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Zend Framework实现Zend_View集成Smarty模板系统的方法,zend_viewsmarty

2016-06-13 08:44:52986Durchsuche

Zend Framework实现Zend_View集成Smarty模板系统的方法,zend_viewsmarty

本文实例讲述了Zend Framework实现Zend_View集成Smarty模板系统的方法。分享给大家供大家参考,具体如下:



 * Interface class for Zend_View compatible template engine implementations
 * @category  Zend
 * @package  Zend_View
 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2005-2011 Zend Technologies USA Inc. (http://www.zend.com)
 * @license  http://framework.zend.com/license/new-bsd   New BSD License
interface Zend_View_Interface
   * Return the template engine object, if any
   * If using a third-party template engine, such as Smarty, patTemplate,
   * phplib, etc, return the template engine object. Useful for calling
   * methods on these objects, such as for setting filters, modifiers, etc.
   * @return mixed
  public function getEngine();
   * Set the path to find the view script used by render()
   * @param string|array The directory (-ies) to set as the path. Note that
   * the concrete view implentation may not necessarily support multiple
   * directories.
   * @return void
  public function setScriptPath($path);
   * Retrieve all view script paths
   * @return array
  public function getScriptPaths();
   * Set a base path to all view resources
   * @param string $path
   * @param string $classPrefix
   * @return void
  public function setBasePath($path, $classPrefix = 'Zend_View');
   * Add an additional path to view resources
   * @param string $path
   * @param string $classPrefix
   * @return void
  public function addBasePath($path, $classPrefix = 'Zend_View');
   * Assign a variable to the view
   * @param string $key The variable name.
   * @param mixed $val The variable value.
   * @return void
  public function __set($key, $val);
   * Allows testing with empty() and isset() to work
   * @param string $key
   * @return boolean
  public function __isset($key);
   * Allows unset() on object properties to work
   * @param string $key
   * @return void
  public function __unset($key);
   * Assign variables to the view script via differing strategies.
   * Suggested implementation is to allow setting a specific key to the
   * specified value, OR passing an array of key => value pairs to set en
   * masse.
   * @see __set()
   * @param string|array $spec The assignment strategy to use (key or array of key
   * => value pairs)
   * @param mixed $value (Optional) If assigning a named variable, use this
   * as the value.
   * @return void
  public function assign($spec, $value = null);
   * Clear all assigned variables
   * Clears all variables assigned to Zend_View either via {@link assign()} or
   * property overloading ({@link __get()}/{@link __set()}).
   * @return void
  public function clearVars();
   * Processes a view script and returns the output.
   * @param string $name The script name to process.
   * @return string The script output.
  public function render($name);





root@coder-671T-M:/www/zf_demo1# tree
├── application
│   ├── Bootstrap.php
│   ├── configs
│   │   └── application.ini
│   ├── controllers
│   │   ├── ErrorController.php
│   │   └── IndexController.php
│   ├── models
│   └── views
│       ├── helpers
│       └── scripts
│           ├── error
│           │   └── error.phtml
│           └── index
│               ├── index.phtml
│               └── index.tpl
├── docs
│   └── README.txt
├── library
│   ├── Lq
│   │   └── View
│   │       └── Smarty.php
│   └── smartylib
│       ├── debug.tpl
│       ├── plugins
│       │   ├── ...........................
│       │   └── variablefilter.htmlspecialchars.php
│       ├── SmartyBC.class.php
│       ├── Smarty.class.php
│       └── sysplugins
│           ├── ..........................
│           └── smarty_security.php
├── public
│   └── index.php
├── temp
│   └── smarty
│       └── templates_c
│           └── 73d91bef3fca4e40520a7751bfdfb3e44b05bdbd.file.index.tpl.php
└── tests
    ├── application
    │   └── controllers
    │       └── IndexControllerTest.php
    ├── bootstrap.php
    ├── library
    └── phpunit.xml

24 directories, 134 files


require_once 'smartylib/Smarty.class.php';
class Lq_View_Smarty implements Zend_View_Interface {
   * Smarty object
   * @var Smarty
  protected $_smarty;
   * Constructor
   * @param $tmplPath string
   * @param $extraParams array
   * @return void
  public function __construct($tmplPath = null, $extraParams = array()) {
    $this->_smarty = new Smarty ();
    if (null !== $tmplPath) {
      $this->setScriptPath ( $tmplPath );
    foreach ( $extraParams as $key => $value ) {
      $this->_smarty->$key = $value;
   * Return the template engine object
   * @return Smarty
  public function getEngine() {
    return $this->_smarty;
   * Set the path to the templates
   * @param $path string
   *      The directory to set as the path.
   * @return void
  public function setScriptPath($path) {
    if (is_readable ( $path )) {
      $this->_smarty->template_dir = $path;
    throw new Exception ( 'Invalid path provided' );
   * Retrieve the current template directory
   * @return string
  public function getScriptPaths() {
    return array ($this->_smarty->template_dir );
   * Alias for setScriptPath
   * @param $path string
   * @param $prefix string
   *      Unused
   * @return void
  public function setBasePath($path, $prefix = 'Zend_View') {
    return $this->setScriptPath ( $path );
   * Alias for setScriptPath
   * @param $path string
   * @param $prefix string
   *      Unused
   * @return void
  public function addBasePath($path, $prefix = 'Zend_View') {
    return $this->setScriptPath ( $path );
   * Assign a variable to the template
   * @param $key string
   *      The variable name.
   * @param $val mixed
   *      The variable value.
   * @return void
  public function __set($key, $val) {
    $this->_smarty->assign ( $key, $val );
   * Retrieve an assigned variable
   * @param $key string
   *      The variable name.
   * @return mixed The variable value.
  public function __get($key) {
    return $this->_smarty->get_template_vars ( $key );
   * Allows testing with empty() and isset() to work
   * @param $key string
   * @return boolean
  public function __isset($key) {
    return (null !== $this->_smarty->get_template_vars ( $key ));
   * Allows unset() on object properties to work
   * @param $key string
   * @return void
  public function __unset($key) {
    $this->_smarty->clear_assign ( $key );
   * Assign variables to the template
   * Allows setting a specific key to the specified value, OR passing an array
   * of key => value pairs to set en masse.
   * @see __set()
   * @param $spec string|array
   *      The assignment strategy to use (key or array of key
   *      => value pairs)
   * @param $value mixed
   *      (Optional) If assigning a named variable, use this
   *      as the value.
   * @return void
  public function assign($spec, $value = null) {
    if (is_array ( $spec )) {
      $this->_smarty->assign ( $spec );
    $this->_smarty->assign ( $spec, $value );
   * Clear all assigned variables
   * Clears all variables assigned to Zend_View either via {@link assign()} or
   * property overloading ({@link __get()}/{@link __set()}).
   * @return void
  public function clearVars() {
    $this->_smarty->clear_all_assign ();
   * Processes a template and returns the output.
   * @param $name string
   *      The template to process.
   * @return string The output.
  public function render($name) {
    echo $this->_smarty->fetch ( $name );


includePaths.library = APPLICATION_PATH "/../library"
bootstrap.path = APPLICATION_PATH "/Bootstrap.php"
bootstrap.class = "Bootstrap"
appnamespace = "Application"
autoloadernamespaces.lq = "Lq_"
pluginpaths.Lq_View_Smarty = "Lq/View/Smarty"
resources.frontController.controllerDirectory = APPLICATION_PATH "/controllers"
resources.frontController.params.displayExceptions = 1
phpSettings.display_startup_errors = 1
phpSettings.display_errors = 1


class Bootstrap extends Zend_Application_Bootstrap_Bootstrap {
   * Initialize Smarty view
  protected function _initSmarty() {
    $smarty = new Lq_View_Smarty ();
    return $smarty;


class IndexController extends Zend_Controller_Action {
  public function init() {
     * Initialize action controller here
  public function indexAction() {
    $this->view = $this->getInvokeArg ( 'bootstrap' )->getResource ( 'smarty' );
    $this->view->book = 'Hello World! ';
    $this->view->author = 'by smarty';


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<title>Insert title here</title>


* Initialize new Smarty object
public function __construct()
    // selfpointer needed by some other class methods
    $this->smarty = $this;
    if (is_callable('mb_internal_encoding')) {
    $this->start_time = microtime(true);
    // set default dirs
    $this->setTemplateDir('/www/zf_demo1/temp/smarty' . DS . 'templates' . DS)
      ->setCompileDir('/www/zf_demo1/temp/smarty' . DS . 'templates_c' . DS)
      ->setCacheDir('/www/zf_demo1/temp/smarty' . DS . 'cache' . DS)
      ->setConfigDir('/www/zf_demo1/temp/smarty' . DS . 'configs' . DS);
    $this->debug_tpl = 'file:' . dirname(__FILE__) . '/debug.tpl';
    if (isset($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'])) {
      $this->assignGlobal('SCRIPT_NAME', $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']);

更多关于zend相关内容感兴趣的读者可查看本站专题:《Zend FrameWork框架入门教程》、《php优秀开发框架总结》、《Yii框架入门及常用技巧总结》、《ThinkPHP入门教程》、《php面向对象程序设计入门教程》、《php+mysql数据库操作入门教程》及《php常见数据库操作技巧汇总》



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  • Zend Framework教程之请求对象的封装Zend_Controller_Request实例详解
  • Zend Framework教程之动作的基类Zend_Controller_Action详解
  • Zend Framework教程之分发器Zend_Controller_Dispatcher用法详解
  • Zend Framework教程之前端控制器Zend_Controller_Front用法详解
  • Zend Framework动作助手Redirector用法实例详解
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  • Zend Framework动作助手(Zend_Controller_Action_Helper)用法详解
  • Zend Framework教程之路由功能Zend_Controller_Router详解
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