Heim >Web-Frontend >js-Tutorial >Low-Level-Design: Abfragesystem – Randfälle
Fall 1 – Versionierung für Aktualisierung behandeln
Fall 2 – PollID als UUID und nicht als Primärschlüssel
Fall 3 – Leere oder ungültige Optionen
Fall 4 – Doppelte Optionen
Fall 5 – Beschränkung der Fragenlänge
Fall 6 – Ablauf der Umfrage
Bitte lesen Sie zuerst die folgenden Artikel:
Low-Level-Design: Abfragesystem: Basic
Low-Level-Design: Abfragesystem – Verwendung von Node.js und SQL
Um Aktualisierungen der Fragen und Optionen einer Umfrage zu verwalten und gleichzeitig die vorherigen Details, die mit derselben Umfrage-ID verknüpft sind, beizubehalten, können Sie ein Versionierungssystem implementieren. Mit diesem Ansatz können Sie die historischen Daten für jede Umfrage verfolgen und sicherstellen, dass alte Details auch nach Aktualisierungen erhalten bleiben.
Aktualisieren Sie die Umfragetabelle
Erstellen Sie die Umfrageversionstabelle
CREATE DATABASE polling_system; USE polling_system; CREATE TABLE polls ( poll_id INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, current_version_id INT, created_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, FOREIGN KEY (current_version_id) REFERENCES poll_versions(version_id) ON DELETE SET NULL ); CREATE TABLE poll_versions ( version_id INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, poll_id INT, question VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, created_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, FOREIGN KEY (poll_id) REFERENCES polls(poll_id) ON DELETE CASCADE ); CREATE TABLE options ( option_id INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, poll_id INT, option_text VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY (poll_id) REFERENCES polls(poll_id) ON DELETE CASCADE ); CREATE TABLE votes ( vote_id INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, poll_id INT, user_id VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, option_id INT, created_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, FOREIGN KEY (poll_id) REFERENCES polls(poll_id) ON DELETE CASCADE, FOREIGN KEY (option_id) REFERENCES options(option_id) ON DELETE CASCADE );
Ändern Sie die updatePoll-Methode, um zu prüfen, ob sich die Frage geändert hat, bevor Sie eine neue Version erstellen.
const pool = require('../db/db'); // Create Poll exports.createPoll = async (req, res) => { const { question, options } = req.body; if (!question || !options || !Array.isArray(options) || options.length < 2) { return res.status(400).json({ message: "Invalid input data. Question and at least two options are required." }); } try { const connection = await pool.getConnection(); await connection.beginTransaction(); const [result] = await connection.execute( 'INSERT INTO polls (current_version_id) VALUES (NULL)' ); const pollId = result.insertId; const [versionResult] = await connection.execute( 'INSERT INTO poll_versions (poll_id, question) VALUES (?, ?)', [pollId, question] ); const versionId = versionResult.insertId; // Update the current version in the polls table await connection.execute( 'UPDATE polls SET current_version_id = ? WHERE poll_id = ?', [versionId, pollId] ); const optionQueries = options.map(option => { return connection.execute( 'INSERT INTO options (poll_id, option_text) VALUES (?, ?)', [pollId, option] ); }); await Promise.all(optionQueries); await connection.commit(); connection.release(); res.status(201).json({ pollId, message: "Poll created successfully." }); } catch (error) { console.error("Error creating poll:", error.message); res.status(500).json({ message: "Error creating poll." }); } }; // Update Poll exports.updatePoll = async (req, res) => { const { pollId } = req.params; const { question, options } = req.body; if (!pollId || !options || !Array.isArray(options) || options.length < 2) { return res.status(400).json({ message: "Invalid input data. At least two options are required." }); } try { const connection = await pool.getConnection(); await connection.beginTransaction(); // Fetch the existing poll const [existingPoll] = await connection.execute( 'SELECT question FROM poll_versions WHERE poll_id = (SELECT current_version_id FROM polls WHERE poll_id = ?)', [pollId] ); if (existingPoll.length === 0) { await connection.rollback(); connection.release(); return res.status(404).json({ message: "Poll not found." }); } const currentQuestion = existingPoll[0].question; // Check if the question has changed if (currentQuestion !== question) { // Create a new version since the question has changed const [versionResult] = await connection.execute( 'INSERT INTO poll_versions (poll_id, question) VALUES (?, ?)', [pollId, question] ); const versionId = versionResult.insertId; // Update the current version in the polls table await connection.execute( 'UPDATE polls SET current_version_id = ? WHERE poll_id = ?', [versionId, pollId] ); } // Remove old options and insert new ones await connection.execute('DELETE FROM options WHERE poll_id = ?', [pollId]); const optionQueries = options.map(option => { return connection.execute( 'INSERT INTO options (poll_id, option_text) VALUES (?, ?)', [pollId, option] ); }); await Promise.all(optionQueries); await connection.commit(); connection.release(); res.status(200).json({ message: "Poll updated successfully." }); } catch (error) { console.error("Error updating poll:", error.message); await connection.rollback(); res.status(500).json({ message: "Error updating poll." }); } }; // Delete Poll exports.deletePoll = async (req, res) => { const { pollId } = req.params; try { const connection = await pool.getConnection(); const [result] = await connection.execute( 'DELETE FROM polls WHERE poll_id = ?', [pollId] ); connection.release(); if (result.affectedRows === 0) { return res.status(404).json({ message: "Poll not found." }); } res.status(200).json({ message: "Poll deleted successfully." }); } catch (error) { console.error("Error deleting poll:", error.message); res.status(500).json({ message: "Error deleting poll." }); } }; // Vote in Poll exports.voteInPoll = async (req, res) => { const { pollId } = req.params; const { userId, option } = req.body; if (!userId || !option) { return res.status(400).json({ message: "User ID and option are required." }); } try { const connection = await pool.getConnection(); const [userVote] = await connection.execute( 'SELECT * FROM votes WHERE poll_id = ? AND user_id = ?', [pollId, userId] ); if (userVote.length > 0) { connection.release(); return res.status(400).json({ message: "User has already voted." }); } const [optionResult] = await connection.execute( 'SELECT option_id FROM options WHERE poll_id = ? AND option_text = ?', [pollId, option] ); if (optionResult.length === 0) { connection.release(); return res.status(404).json({ message: "Option not found." }); } const optionId = optionResult[0].option_id; await connection.execute( 'INSERT INTO votes (poll_id, user_id, option_id) VALUES (?, ?, ?)', [pollId, userId, optionId] ); connection.release(); res.status(200).json({ message: "Vote cast successfully." }); } catch (error) { console.error("Error casting vote:", error.message); res.status(500).json({ message: "Error casting vote." }); } }; // View Poll Results exports.viewPollResults = async (req, res) => { const { pollId } = req.params; try { const connection = await pool.getConnection(); const [poll] = await connection.execute( 'SELECT * FROM polls WHERE poll_id = ?', [pollId] ); if (poll.length === 0) { connection.release(); return res.status(404).json({ message: "Poll not found." }); } const [options] = await connection.execute( 'SELECT option_text, COUNT(votes.option_id) as vote_count FROM options ' + 'LEFT JOIN votes ON options.option_id = votes.option_id ' + 'WHERE options.poll_id = ? GROUP BY options.option_id', [pollId] ); connection.release(); res.status(200).json({ pollId: poll[0].poll_id, question: poll[0].question, results: options.reduce((acc, option) => { acc[option.option_text] = option.vote_count; return acc; }, {}) }); } catch (error) { console.error("Error viewing poll results:", error.message); res.status(500).json({ message: "Error viewing poll results." }); } };
Stellen Sie sicher, dass die Routen in Ihrer pollRoutes.js richtig definiert sind.
const express = require('express'); const router = express.Router(); const pollController = require('../controllers/pollController'); // Routes router.post('/polls', pollController.createPoll); router.put('/polls/:pollId', pollController.updatePoll); router.delete('/polls/:pollId', pollController.deletePoll); router.post('/polls/:pollId/vote', pollController.voteInPoll); router.get('/polls/:pollId/results', pollController.viewPollResults); module.exports = router;
Zur Handhabung eines Szenarios, in dem die pollId eine UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) sein muss.
Hier sind die Schritte zum Implementieren von UUIDs für thepollId in Ihrem Umfragesystem, ohne Code bereitzustellen:
** Aktualisierung des Datenbankschemas:**
** UUID-Generierung:**
** Umfragelogik erstellen:**
** Umfragelogik aktualisieren:**
Überprüfen Sie, ob sich die Frage geändert hat.
** Abstimmungslogik:**
Bestätigen Sie, dass die in der Abstimmungsanfrage angegebene UUID in der Umfragetabelle vorhanden ist.
** API-Updates:**
** Testen:**
** Dokumentation:**
Indem Sie diese Schritte befolgen, können Sie UUIDs für pollId erfolgreich in Ihrem Umfragesystem implementieren und gleichzeitig die Datenintegrität und Verlaufsverfolgung sicherstellen.
Leere oder ungültige Optionen
Ablauf der Umfrage
Bitte lesen Sie zuerst die folgenden Artikel:
Low-Level-Design: Abfragesystem: Basic
Low-Level-Design: Abfragesystem – Verwendung von Node.js und SQL
Weitere Details:
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