Comment comment={child} />


7. Graphs ?: Building Complex Data Relationships and Navigation

Example 1: Routing between multiple views
You can represent routes between pages as a graph, ensuring flexible navigation paths in an SPA.

const routesGraph = {
  home: ['about', 'contact'],
  about: ['home', 'team'],
  contact: ['home'],

function navigate(currentRoute, targetRoute) {
  if (routesGraph[currentRoute].includes(targetRoute)) {
    console.log(`Navigating from ${currentRoute} to ${targetRoute}`);
  } else {
    console.log(`Invalid route from ${currentRoute} to ${targetRoute}`);

Example 2: User relationship modeling
Graphs are perfect for modeling social connections or any kind of relationship where multiple entities are interconnected.

const usersGraph = {
  user1: ['user2', 'user3'],
  user2: ['user1', 'user4'],
  user3: ['user1'],
  user4: ['user2']

function findConnections(userId) {
  return usersGraph[userId] || [];

console.log(findConnections('user1'));  // Outputs: ['user2', 'user3']

Note: We use graphs to show reviewer dependencies in Middleware.

TL;DR — Those School Lessons Pay Off

Those DSA classes might have felt abstract back in the day, but data structures are powering the world around you in React.

Objects, stacks, queues, linked lists, trees, and graphs are more than just theory — they’re the backbone of the clean, efficient, and scalable apps you build every day.

So the next time you manage state in a queue or handle complex UI logic, remember: you’ve been training for this since school. ?

Let me know which data structures you’ve been using the most!

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