Heim >Web-Frontend >js-Tutorial >Erstellen Sie eine Web-App mit Oats~i – Einrichten
Im letzten Artikel habe ich einen Einführungsbeitrag über Oats~i geschrieben, das offene Web-Framework. Ich habe über die Kernfunktionen gesprochen, ein wenig darüber, wie es funktioniert und was mich erwartet. Wenn Sie diesen Artikel nicht gelesen haben, werfen Sie einen kurzen Blick darauf.
In den letzten Tagen habe ich einige Tools rund um Oats~i erstellt, um sicherzustellen, dass wir schnell mit der Installation des Frameworks beginnen, ein Startprojekt ausführen und nahtlos an Tutorials und Lerninhalten arbeiten können.
Dieser Artikel ist der erste einer Reihe mit dem Titel „Build a Web App with Oats~i“. Wir beginnen mit der Einrichtung eines Oats~i-Projekts mit zwei Methoden – mit der CLI oder manuell.
Dies ist die am meisten empfohlene Methode zum Einrichten eines Oats~i-Projekts. Es erspart Ihnen die Zeit, Standardcode zu schreiben und die Abhängigkeiten zu installieren, die erforderlich sind, um ein Oats~i-Projekt zum Laufen zu bringen.
Allerdings sollten Sie diese Methode nur verwenden, wenn Sie ein völlig neues Projekt erstellen, um mögliche Dateikonflikte zwischen Oats~i und Ihrer aktuellen Projektstruktur zu vermeiden.
Die CLI wird mit einem Starterprojekt mit einer Startseite und einer About-Seite geliefert. Sie können zwischen diesen beiden Seiten navigieren, um Oats~i bereits in Aktion zu sehen und Routing und Fragmente zu verwalten.
npx oats-i-cli
npm run dev
Wenn Sie ein bestehendes Projekt haben, in dem Sie Oats~i installieren möchten, oder wenn Sie es lieben, Hardcore zu sein, können Sie Oats~i manuell einrichten. Dieser Prozess dauert viel länger und erfordert mehr Aufmerksamkeit, um sicherzustellen, dass alles gut funktioniert.
Navigieren Sie nun zunächst zum Verzeichnis Ihres Projekts und öffnen Sie das Terminal.
Zuerst installieren wir die Abhängigkeiten, die zum Erstellen und Ausführen von Oats~i erforderlich sind. Wenn Sie ein neues Projekt starten, beginnen Sie mit der Ausführung.
npm init -y
Befolgen Sie dann die unten aufgeführten Schritte.
HINWEIS: Abgesehen von der Installation von Oats~i können Sie alle folgenden Schritte überspringen, wenn Sie die Bibliotheken/Abhängigkeiten bereits in Ihrem aktuellen Projekt installiert haben.
Installieren Sie die Kernbibliothek von Oats~i.
npm install oats-i
Installieren Sie Webpack als Entwicklungsabhängigkeit. Webpack wird uns unter anderem bessere Projektstrukturen ermöglichen, mit der Bündelung von Bibliotheksverwaltungsmodulen und der Asset-Verwaltung.
npm install --save-dev webpack webpack-cli
Installieren Sie den Webpack-Entwicklungsserver als Entwicklungsabhängigkeit. Dadurch können wir einen Entwicklungsserver betreiben, der automatisch bei neuen Änderungen aktualisiert wird, während wir unsere Oats~i-Webanwendung erstellen und testen.
npm install --save-dev webpack-dev-server
Es wird dringend empfohlen, eine Template-Engine zum Rendern Ihrer Ansichten in Oats~i zu verwenden. Meine bevorzugte Wahl ist der Lenker. (Erfahren Sie mehr über Lenker)
Um mit Webpack arbeiten zu können, müssen wir den Handlebars-Loader als Entwicklungsabhängigkeit installieren. Dadurch können wir Lenkervorlagen verwenden, um unsere Ansichten in der App zu generieren und zu rendern.
npm install --save-dev handlebars-loader
Um serverseitige Ansichten zu erstellen, verwendet die Basiskonfiguration von Oats~i eine Kombination aus HTML-Loader und HTML-Webpack-Plugin. Lassen Sie uns zunächst die HTML-Loader-Bibliothek als Entwicklungsabhängigkeit installieren.
npm install --save-dev html-loader
Die HTML-Webpack-Plugin-Bibliothek ermöglicht es uns, serverseitige Ansichten für unsere App mithilfe von Webpack auszugeben. Es funktioniert in Verbindung mit dem HTML-Loader. Installieren Sie es als Entwicklungsabhängigkeit.
npm install --save-dev html-webpack-plugin
Babel-Loader lädt und transformiert unsere JavaScript-Dateien mithilfe von Webpack. Installieren Sie es als Entwicklungsabhängigkeit.
npm install --save-dev babel-loader
Style-Loader und CSS-Loader fügen unsere CSS-Importe als Stylesheets in unsere von HTML-Loader und HTML-Webpack-Plugin erstellten HTML-Dateien ein. Installieren Sie diese Loader als Entwicklungsabhängigkeiten.
npm install --save-dev style-loader npm install --save-dev css-loader
Webpack-merge ermöglicht es uns, mehrere Webpack-Konfigurationsdateien zusammenzuführen, sodass wir unsere Konfigurationsdateien optimal für die Einrichtung unseres Projekts strukturieren können. Installieren Sie diese Bibliothek als Entwicklungsabhängigkeit.
npm install --save-dev webpack-merge
Express-handlebars will allow us to emulate server-side rendering in development using handlebars view files outputted by our webpack configuration, using html-loader and html-webpack-plugin. Install this library as a development dependency.
npm install --save-dev express-handlebars
At the root of your project’s directory, create a new folder and call it “webpack-configs”.
Navigate into this folder and create two new folders inside it named “main” and “oats~i”.
Your folder structure should now look like this:
Now, navigate into “oats~i” and create two more folders named “default” and “main”.
Your folder structure should now look like this:
The “default” folder will hold the default webpack configuration needed by Oats~i to have it’s webpack-dependent functions work. Currently, that is code splitting and lazy loading for fragments.
The “main” folder will hold the webpack configuration for loaders used and recommended by Oats~i. These are the loaders we installed in the “install dependencies” stage. Feel free to edit this configuration later if you want to change loaders.
Navigate to the “default” folder and create a new file called “webpack.config.js”
Open the file and paste the following code inside it.
//@ts-check const DefaultOats_iConfig = { optimization: { splitChunks: { minSize: 0, //Minimum size, in bytes, for a chunk to be generated. minSizeReduction: 1, //Minimum size reduction to the main chunk (bundle), in bytes, needed for a chunk to be generated. minChunks: 2, cacheGroups: { commons: { chunks: "async", //Allow chunks to be shared between sync and async } } } } } module.exports = DefaultOats_iConfig;
Now, navigate back to the “oats~i” folder and navigate into “main”.
Create a new file and name it “webpack.config.js”.
Open the file and paste the following code inside.
//@ts-check /** * Contains loaders */ const DefaultOats_iLoadersConfig = { module: { rules: [ { test: /\.(html|sv.hbs|p.hbs)$/, use: [ { loader: "html-loader", options: { minimize: false } } ] }, { test: /\.(hbs)$/, exclude: /\.(sv.hbs|p.hbs)/, use: [ { loader: "handlebars-loader", options: { inlineRequires: "./assets" } } ] }, { test: /\.(js)$/, exclude: /node_modules/, use: [ { loader: "babel-loader" } ] }, { test: /\.(png|svg|jpg|gif)$/, type: 'asset/resource', }, { test: /\.css$/, use: [ 'style-loader', 'css-loader' ] } ] } } module.exports = DefaultOats_iLoadersConfig;
We’re done setting up the core webpack configuration for Oats~i. Now, we need to merge them in a common configuration file that we’ll use project-wide.
Now, navigate back to the “oats~i” folder then back to the “webpack-configurations” folder. Now navigate into “main”.
Create a new file and name it “webpack.config.js”.
Open the file and paste the following code inside.
//@ts-check const path = require("path"); const HtmlWebpackPlugin = require("html-webpack-plugin"); const DevServerMiddlewareConfig = require("../../proxy-server/proxy_server"); //The folder we'll have our assets emitted after build const DIST_PATH_PUBLIC_ASSETS = "../../dist/public"; const { merge } = require("webpack-merge"); const DefaultOats_iConfig = require("../oats~i/default/webpack.config"); const DefaultOats_iLoadersConfig = require("../oats~i/main/webpack.config"); //@ts-expect-error module.exports = merge(DefaultOats_iConfig, DefaultOats_iLoadersConfig, { mode: "development", devtool: "eval-source-map", output: { //Where we'll output public assets path: path.resolve(__dirname, `${DIST_PATH_PUBLIC_ASSETS}`), publicPath: "/", assetModuleFilename: 'assets/[name][ext]', filename: "js/[name].dev_bundle.js", clean: true }, entry: { //The main entry (app) index: "./src/app/index/scripts/index.js", }, plugins: [ new HtmlWebpackPlugin({ template: "./src/server/home/home.sv.hbs", filename: "../views/home.hbs", chunks: ["index"], minify: false }) ], devServer: { devMiddleware: { writeToDisk: true, //Because of our configured server }, setupMiddlewares: DevServerMiddlewareConfig, } });
Now, we should be done setting up our webpack configurations that’s just fine to run an Oats~i project.
Navigate back to your project’s root folder. Open package.json, look for the “scripts” line, and add the following line after “test” (remember to separate with a comma).
"dev": "webpack-dev-server --config ./webpack-configs/main/webpack.config.js"
In our final webpack configuration file, we specified a middlewares file for the webpack dev server under
setupMiddlewares: DevServerMiddlewareConfig
Under normal circumstances, you don’t need this setup. You can simply write your server view files in html format, use html-loader and html-webpack-plugin to produce them, and have them directly served by webpack-dev-server during development.
However, as you’ll come to learn later, this is not the best setup for building an Oats~i project that’s already primed for server-side rendering. The server-side files are already in html format, meaning they can’t be easily templated with data before being rendered to the client on the initial request.
To accommodate that, the default Oats~i setup ensures you’re creating template files for your server views that will be easy to render with data from your server every time a client requests for a fresh page.
Our dev server middlewares setup will allow us to mimic such as setup on the actual server, for our development environment.
With its default setup, you don’t need to update it for new fragments that you add to the project, as long as you’re not interested in having them server-side rendered. However, once you get to the point where you want to have server-side rendering and test it in development, setting things up will be much easier and faster, without a change in file formats you’ve already used across the project.
At your project’s root directory, create a new folder and name it “proxy-server”. Inside this new folder, create a file and name it “proxy_server.js”
Open the file and paste the following code:
//@ts-check const express = require("express"); const path = require("path"); const hbs = require("express-handlebars"); const DevServerMiddlewareConfig = (middlewares, devServer) => { /** * @type {import("express").Application} */ const app = devServer.app; //Configure the view engine app.set("views", path.resolve(__dirname, "../dist/views")); app.set("view engine", "hbs"); app.engine("hbs", hbs.engine({ extname: "hbs", layoutsDir: path.resolve(__dirname, "../dist/views"), partialsDir: path.resolve(__dirname, "../dist/views/partials") })); //for json app.use(express.json()); //I think params and queries app.use(express.urlencoded({ extended: false })); //static app.use(express.static(path.resolve(__dirname, "../dist/public"))); //My middlewares //Capture all app.get("/*", (req, res, next) => { res.render("home", { layout: "home" }); }); return middlewares; } module.exports = DevServerMiddlewareConfig;
This configuration will capture all requests to the dev server and return the home.hbs layout file. You can rename this later to your file’s actual name once you start creating your own Oats~i project and leave it as is as long as you’ll not require server-side rendering for any of your fragments.
Oats~i is typed using a combination of typescript declaration files and JSDoc. There’s a slight issue where types may not always reflect correctly when using the framework, slightly hurting the developer experience.
Instead of refactoring over 100 files and thousands of lines of code, I’ve found a way to make typescript and intellisense (at least in VSCode) to understand the JSDoc types used in Oats~i.
To do this, navigate to your project’s root folder. Create a file named “jsconfig.json”.
Open it and paste the code below:
{ "include": [ "*/**/*.js", "**/*", "/**/*", "node_modules/oats-i" //to get type definitions for oats-i in your project ], }
NOTE: This bit comes automatically with the cli, so don’t do this for an Oats~i project you’ve set up using the cli.
Let’s now put everything together and create our starter project files to run an Oats~i app for the first time.
Navigate to your project’s root folder and create a new folder named “src”. This folder will contain all of our project’s source files.
Inside the “src” folder, create two folders named “app” and “server”.
Navigate to the “server” folder and create a new folder named “home”. Inside the “home” folder, create a new file and name it “home.sv.hbs”
Open the file and paste the code below:
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <title>Home - My Oats~i App</title> </head> <body> <app-root id="my-app"> <div id="nav"> <a href="/" class="home-link">Home</a> </div> <main-fragment> </main-fragment> </app-root> </body> </html>
Now navigate back to “src”. Get into the “app” folder and create two folders name “fragments” and “index”.
Navigate into the “index” folder and create two folders named “scripts” and “styles”.
Inside the “scripts” folder, create a new folder called “routing-info”. Inside “routing-info” create two files named “app_main_nav_info.js” and “app_routing_info.js”
Open “app_main_nav_info.js” and paste the following code:
//@ts-check import MainNavigationInfoBuilder from "oats-i/router/utils/nav-info/main_nav_info_builder"; const AppMainNavInfo = MainNavigationInfoBuilder.buildMainNavigationInfo([ { selector: "home-link", defaultRoute: "/", baseActiveRoute: "/", } ]); export default AppMainNavInfo;
Now open “app_routing_info.js” and paste the following code:
//@ts-check import RoutingInfoUtils from "oats-i/router/utils/routing-info/routing_info_utils"; import AppMainNavInfo from "./app_main_nav_info"; import homeMainFragmentBuilder from "../../../fragments/home/scripts/home_main_fragment"; const AppRoutingInfo = RoutingInfoUtils.buildMainRoutingInfo([ { route: "/", target: homeMainFragmentBuilder, nestedChildFragments: null } ], AppMainNavInfo); export default AppRoutingInfo;
We’ll create an index.css file for a special reason, which MUST be replicated across all your Oats~i projects if you want consistent behavior.
Navigate back to the “index” folder, and create a new folder named “styles”. Inside the folder, create a new file called “index.css”
Open the file and paste the following code:
/* Crucial styling to allow specially structured A links to still have clicks intercepted by router. */ /* Carry over to your project */ a *:not([click-override=true]){ pointer-events: none }
What this css code does is remove pointer events from elements nested inside an A tag, to ensure the browser doesn’t intercept it before Oats~i does. It also gives you, the developer, the freedom to override this behavior using the attribute click-override=true on any element nested within an A tag.
However, expect Oats~i, at its current state, not to intercept links from an A tag with a child element having that attribute.
This means that you can safely write A tags without any modification or special attributes for Oats~i to automatically intercept them and navigate your app locally. You only add special attributes when you want to stop this behavior and have the browser manually route the website.
Carry over this css directive in all Oats~i projects you create. If you use the cli, you’ll find it already in index.css.
Navigate back to “scripts” (inside index) and create a new file named “index.js”.
Open the file and paste the following code.
//@ts-check //import styles import "../styles/index.css"; import AppStateManager from "oats-i/base-history/app_state_manager"; import appRoot from "oats-i/bin/app_root" import AppRoutingInfo from "./routing-info/app_routing_info"; import MainRouter from "oats-i/router/main_router"; import AppMainNavInfo from "./routing-info/app_main_nav_info"; function initApp(){ const appStateManager = new AppStateManager(AppRoutingInfo); appRoot.initApp(appStateManager, new MainRouter(AppRoutingInfo, appStateManager, (args) => {}, "", async (url) => { return { canAccess: true, fallbackRoute: "/" } }), { template: null, mainNavInfos: AppMainNavInfo }, ""); } initApp();
Navigate back to the “app” folder. Navigate into “fragments” and create a new folder named “home”.
Inside “home”, create a new folder named “scripts”. Inside “scripts”, create a new file named “home_main_fragment.js”.
Open the file and paste the code below.
//@ts-check import AppFragmentBuilder from "oats-i/fragments/builder/AppFragmentBuilder"; import AppMainFragment from "oats-i/fragments/AppMainFragment" class HomeMainFragment extends AppMainFragment{ async initializeView(cb){ //@ts-expect-error cannot find module (for view) const uiTemplate = require("../views/home_fragment.hbs")(); this.onViewInitSuccess(uiTemplate, cb); } } const homeMainFragmentBuilder = new AppFragmentBuilder(HomeMainFragment, { localRoutingInfos: null, viewID: "home-main-fragment", }); export default homeMainFragmentBuilder;
Now navigate back to “home” and create a new folder called “views”. Inside “views”, create a new file and name it “home_fragment.hbs”
Open file and paste the following code:
<h1>Home Fragment<h1/>
Navigate to your project’s root. Open the terminal and run
npm run dev
This will start the webpack-dev-server which will bundle the files and run Oats~i. If you open the browser at the url shown in the terminal (often is localhost:8080) and see a page with “Home Fragment” showing, your project has been successfully set up and Oats~i is working fine.
Regardless of whether you’ve manually set up an Oats~i project or used the cli, there are configuration flexibilities you can enjoy thanks to Oats~i running on top of Webpack.
Basically, apart from the default Oats~i webpack configuration, you can change anything else to your liking as long as you understand webpack, plugins, and loaders, and how they’ll affect your project.
For instance, you can have a production configuration that will use MiniCssExtractPlugin to extract your css into files that will be added to the final html-webpack-plugin output. You can use advanced babel configurations and even switch handlebars-loader for a loader that suits your favorite templating engine.
However, the default setup provided by Oats~i is good enough for most projects. Later on in the tutorials, we’ll add a new configuration to create the final production build with key features such as minification.
I encourage you to learn about Webpack, why it’s needed, and how you can configure it, to make the most out of Oats~i and other projects you may have using Webpack as a bundler.
That’s it for setting up Oats~i for your project. If you’re working on a new project, just use the cli. It’s easier, faster, and will directly load you into a beautiful starter project that you can inspect and start getting ideas of how to setup a full project with view, styling, and script files in Oats~I, before we start doing that together.
In the next tutorial, we’ll create our first simple project in Oats~i, where we’ll start learning what routing infos, nav infos, and fragments are in Oats~i.
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See you then.
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