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DayMG) von DaysOfJavaScript

2024-07-17 17:22:27542Durchsuche

DayMG)of DaysOfJavaScript

Stück für Stück ist besser als perfekt, nicht wahr?

Was ich getan habe

  • Schauen Sie sich das Video weiter an Lernen Sie JavaScript

Was ich gelernt habe


Doppelte Gleichheit und strikte Gleichheit.

console.log(10 == 10); // True
console.log(10 == "10"); // True
console.log(10 === 10); // True
console.log(10 === "10"); // False


Wechsel erinnert.

var hoge;

switch(hoge) {
  case 1:
    console.log("hoge"); // If hoge == 1, output will be "hoge" and "hogehoge"
  case 2:
    console.log("hogehoge"); // If hoge == 2, output will be "hogehoge"
  case 3:
    console.log("fuga"); // If hoge == 3, output will be "fuga"


Gelerntes Objekt.

var exampleObject = {
  "hoge": "ほげ",
  "hogehoge": "ほげほげ",
  "fuga": "ふが",
/* Dictionary in Python might be similar data structure?
We can add a content with operation like below*/
exampleObject.fugafuga = "ふがふが";
// or...
exampleObject["fugafuga"] = "ふがふが";
// If additional element is same as last element, additional one is ignored.
// (It's just my guess. I've googled but I couldn't find information about it)

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