Heim  >  Artikel  >  php教程  >  CI框架装载器Loader.php源码分析,ciloader.php


2016-06-13 09:22:13892Durchsuche




复制代码 代码如下:

 * Loader Class
 * 用户加载views和files,常见的函数有model(),view(),library(),helper()
 * Controller的好助手,$this->load =& load_class('Loader', 'core');,加载了loader,Controller就无比强大了
class CI_Loader {
 protected $_ci_ob_level;
 protected $_ci_view_paths  = array();
 protected $_ci_library_paths = array();
 protected $_ci_model_paths  = array();
 protected $_ci_helper_paths  = array();
 protected $_base_classes  = array(); // Set by the controller class
 protected $_ci_cached_vars  = array();
 protected $_ci_classes   = array();
 protected $_ci_loaded_files  = array();
 protected $_ci_models   = array();
 protected $_ci_helpers   = array();
 protected $_ci_varmap   = array('unit_test' => 'unit',
           'user_agent' => 'agent');
 public function __construct()
  $this->_ci_ob_level  = ob_get_level();
                $this->_ci_library_paths = array(APPPATH, BASEPATH);
  $this->_ci_helper_paths = array(APPPATH, BASEPATH);
  $this->_ci_model_paths = array(APPPATH);
  $this->_ci_view_paths = array(APPPATH.'views/' => TRUE);
  log_message('debug', "Loader Class Initialized");
 // --------------------------------------------------------------------
  * 初始化Loader
 public function initialize()
  $this->_ci_classes = array();
  $this->_ci_loaded_files = array();
  $this->_ci_models = array();
  $this->_base_classes =& is_loaded();
  return $this;
 // --------------------------------------------------------------------
  * 检测类是否加载
 public function is_loaded($class)
  if (isset($this->_ci_classes[$class]))
   return $this->_ci_classes[$class];
  return FALSE;
 // --------------------------------------------------------------------
  * 加载Class
 public function library($library = '', $params = NULL, $object_name = NULL)
  if (is_array($library))
   foreach ($library as $class)
    $this->library($class, $params);
  if ($library == '' OR isset($this->_base_classes[$library]))
   return FALSE;
  if ( ! is_null($params) && ! is_array($params))
   $params = NULL;
  $this->_ci_load_class($library, $params, $object_name);
 // --------------------------------------------------------------------
  * 加载和实例化model
 public function model($model, $name = '', $db_conn = FALSE)
  if (is_array($model))
   foreach ($model as $babe)
  if ($model == '')
  $path = '';
  // 是否存在子目录
  if (($last_slash = strrpos($model, '/')) !== FALSE)
   // The path is in front of the last slash
   $path = substr($model, 0, $last_slash + 1);
   // And the model name behind it
   $model = substr($model, $last_slash + 1);
  if ($name == '')
   $name = $model;
  if (in_array($name, $this->_ci_models, TRUE))
  $CI =& get_instance();
  if (isset($CI->$name))
   show_error('The model name you are loading is the name of a resource that is already being used: '.$name);
  $model = strtolower($model); //model文件名全小写
  foreach ($this->_ci_model_paths as $mod_path)
   if ( ! file_exists($mod_path.'models/'.$path.$model.'.php'))
   if ($db_conn !== FALSE AND ! class_exists('CI_DB'))
    if ($db_conn === TRUE)
     $db_conn = '';
    $CI->load->database($db_conn, FALSE, TRUE);
   if ( ! class_exists('CI_Model'))
    load_class('Model', 'core');
   $model = ucfirst($model);
   $CI->$name = new $model();
   $this->_ci_models[] = $name;
  // couldn't find the model
  show_error('Unable to locate the model you have specified: '.$model);
 // --------------------------------------------------------------------
  * 数据库Loader
 public function database($params = '', $return = FALSE, $active_record = NULL)
  // Grab the super object
  $CI =& get_instance();
  // 是否需要加载db
  if (class_exists('CI_DB') AND $return == FALSE AND $active_record == NULL AND isset($CI->db) AND is_object($CI->db))
   return FALSE;
  if ($return === TRUE)
   return DB($params, $active_record);
  // Initialize the db variable.  Needed to prevent
  // reference errors with some configurations
  $CI->db = '';
  // Load the DB class
  $CI->db =& DB($params, $active_record);
 // --------------------------------------------------------------------
  * 加载数据库工具类
 public function dbutil()
  if ( ! class_exists('CI_DB'))
  $CI =& get_instance();
  // for backwards compatibility, load dbforge so we can extend dbutils off it
  // this use is deprecated and strongly discouraged
  $class = 'CI_DB_'.$CI->db->dbdriver.'_utility';
  $CI->dbutil = new $class();
 // --------------------------------------------------------------------
  * Load the Database Forge Class
  * @return string
 public function dbforge()
  if ( ! class_exists('CI_DB'))
  $CI =& get_instance();
  $class = 'CI_DB_'.$CI->db->dbdriver.'_forge';
  $CI->dbforge = new $class();
 // --------------------------------------------------------------------
  * 加载视图文件
 public function view($view, $vars = array(), $return = FALSE)
  return $this->_ci_load(array('_ci_view' => $view, '_ci_vars' => $this->_ci_object_to_array($vars), '_ci_return' => $return));
 // --------------------------------------------------------------------
  * 加载普通文件
 public function file($path, $return = FALSE)
  return $this->_ci_load(array('_ci_path' => $path, '_ci_return' => $return));
 // --------------------------------------------------------------------
  * 设置变量
  * Once variables are set they become available within
  * the controller class and its "view" files.
 public function vars($vars = array(), $val = '')
  if ($val != '' AND is_string($vars))
   $vars = array($vars => $val);
  $vars = $this->_ci_object_to_array($vars);
  if (is_array($vars) AND count($vars) > 0)
   foreach ($vars as $key => $val)
    $this->_ci_cached_vars[$key] = $val;
 // --------------------------------------------------------------------
  * 检查并获取变量
 public function get_var($key)
  return isset($this->_ci_cached_vars[$key]) ? $this->_ci_cached_vars[$key] : NULL;
 // --------------------------------------------------------------------
  * 加载helper
 public function helper($helpers = array())
  foreach ($this->_ci_prep_filename($helpers, '_helper') as $helper)
   if (isset($this->_ci_helpers[$helper]))
   $ext_helper = APPPATH.'helpers/'.config_item('subclass_prefix').$helper.'.php';
   // 如果是扩展helper的话
   if (file_exists($ext_helper))
    $base_helper = BASEPATH.'helpers/'.$helper.'.php';
    if ( ! file_exists($base_helper))
     show_error('Unable to load the requested file: helpers/'.$helper.'.php');
    $this->_ci_helpers[$helper] = TRUE;
    log_message('debug', 'Helper loaded: '.$helper);
   // 如果不是扩展helper,helper路径中加载helper
   foreach ($this->_ci_helper_paths as $path)
    if (file_exists($path.'helpers/'.$helper.'.php'))
     $this->_ci_helpers[$helper] = TRUE;
     log_message('debug', 'Helper loaded: '.$helper);
   // 如果该helper还没加载成功的话,说明加载helper失败
   if ( ! isset($this->_ci_helpers[$helper]))
    show_error('Unable to load the requested file: helpers/'.$helper.'.php');
 // --------------------------------------------------------------------
  * 可以看到helpers调用也是上面的helper,只是helpers的别名而已
 public function helpers($helpers = array())
 // --------------------------------------------------------------------
  * 加载language文件
 public function language($file = array(), $lang = '')
  $CI =& get_instance();
  if ( ! is_array($file))
   $file = array($file);
  foreach ($file as $langfile)
   $CI->lang->load($langfile, $lang);
 // --------------------------------------------------------------------
  * 加载配置文件
 public function config($file = '', $use_sections = FALSE, $fail_gracefully = FALSE)
  $CI =& get_instance();
  $CI->config->load($file, $use_sections, $fail_gracefully);
 // --------------------------------------------------------------------
  * Driver
  * 加载 driver library
 public function driver($library = '', $params = NULL, $object_name = NULL)
  if ( ! class_exists('CI_Driver_Library'))
   // we aren't instantiating an object here, that'll be done by the Library itself
   require BASEPATH.'libraries/Driver.php';
  if ($library == '')
   return FALSE;
  // We can save the loader some time since Drivers will *always* be in a subfolder,
  // and typically identically named to the library
  if ( ! strpos($library, '/'))
   $library = ucfirst($library).'/'.$library;
  return $this->library($library, $params, $object_name);
 // --------------------------------------------------------------------
  * 添加 Package 路径
  * 把package路径添加到库,模型,助手,配置路径
 public function add_package_path($path, $view_cascade=TRUE)
  $path = rtrim($path, '/').'/';
  array_unshift($this->_ci_library_paths, $path);
  array_unshift($this->_ci_model_paths, $path);
  array_unshift($this->_ci_helper_paths, $path);
  $this->_ci_view_paths = array($path.'views/' => $view_cascade) + $this->_ci_view_paths;
  $config =& $this->_ci_get_component('config');
  array_unshift($config->_config_paths, $path);
 // --------------------------------------------------------------------
  * 获取Package Paths,默认不包含BASEPATH
 public function get_package_paths($include_base = FALSE)
  return $include_base === TRUE ? $this->_ci_library_paths : $this->_ci_model_paths;
 // --------------------------------------------------------------------
  * 剔除Package Path
  * Remove a path from the library, model, and helper path arrays if it exists
  * If no path is provided, the most recently added path is removed.
 public function remove_package_path($path = '', $remove_config_path = TRUE)
  $config =& $this->_ci_get_component('config');
  if ($path == '')
   $void = array_shift($this->_ci_library_paths);
   $void = array_shift($this->_ci_model_paths);
   $void = array_shift($this->_ci_helper_paths);
   $void = array_shift($this->_ci_view_paths);
   $void = array_shift($config->_config_paths);
   $path = rtrim($path, '/').'/';
   foreach (array('_ci_library_paths', '_ci_model_paths', '_ci_helper_paths') as $var)
    if (($key = array_search($path, $this->{$var})) !== FALSE)
   if (isset($this->_ci_view_paths[$path.'views/']))
   if (($key = array_search($path, $config->_config_paths)) !== FALSE)
  // 保证应用默认的路径依然存在
  $this->_ci_library_paths = array_unique(array_merge($this->_ci_library_paths, array(APPPATH, BASEPATH)));
  $this->_ci_helper_paths = array_unique(array_merge($this->_ci_helper_paths, array(APPPATH, BASEPATH)));
  $this->_ci_model_paths = array_unique(array_merge($this->_ci_model_paths, array(APPPATH)));
  $this->_ci_view_paths = array_merge($this->_ci_view_paths, array(APPPATH.'views/' => TRUE));
  $config->_config_paths = array_unique(array_merge($config->_config_paths, array(APPPATH)));
 // --------------------------------------------------------------------
  * Loader
  * This function is used to load views and files.
  * Variables are prefixed with _ci_ to avoid symbol collision with
  * variables made available to view files
  * @param array
  * @return void
 protected function _ci_load($_ci_data)
  // Set the default data variables
  foreach (array('_ci_view', '_ci_vars', '_ci_path', '_ci_return') as $_ci_val)
   $$_ci_val = ( ! isset($_ci_data[$_ci_val])) ? FALSE : $_ci_data[$_ci_val];
  $file_exists = FALSE;
  if ($_ci_path != '')
   $_ci_x = explode('/', $_ci_path);
   $_ci_file = end($_ci_x);
   $_ci_ext = pathinfo($_ci_view, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
   $_ci_file = ($_ci_ext == '') ? $_ci_view.'.php' : $_ci_view;
   foreach ($this->_ci_view_paths as $view_file => $cascade)
    if (file_exists($view_file.$_ci_file))
     $_ci_path = $view_file.$_ci_file;
     $file_exists = TRUE;
    if ( ! $cascade)
  if ( ! $file_exists && ! file_exists($_ci_path))
   show_error('Unable to load the requested file: '.$_ci_file);
  // 把CI的所有属性都传递给loader,view中$this指的是loader
  $_ci_CI =& get_instance();
  foreach (get_object_vars($_ci_CI) as $_ci_key => $_ci_var)
   if ( ! isset($this->$_ci_key))
    $this->$_ci_key =& $_ci_CI->$_ci_key;
   * Extract and cache variables
   * You can either set variables using the dedicated $this->load_vars()
   * function or via the second parameter of this function. We'll merge
   * the two types and cache them so that views that are embedded within
   * other views can have access to these variables.
  if (is_array($_ci_vars))
   $this->_ci_cached_vars = array_merge($this->_ci_cached_vars, $_ci_vars);
   * 将视图内容放到缓存区
  // 支持短标签
  if ((bool) @ini_get('short_open_tag') === FALSE AND config_item('rewrite_short_tags') == TRUE)
   echo eval('?>'.preg_replace("/;*\s*\?>/", "; ?>", str_replace('   }
   include($_ci_path); // include() vs include_once() allows for multiple views with the same name
  log_message('debug', 'File loaded: '.$_ci_path);
  // 是否直接返回view数据
  if ($_ci_return === TRUE)
   $buffer = ob_get_contents();
   return $buffer;
  if (ob_get_level() > $this->_ci_ob_level + 1)
  {       ////把缓冲区的内容交给Output组件并清空关闭缓冲区。
 // --------------------------------------------------------------------
  * 加载类
 protected function _ci_load_class($class, $params = NULL, $object_name = NULL)
  // 去掉.php和两端的/获取的$class就是类名或目录名+类名
  $class = str_replace('.php', '', trim($class, '/'));
  // CI允许dir/filename方式
  $subdir = '';
  if (($last_slash = strrpos($class, '/')) !== FALSE)
   // 目录
   $subdir = substr($class, 0, $last_slash + 1);
   // 文件名
   $class = substr($class, $last_slash + 1);
  // 允许加载的类名首字母大写或全小写
  foreach (array(ucfirst($class), strtolower($class)) as $class)
   $subclass = APPPATH.'libraries/'.$subdir.config_item('subclass_prefix').$class.'.php';
   // 是否是扩展类
   if (file_exists($subclass))
    $baseclass = BASEPATH.'libraries/'.ucfirst($class).'.php';
    if ( ! file_exists($baseclass))
     log_message('error', "Unable to load the requested class: ".$class);
     show_error("Unable to load the requested class: ".$class);
    // Safety:  Was the class already loaded by a previous call?
    if (in_array($subclass, $this->_ci_loaded_files))
     // Before we deem this to be a duplicate request, let's see
     // if a custom object name is being supplied.  If so, we'll
     // return a new instance of the object
     if ( ! is_null($object_name))
      $CI =& get_instance();
      if ( ! isset($CI->$object_name))
       return $this->_ci_init_class($class, config_item('subclass_prefix'), $params, $object_name);
     $is_duplicate = TRUE;
     log_message('debug', $class." class already loaded. Second attempt ignored.");
    $this->_ci_loaded_files[] = $subclass;
    return $this->_ci_init_class($class, config_item('subclass_prefix'), $params, $object_name);
   // 如果不是扩展,和上面类似
   $is_duplicate = FALSE;
   foreach ($this->_ci_library_paths as $path)
    $filepath = $path.'libraries/'.$subdir.$class.'.php';
    // Does the file exist?  No?  Bummer...
    if ( ! file_exists($filepath))
    // Safety:  Was the class already loaded by a previous call?
    if (in_array($filepath, $this->_ci_loaded_files))
     // Before we deem this to be a duplicate request, let's see
     // if a custom object name is being supplied.  If so, we'll
     // return a new instance of the object
     if ( ! is_null($object_name))
      $CI =& get_instance();
      if ( ! isset($CI->$object_name))
       return $this->_ci_init_class($class, '', $params, $object_name);
     $is_duplicate = TRUE;
     log_message('debug', $class." class already loaded. Second attempt ignored.");
    $this->_ci_loaded_files[] = $filepath;
    return $this->_ci_init_class($class, '', $params, $object_name);
  // 如果还没有找到该class,最后的尝试是该class会不会在同名的子目录下
  if ($subdir == '')
   $path = strtolower($class).'/'.$class;
   return $this->_ci_load_class($path, $params);
  // 加载失败,报错
  if ($is_duplicate == FALSE)
   log_message('error', "Unable to load the requested class: ".$class);
   show_error("Unable to load the requested class: ".$class);
 // --------------------------------------------------------------------
  * 实例化已经加载的类
 protected function _ci_init_class($class, $prefix = '', $config = FALSE, $object_name = NULL)
  // 是否有类的配置信息
  if ($config === NULL)
   // Fetch the config paths containing any package paths
   $config_component = $this->_ci_get_component('config');
   if (is_array($config_component->_config_paths))
    // Break on the first found file, thus package files
    // are not overridden by default paths
    foreach ($config_component->_config_paths as $path)
     // We test for both uppercase and lowercase, for servers that
     // are case-sensitive with regard to file names. Check for environment
     // first, global next
     if (defined('ENVIRONMENT') AND file_exists($path .'config/'.ENVIRONMENT.'/'.strtolower($class).'.php'))
      include($path .'config/'.ENVIRONMENT.'/'.strtolower($class).'.php');
     elseif (defined('ENVIRONMENT') AND file_exists($path .'config/'.ENVIRONMENT.'/'.ucfirst(strtolower($class)).'.php'))
      include($path .'config/'.ENVIRONMENT.'/'.ucfirst(strtolower($class)).'.php');
     elseif (file_exists($path .'config/'.strtolower($class).'.php'))
      include($path .'config/'.strtolower($class).'.php');
     elseif (file_exists($path .'config/'.ucfirst(strtolower($class)).'.php'))
      include($path .'config/'.ucfirst(strtolower($class)).'.php');
  if ($prefix == '')
  {       //system下library
   if (class_exists('CI_'.$class))
    $name = 'CI_'.$class;
   elseif (class_exists(config_item('subclass_prefix').$class))
   {       //扩展library
    $name = config_item('subclass_prefix').$class;
    $name = $class;
   $name = $prefix.$class;
  // Is the class name valid?
  if ( ! class_exists($name))
   log_message('error', "Non-existent class: ".$name);
   show_error("Non-existent class: ".$class);
  // Set the variable name we will assign the class to
  // Was a custom class name supplied?  If so we'll use it
  $class = strtolower($class);
  if (is_null($object_name))
   $classvar = ( ! isset($this->_ci_varmap[$class])) ? $class : $this->_ci_varmap[$class];
   $classvar = $object_name;
  // Save the class name and object name
  $this->_ci_classes[$class] = $classvar;
  // 将初始化的类的实例给CI超级句柄
  $CI =& get_instance();
  if ($config !== NULL)
   $CI->$classvar = new $name($config);
   $CI->$classvar = new $name;
 // --------------------------------------------------------------------
  * 自动加载器
         * autoload.php配置的自动加载文件有:
         *  | 1. Packages
            | 2. Libraries
            | 3. Helper files
            | 4. Custom config files
            | 5. Language files
            | 6. Models
 private function _ci_autoloader()
  if (defined('ENVIRONMENT') AND file_exists(APPPATH.'config/'.ENVIRONMENT.'/autoload.php'))
  if ( ! isset($autoload))
   return FALSE;
  // 自动加载packages,也就是将package_path加入到library,model,helper,config
  if (isset($autoload['packages']))
   foreach ($autoload['packages'] as $package_path)
  // 加载config文件
  if (count($autoload['config']) > 0)
   $CI =& get_instance();
   foreach ($autoload['config'] as $key => $val)
  // 加载helper和language
  foreach (array('helper', 'language') as $type)
   if (isset($autoload[$type]) AND count($autoload[$type]) > 0)
  // 这个好像是为了兼容以前版本的
  if ( ! isset($autoload['libraries']) AND isset($autoload['core']))
   $autoload['libraries'] = $autoload['core'];
  // 加载libraries
  if (isset($autoload['libraries']) AND count($autoload['libraries']) > 0)
   // 加载db
   if (in_array('database', $autoload['libraries']))
    $autoload['libraries'] = array_diff($autoload['libraries'], array('database'));
   // 加载所有其他libraries
   foreach ($autoload['libraries'] as $item)
  // Autoload models
  if (isset($autoload['model']))
 // --------------------------------------------------------------------
  * 返回由对象属性组成的关联数组
 protected function _ci_object_to_array($object)
  return (is_object($object)) ? get_object_vars($object) : $object;
 // --------------------------------------------------------------------
  * 获取CI某个组件的实例
 protected function &_ci_get_component($component)
  $CI =& get_instance();
  return $CI->$component;
 // --------------------------------------------------------------------
  * 处理文件名,这个函数主要是返回正确文件名
 protected function _ci_prep_filename($filename, $extension)
  if ( ! is_array($filename))
   return array(strtolower(str_replace('.php', '', str_replace($extension, '', $filename)).$extension));
   foreach ($filename as $key => $val)
    $filename[$key] = strtolower(str_replace('.php', '', str_replace($extension, '', $val)).$extension);
   return $filename;


MY_ 是前缀 在 application/config/config.php 的 $config['subclass_prefix'] = 'MY_'; 设置
class MY_Loader extends CI_Loader{public function __construct(){parent::__construct();$this->_ci_view_paths = array(FCPATH.'/templates/'=> TRUE);}}//FCPATH 是和 application、system、index.php 同级的文件目录现在 在application 、system 同级目录 新建一个 templates目录 这个目录就是修改后的模版目录


php CI框架里遇到的问题

提示Fatal error: Class 'Test_model' not found in D:\wamp\www\CodeIgniter_2.1.2\system\core\Loader.php on line 303
以下为model代码,文件名为test_model.php: (类名要与文件名保持一致才行)

class Test_m extends CI_Model{ // 最好要大写都大写改成test_model
$this->load->model('test_model'); 它加载的时候找不到class test_model


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