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Was ist HTML5?

2024-09-04 16:36:02531Durchsuche

The full form of HTML is HyperText Markup Language. Tim Berners-Lee created HTML in 1989. HTML is a basic web programming language used to design basic websites. HTML programming helps people convey their thoughts to the world through the website. In this topic, we are going to learn about What is HTML5.

  • HTML is the structure of Web pages.
  • Tags represent HTML elements.
  • HTML tags help programmers to define content through “heading,” “paragraph,” “table,” and so on.
  • HTML tags are not displayed on any browser; Browsers will only display the content between the tags.

The HTML programming starts with the document tag.

<!DOCTYPE html>

This tag stands that the document is related to HTML. Now let us go to our main topic, i.e., HTML5.

Code goes here

What is HTML5?

HTML5 is the 5th version or update of HTML. This is the most advanced HTML programming. In this version, many tags were added to make the designer’s life easier. A basic website contains 3 types of codes.

  1. HTML
  2. CSS
  3. Javascript

Are you keen to learn more? Come on, tell me, yes; now let me provide you with some basic information about CSS.

CSS Stands for Cascading style sheets. CSS is employed to style the HTML document, enhancing the presentation and visual appearance of the web page. The extension of the CSS page is .css.

Code goes here.

Javascript is developed from Java. The syntax and structure of javascript are similar to C.  Javascript is a client-side programming language. The client browser processes JavaScript rather than the server side.

Javascript displays the response when a client browser performs an action.

Understanding HTML5

HTML is developed so that no other software or browser plugin is required to design a complete website from scratch. With HTML5, we can develop huge applications, animations, and other complicated applications that run on the browser. It finds applications in developing complex web applications designed for various purposes, including entertainment, online streaming, video players, audio players, and more.

What are the Features of HTML5?

As we know that technology is moving fast, the programmers need to upgrade themselves to stay in the competition; if they do not upgrade themselves, they will be out of the competition and not get the packages they dream of.


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"

Look at the difference between XHTML and HTML5. As the generation moves, programming will develop, and programmers must upgrade to the current trends.

<!DOCTYPE html>
Figure Tag
About us

Sample Image.

About image


How HTML5 works?

To work with HTML5, we need a basic text editor; I use Notepad++ and Sublime Text editors. Sublime text is user-friendly and gives you auto-suggestions while typing. Now I am going to explain to you how HTML5 works in detail. HTML5 contains all 3 components of a web page or web app required. Those are HTML, CSS, and JAVASCRIPT.

HTML structures text documents on a web page, CSS styles the text document and enhances the visual appearance of the webpage, while JavaScript enables user interactivity and implements actions on a webpage.

For example, if you want to display an image on the web page, You need to use an HTML image tag to display it.

<img src=”location/image.jpg” alt=”img”>

Now, if you want to decrease or increase the width of the displayed image, we need to use CSS.

Img {
Width : 200px;
Height: 500px ;

If you want to hide or do some animation for the image when the user clicks on something, you need to use javascript.

$ ( document ).  ready ( function ) {
$ ( something ).  click ( function )
} ) ;

What HTML5 does?

It helps developers create advanced web apps that are so responsive and fit on the screen of a desktop or laptop, or mobile. HTML5 can improve the visibility of the website with animations and look.

 Why is HTML5 important?

It is so essential in this modern era because the way technology moves are unbelievable, So we need to be updated and learn HTML5 to create web apps quickly. It can provide some advanced features not available before versions or updates.


  1. It helps developers to develop an application that fits different resolutions, screen sizes, aspect ratios, and guidelines.
  2. With HTML5, programmers can use advanced features such as GPS, camera, and accelerometer in their web applications.
  3. Applications can be used internally, which is nothing but localhost, and can also be seen in browsers.
  4. Mobile applications can use the same monetization and sharing channels as native applications.
  5. JavaScript, HTML, and CSS are web application programming languages.
  6. We can easily convert HTML5 web applications to mobile applications. This is the main advantage of HTML.
  7. HTML5 Application will be responsive and automatically fit every mobile and desktop screen.
  8. Easy to write
  9. Easy to understand
  10. You can develop rich graphics and animations.
  11. Easy to use
  12. Every browser understands html language


  1. HTML5 works only on updated browsers.
  2. Not flexible as the Flash

Who should learn HTML5?

It is a basic programming language to be learned before starting any advanced programming language; developers should learn HTML5. Graphic Designers should learn HTML5; It adds an advantage to the portfolio. People who are looking to work in the IT industry. People who want to start their carrier as a developer. Individuals who have an interest in web designing or development.


HTML5 serves as the markup language utilized for developing advanced web applications. It is an easier programming language compared to other programming languages.

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