Heim >Java >javaLernprogramm >Dynamisches Array in Java
Dynamisches Array bedeutet in Java, dass die Größe des Arrays je nach Benutzeranforderungen entweder gestreckt oder verkleinert wird. Während ein Element aus einem Array entfernt wird, muss die Array-Größe verkleinert werden, und wenn ein Element zu einem Array hinzugefügt wird, wird die Array-Größe gestreckt. Arrays werden zum Speichern homogener Elemente verwendet, was bedeutet, dass derselbe Elementtyp gleichzeitig gespeichert werden kann.
Beispiel:Wir können Ganzzahlen, Gleitkommazahlen, Doppelzahlen, Zeichenfolgen, Zeichen, Objekte usw. speichern, jedoch jeweils nur für einen bestimmten Typ.
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Ein Array kann auf drei Arten deklariert werden:
1. Array[]
int Array[]={1,2,4};
2. [] Array
int[] Array ={1,2,4};
3. []A
int []Array ={1,2,4};
Array-Elemente werden iteriert mit:
Gibt es eine andere alternative Möglichkeit, das Array dynamisch zu machen?
Was ist der Vorteil gegenüber der normalen dynamischen Array-Sammlungs-Arraylist?
class DynamicArray { addingElements() { //custom logic } addingElementsAtIndex(int index, int element) { //custom logic } removingElements() { //custom logic } removingElementsAtIndex(int index, int element) { //custom logic } increasingSize() { //custom logic } decreasingSize() { //custom logic } printArrayElements() { //custom logic } . . . }
class ArrayListLogic { List<Generic Type> list=new ArrayList<Generic Type>(); list.add(); list.remove(index,element); . . . }
Im Folgenden finden Sie Beispiele für dynamische Arrays in Java:
Elemente zum Array hinzufügen und Größe und Kapazität dynamisch erhöhen.
package com.dynamicarray; import java.util.Arrays; public class DynamicArray { // declaring an array int myArray[]; // stores the present size of the array int sizeOfMyArray; // stores total capacity of an array int arrayCapacity; // initializing array, size and capacity public DynamicArray() { myArray = new int[2]; sizeOfMyArray = 0; arrayCapacity = 2; } // method for adding elements public void addElementsToArray(int element) { // makes the capacity double if all the array elements filled if (sizeOfMyArray == arrayCapacity) { increaseCapacity(2); } myArray[sizeOfMyArray] = element; sizeOfMyArray++; } // method for adding elements to specific position public void addElementAtPosition(int position, int value) { // makes the capacity double if all the array elements filled if (sizeOfMyArray == arrayCapacity) { increaseCapacity(2); } // shifting array elements for (int p = sizeOfMyArray - 1; p >= position; p--) { myArray[p + 1] = myArray[p]; } // adding the element at specific position myArray[position] = value; sizeOfMyArray++; } // method for getting the element from specific position public int getElementAtposition(int position) { return myArray[position]; } // method for increasing capacity if all the elements in an array filled public void increaseCapacity(int minimumCapacity) { int temp[] = new int[arrayCapacity * minimumCapacity]; for (int p = 0; p < arrayCapacity; p++) { temp[p] = myArray[p]; } myArray = temp; arrayCapacity = arrayCapacity * minimumCapacity; } // method for array current size public int displaySize() { return sizeOfMyArray; } // method for array total capacity public int displayCapacity() { return arrayCapacity; } // method for display all elements public void displayArrayElements() { System.out.println("elements in array are :" + Arrays.toString(myArray)); } public static void main(String[] args) { DynamicArray array = new DynamicArray(); System.out.println("==================================================================="); System.out.println("Inital array size " + array.displaySize() + " and initial capacity " + array.displayCapacity()); System.out.println("==================================================================="); // adding elements at index 0 and 1 array.addElementsToArray(10);//line 1 array.addElementsToArray(20);//line 2 System.out.println("Size of myArray =>" + array.displaySize() + " and Capacity :" + array.displayCapacity()); array.addElementsToArray(30); //line 3 System.out.println("Size of myArray =>" + array.displaySize() + " and Capacity :" + array.displayCapacity()); array.displayArrayElements(); //line 4 // adding element at index 1 array.addElementAtPosition(1, 50); System.out.println("Size of myArray =>" + array.displaySize() + " and Capacity :" + array.displayCapacity()); array.displayArrayElements(); // adding element at index 2 array.addElementAtPosition(2, 60); System.out.println("Size of myArray =>" + array.displaySize() + " and Capacity :" + array.displayCapacity()); array.displayArrayElements(); } }
package com.dynamicarray; import java.util.Arrays; public class DynamicArray { // declaring an array int myArray[]; // stores the present size of the array int sizeOfMyArray; // stores total capacity of an array int arrayCapacity; // initializing array, size and capacity public DynamicArray() { myArray = new int[2]; sizeOfMyArray = 0; arrayCapacity = 2; } // method for adding elements public void addElementsToArray(int element) { // makes the capacity double if all the array elements filled if (sizeOfMyArray == arrayCapacity) { increaseCapacity(2); } myArray[sizeOfMyArray] = element; sizeOfMyArray++; } // method for adding elements to specific position public void addElementAtPosition(int position, int value) { // makes the capacity double if all the array elements filled if (sizeOfMyArray == arrayCapacity) { increaseCapacity(2); } // shifting array elements for (int p = sizeOfMyArray - 1; p >= position; p--) { myArray[p + 1] = myArray[p]; } // adding the element at specific position myArray[position] = value; sizeOfMyArray++; } // method for getting the element from specific position public int getElementAtposition(int position) { return myArray[position]; } // method for removing elements public void removeAtPosition(int position) { if (position >= sizeOfMyArray || position < 0) { System.out.println("Opps!No elements found " + position + " position"); } else { for (int p = position; p < sizeOfMyArray - 1; p++) { myArray[p] = myArray[p + 1]; } myArray[sizeOfMyArray - 1] = 0; sizeOfMyArray--; } } // method for increasing capacity if all the elements in an array filled public void increaseCapacity(int minimumCapacity) { int temp[] = new int[arrayCapacity * minimumCapacity]; for (int p = 0; p < arrayCapacity; p++) { temp[p] = myArray[p]; } myArray = temp; arrayCapacity = arrayCapacity * minimumCapacity; } // method for make an array size to initial size public void makeInitialSize() { System.out.println("Making an array to initial size"); int temp[] = new int[sizeOfMyArray]; for (int q = 0; q < sizeOfMyArray; q++) { temp[q] = myArray[q]; } myArray = temp; arrayCapacity = myArray.length; } // method for array current size public int displaySize() { return sizeOfMyArray; } // method for array total capacity public int displayCapacity() { return arrayCapacity; } // method for display all elements public void displayArrayElements() { System.out.println("elements in array are :" + Arrays.toString(myArray)); } public static void main(String[] args) { DynamicArray array = new DynamicArray(); System.out.println("==================================================================="); System.out.println("Inital array size " + array.sizeOfMyArray + " and initial capacity " + array.arrayCapacity); System.out.println("==================================================================="); array.addElementsToArray(10); array.addElementsToArray(20); array.addElementsToArray(30); array.addElementsToArray(40); array.displayArrayElements(); array.removeAtPosition(2); System.out.println("Size after Remove Operation=>" + array.displaySize() + " and Capacity :" + array.displayCapacity()); array.displayArrayElements(); array.removeAtPosition(2); System.out.println("Size after Remove Operation=>" + array.displaySize() + " and Capacity :" + array.displayCapacity()); array.displayArrayElements(); array.removeAtPosition(1); System.out.println("Size after Remove Operation=>" + array.displaySize() + " and Capacity :" + array.displayCapacity()); array.displayArrayElements(); array.removeAtPosition(2); System.out.println("Size after Remove Operation =>" + array.displaySize() + " and Capacity :" + array.displayCapacity()); array.displayArrayElements(); array.removeAtPosition(1); System.out.println("Size after Remove Operation =>" + array.displaySize() + " and Capacity :" + array.displayCapacity()); array.displayArrayElements(); // Make the array to initial size array.makeInitialSize(); System.out.println(" After trimming Size of myArray =>" + array.displaySize() + " and Capacity :" + array.displayCapacity()); array.displayArrayElements(); array.addElementsToArray(-5); System.out.println("After trimming Size of myArray =>" + array.displaySize() + " and Capacity :" + array.displayCapacity()); array.displayArrayElements(); array.addElementsToArray(-6); System.out.println("After trimming Size of myArray =>" + array.displaySize() + " and Capacity :" + array.displayCapacity()); array.displayArrayElements(); } }
Dynamisches Array mit ArrayList.
package com.dynamicarray; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public class ArrayListDynamic { public static void main(String[] args) { List<Integer> list=new ArrayList<Integer>(); list.add(10); list.add(20); list.add(30); list.add(40); System.out.println("Adding the elements ArrayList =>"+list); System.out.println("Adding the elements ArrayList size =>"+list.size()); /*Array List capacity formula newCapacity = (oldCapacity * 3/2) + 1*/ list.add(4, 50); System.out.println("After adding the element at specific index =>"+list+" and size "+list.size()); list.remove(4); list.remove(3); System.out.println("After removing the elements =>"+list+" and size "+list.size()); } }
In einem normalen dynamischen Array muss der Implementierungsentwickler benutzerdefinierte Logik schreiben, während in der Sammlung ArrayList alle vordefinierten Methoden verfügbar sind, sodass keine benutzerdefinierte Logik geschrieben werden muss.
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